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317 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <QUrl>
#include "programs.hh"
#include "audiolink.hh"
#include "htmlescape.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include "parsecmdline.hh"
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
namespace Programs {
using namespace Dictionary;
namespace {
class ProgramsDictionary: public Dictionary::Class
Config::Program prg;
ProgramsDictionary( Config::Program const & prg_ ):
Dictionary::Class( prg_.id.toStdString(), vector< string >() ),
prg( prg_ )
virtual string getName() throw()
{ return prg.name.toUtf8().data(); }
virtual map< Property, string > getProperties() throw()
{ return map< Property, string >(); }
virtual unsigned long getArticleCount() throw()
{ return 0; }
virtual unsigned long getWordCount() throw()
{ return 0; }
virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const & word,
unsigned long maxResults )
throw( std::exception );
virtual sptr< DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &,
vector< wstring > const & alts,
wstring const & )
throw( std::exception );
virtual void loadIcon() throw();
sptr< WordSearchRequest > ProgramsDictionary::prefixMatch( wstring const & word,
unsigned long /*maxResults*/ )
throw( std::exception )
if ( prg.type == Config::Program::PrefixMatch )
return new ProgramWordSearchRequest( gd::toQString( word ), prg );
sptr< WordSearchRequestInstant > sr = new WordSearchRequestInstant;
sr->setUncertain( true );
return sr;
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ProgramsDictionary::getArticle(
wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const &, wstring const & )
throw( std::exception )
switch( prg.type )
case Config::Program::Audio:
// Audio results are instantaneous
string result;
string wordUtf8( Utf8::encode( word ) );
result += "<table class=\"programs_play\"><tr>";
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "gdprg" );
url.setHost( QString::fromUtf8( getId().c_str() ) );
url.setPath( QString::fromUtf8( wordUtf8.c_str() ) );
string ref = string( "\"" ) + url.toEncoded().data() + "\"";
result += addAudioLink( ref, getId() );
result += "<td><a href=" + ref + "><img src=\"qrcx://localhost/icons/playsound.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Play\"/></a></td>";
result += "<td><a href=" + ref + ">" +
Html::escape( wordUtf8 ) + "</a></td>";
result += "</tr></table>";
sptr< DataRequestInstant > ret = new DataRequestInstant( true );
ret->getData().resize( result.size() );
memcpy( &(ret->getData().front()), result.data(), result.size() );
return ret;
case Config::Program::Html:
case Config::Program::PlainText:
return new ProgramDataRequest( gd::toQString( word ), prg );
return new DataRequestInstant( false );
void ProgramsDictionary::loadIcon() throw()
if ( dictionaryIconLoaded )
if( !prg.iconFilename.isEmpty() )
QFileInfo fInfo( QDir( Config::getConfigDir() ), prg.iconFilename );
if( fInfo.isFile() )
loadIconFromFile( fInfo.absoluteFilePath(), true );
if( dictionaryIcon.isNull() )
dictionaryIcon = dictionaryNativeIcon = QIcon(":/icons/programs.png");
dictionaryIconLoaded = true;
RunInstance::RunInstance(): process( this )
connect( this, SIGNAL(processFinished()), this,
SLOT(handleProcessFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( &process, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SIGNAL(processFinished()));
connect( &process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this,
SIGNAL(processFinished()) );
bool RunInstance::start( Config::Program const & prg, QString const & word,
QString & error )
QStringList args = parseCommandLine( prg.commandLine );
if ( !args.empty() )
QString programName = args.first();
bool writeToStdInput = true;
for( int x = 0; x < args.size(); ++x )
if( args[ x ].indexOf( "%GDWORD%" ) >= 0 )
writeToStdInput = false;
args[ x ].replace( "%GDWORD%", word );
process.start( programName, args );
if( writeToStdInput )
process.write( word.toLocal8Bit() );
return true;
error = tr( "No program name was given." );
return false;
void RunInstance::handleProcessFinished()
// It seems that sometimes the process isn't finished yet despite being
// signalled as such. So we wait for it here, which should hopefully be
// nearly instant.
QByteArray output = process.readAllStandardOutput();
QString error;
if ( process.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit )
error = tr( "The program has crashed." );
if ( int code = process.exitCode() )
error = tr( "The program has returned exit code %1." ).arg( code );
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
QByteArray err = process.readAllStandardError();
if ( !err.isEmpty() )
error += "\n\n" + QString::fromLocal8Bit( err );
emit finished( output, error );
ProgramDataRequest::ProgramDataRequest( QString const & word,
Config::Program const & prg_ ):
prg( prg_ )
connect( &instance, SIGNAL(finished(QByteArray,QString)),
this, SLOT(instanceFinished(QByteArray,QString)) );
QString error;
if ( !instance.start( prg, word, error ) )
setErrorString( error );
void ProgramDataRequest::instanceFinished( QByteArray output, QString error )
if ( !isFinished() )
if ( !output.isEmpty() )
string result = "<div class='programs_";
switch( prg.type )
case Config::Program::PlainText:
result += "plaintext'>";
result += Html::preformat( QString::fromLocal8Bit( output ).toUtf8().data() );
result += "html'>";
// We assume html data is in utf8 encoding already.
result += output.data();
result += "</div>";
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
data.resize( result.size() );
memcpy( data.data(), result.data(), data.size() );
hasAnyData = true;
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
setErrorString( error );
void ProgramDataRequest::cancel()
ProgramWordSearchRequest::ProgramWordSearchRequest( QString const & word,
Config::Program const & prg_ ):
prg( prg_ )
connect( &instance, SIGNAL(finished(QByteArray,QString)),
this, SLOT(instanceFinished(QByteArray,QString)) );
QString error;
if ( !instance.start( prg, word, error ) )
setErrorString( error );
void ProgramWordSearchRequest::instanceFinished( QByteArray output, QString error )
if ( !isFinished() )
// Handle any Windows artifacts
output.replace( "\r\n", "\n" );
QStringList result =
QString::fromUtf8( output ).split( "\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
for( int x = 0; x < result.size(); ++x )
matches.push_back( Dictionary::WordMatch( gd::toWString( result[ x ] ) ) );
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
setErrorString( error );
void ProgramWordSearchRequest::cancel()
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries(
Config::Programs const & programs )
throw( std::exception )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > result;
for( Config::Programs::const_iterator i = programs.begin();
i != programs.end(); ++i )
if ( i->enabled )
result.push_back( new ProgramsDictionary( *i ) );
return result;