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synced 2024-12-18 03:14:06 +00:00
Preferences::sanitizeInputPhrase() transforms an input phrase by removing its whitespace/punctuation prefix and suffix. Translating a phrase from X11 primary selection or from clipboard, via mouse-over or from the command line results in such sanitization. This is useful when a punctuation mark or a space is selected accidentally alongside a word. This sanitization can be undesirable, however, when an abbreviated word is selected. For example: "etc.", "e.g.", "i.e.". This commit implements searching for the input word with the punctuation suffix preserved as an alternative form of the sanitized word to show articles for both. For example, when the word "etc." is translated from the clipboard, both "ETC" and "etc." articles are displayed. The punctuation suffix is preserved when the word is passed from the scan popup to the main window and when the translate line text is refreshed (e.g. when the current group is changed). The suffix is not stored in history and favorites (doing so would require file format changes and possibly substantial code changes, this can be implemented later if need be). Trim the input phrase once in ArticleNetworkAccessManager::getResource() instead of verbose trimming in multiple places in ArticleMaker::makeDefinitionFor(). Closes #1350.
174 lines
6.6 KiB
174 lines
6.6 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include "config.hh"
#include "dictionary.hh"
#include "instances.hh"
#include "wordfinder.hh"
/// This class generates the article's body for the given lookup request
class ArticleMaker: public QObject
Q_OBJECT // We make it QObject to use tr() conveniently
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dictionaries;
std::vector< Instances::Group > const & groups;
QString displayStyle, addonStyle;
bool needExpandOptionalParts;
bool collapseBigArticles;
int articleLimitSize;
/// On construction, a reference to all dictionaries and a reference all
/// groups' instances are to be passed. Those references are kept stored as
/// references, and as such, any changes to them would reflect on the results
/// of the inquiries, although those changes are perfectly legal.
ArticleMaker( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dictionaries,
std::vector< Instances::Group > const & groups,
QString const & displayStyle,
QString const & addonStyle);
/// Sets the display style to use for any new requests. This affects the
/// choice of the stylesheet file.
void setDisplayStyle( QString const &, QString const & addonStyle );
/// Looks up the given phrase within the given group, and creates a full html
/// page text containing its definition.
/// The result is returned as Dictionary::DataRequest just like dictionaries
/// themselves do. The difference is that the result is a complete html page
/// with all definitions from all the relevant dictionaries.
/// Contexts is a map of context values to be passed to each dictionary, where
/// the keys are dictionary ids.
/// If mutedDicts is not empty, the search would be limited only to those
/// dictionaries in group which aren't listed there.
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > makeDefinitionFor( Config::InputPhrase const & phrase, unsigned groupId,
QMap< QString, QString > const & contexts,
QSet< QString > const & mutedDicts =
QSet< QString >(),
QStringList const & dictIDs = QStringList(),
bool ignoreDiacritics = false ) const;
/// Makes up a text which states that no translation for the given word
/// was found. Sometimes it's better to call this directly when it's already
/// known that there's no translation.
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > makeNotFoundTextFor( QString const & word, QString const & group ) const;
/// Creates an 'untitled' page. The result is guaranteed to be instant.
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > makeEmptyPage() const;
/// Create page with one picture
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > makePicturePage( std::string const & url ) const;
/// Set auto expanding optional parts of articles
void setExpandOptionalParts( bool expand );
/// Add base path to file path if it's relative and file not found
/// Return true if path successfully adjusted
static bool adjustFilePath( QString & fileName );
/// Set collapse articles parameters
void setCollapseParameters( bool autoCollapse, int articleSize );
/// Makes everything up to and including the opening body tag.
std::string makeHtmlHeader( QString const & word, QString const & icon,
bool expandOptionalParts ) const;
/// Makes the html body for makeNotFoundTextFor()
static std::string makeNotFoundBody( QString const & word, QString const & group );
friend class ArticleRequest; // Allow it calling makeNotFoundBody()
/// The request specific to article maker. This should really be private,
/// but we need it to be handled by moc.
class ArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest
QString word, group;
QMap< QString, QString > contexts;
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > activeDicts;
std::set< gd::wstring > alts; // Accumulated main forms
std::list< sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > > altSearches;
bool altsDone, bodyDone;
std::list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > > bodyRequests;
bool foundAnyDefinitions;
bool closePrevSpan; // Indicates whether the last opened article span is to
// be closed after the article ends.
sptr< WordFinder > stemmedWordFinder; // Used when there're no results
/// A sequence of words and spacings between them, including the initial
/// spacing before the first word and the final spacing after the last word.
typedef QList< QString > Words;
typedef QList< QString > Spacings;
/// Splits the given string into words and spacings between them.
QPair< Words, Spacings > splitIntoWords( QString const & );
QPair< Words, Spacings > splittedWords;
int currentSplittedWordStart;
int currentSplittedWordEnd;
QString currentSplittedWordCompound;
QString lastGoodCompoundResult;
bool firstCompoundWasFound;
int articleSizeLimit;
bool needExpandOptionalParts;
bool ignoreDiacritics;
ArticleRequest( Config::InputPhrase const & phrase, QString const & group,
QMap< QString, QString > const & contexts,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts,
std::string const & header,
int sizeLimit, bool needExpandOptionalParts_,
bool ignoreDiacritics = false );
virtual void cancel();
// { finish(); } // Add our own requests cancellation here
private slots:
void altSearchFinished();
void bodyFinished();
void stemmedSearchFinished();
void individualWordFinished();
/// Appends the given string to 'data', with locking its mutex.
void appendToData( std::string const & );
/// Uses stemmedWordFinder to perform the next step of looking up word
/// combinations.
void compoundSearchNextStep( bool lastSearchSucceeded );
/// Creates a single word out of the [currentSplittedWordStart..End] range.
QString makeSplittedWordCompound();
/// Makes an html link to the given word.
std::string linkWord( QString const & );
/// Escapes the spacing between the words to include in html.
std::string escapeSpacing( QString const & );
/// Find end of corresponding </div> tag
int findEndOfCloseDiv( QString const &, int pos );