2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
# See https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/2963
class HTTPProxy
getter proxy_host : String
getter proxy_port : Int32
getter options : Hash(Symbol, String)
getter tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client?
def initialize(@proxy_host, @proxy_port = 80, @options = {} of Symbol => String)
def open(host, port, tls = nil, connection_options = {} of Symbol => Float64 | Nil)
dns_timeout = connection_options.fetch(:dns_timeout, nil)
connect_timeout = connection_options.fetch(:connect_timeout, nil)
read_timeout = connection_options.fetch(:read_timeout, nil)
socket = TCPSocket.new @proxy_host, @proxy_port, dns_timeout, connect_timeout
socket.read_timeout = read_timeout if read_timeout
socket.sync = true
socket << "CONNECT #{host}:#{port} HTTP/1.1\r\n"
if options[:user]?
credentials = Base64.strict_encode("#{options[:user]}:#{options[:password]}")
credentials = "#{credentials}\n".gsub(/\s/, "")
socket << "Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credentials}\r\n"
socket << "\r\n"
resp = parse_response(socket)
if resp[:code]? == 200
{% if !flag?(:without_openssl) %}
2019-08-14 21:28:56 +00:00
if tls
tls_socket = OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Client.new(socket, context: tls, sync_close: true, hostname: host)
socket = tls_socket
2018-11-19 16:51:30 +00:00
{% end %}
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
return socket
raise IO::Error.new(resp.inspect)
private def parse_response(socket)
resp = {} of Symbol => Int32 | String | Hash(String, String)
version, code, reason = socket.gets.as(String).chomp.split(/ /, 3)
headers = {} of String => String
while (line = socket.gets.as(String)) && (line.chomp != "")
name, value = line.split(/:/, 2)
headers[name.strip] = value.strip
resp[:version] = version
resp[:code] = code.to_i
resp[:reason] = reason
resp[:headers] = headers
return resp
class HTTPClient < HTTP::Client
def set_proxy(proxy : HTTPProxy)
@socket = proxy.open(host: @host, port: @port, tls: @tls, connection_options: proxy_connection_options)
rescue IO::Error
@socket = nil
2019-10-25 16:58:16 +00:00
def unset_proxy
@socket = nil
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
def proxy_connection_options
opts = {} of Symbol => Float64 | Nil
opts[:dns_timeout] = @dns_timeout
opts[:connect_timeout] = @connect_timeout
opts[:read_timeout] = @read_timeout
return opts
2019-10-11 02:03:25 +00:00
def exec(request)
if self.host == "www.youtube.com"
2019-10-11 03:45:46 +00:00
request.headers["x-youtube-client-name"] ||= "1"
request.headers["x-youtube-client-version"] ||= "1.20180719"
2019-10-25 22:02:33 +00:00
request.headers["user-agent"] ||= random_user_agent
request.headers["accept-charset"] ||= "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
request.headers["accept"] ||= "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
request.headers["accept-language"] ||= "en-us,en;q=0.5"
2019-11-09 19:18:19 +00:00
request.headers["cookie"] = "#{(CONFIG.cookies.map { |c| "#{c.name}=#{c.value}" }).join("; ")}; #{request.headers["cookie"]?}"
2019-10-11 02:03:25 +00:00
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
def get_proxies(country_code = "US")
2018-09-26 02:07:18 +00:00
# return get_spys_proxies(country_code)
return get_nova_proxies(country_code)
2018-10-03 15:38:07 +00:00
def filter_proxies(proxies)
proxies.select! do |proxy|
client = HTTPClient.new(YT_URL)
client.read_timeout = 10.seconds
client.connect_timeout = 10.seconds
proxy = HTTPProxy.new(proxy_host: proxy[:ip], proxy_port: proxy[:port])
client.head("/").status_code == 200
rescue ex
return proxies
2018-09-26 02:07:18 +00:00
def get_nova_proxies(country_code = "US")
country_code = country_code.downcase
client = HTTP::Client.new(URI.parse("https://www.proxynova.com"))
client.read_timeout = 10.seconds
client.connect_timeout = 10.seconds
headers = HTTP::Headers.new
headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"
headers["Accept"] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"
headers["Accept-Language"] = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9"
headers["Host"] = "www.proxynova.com"
headers["Origin"] = "https://www.proxynova.com"
headers["Referer"] = "https://www.proxynova.com/proxy-server-list/country-#{country_code}/"
response = client.get("/proxy-server-list/country-#{country_code}/", headers)
document = XML.parse_html(response.body)
proxies = [] of {ip: String, port: Int32, score: Float64}
document.xpath_nodes(%q(//tr[@data-proxy-id])).each do |node|
ip = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td/abbr/script)).not_nil!.content
ip = ip.match(/document\.write\('(?<sub1>[^']+)'.substr\(8\) \+ '(?<sub2>[^']+)'/).not_nil!
ip = "#{ip["sub1"][8..-1]}#{ip["sub2"]}"
port = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[2])).not_nil!.content.strip.to_i
anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[4]/div)).not_nil!
speed = anchor["data-value"].to_f
latency = anchor["title"].to_f
uptime = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[5]/span)).not_nil!.content.rchop("%").to_f
# TODO: Tweak me
score = (uptime*4 + speed*2 + latency)/7
proxies << {ip: ip, port: port, score: score}
2018-10-03 15:38:07 +00:00
# proxies = proxies.sort_by { |proxy| proxy[:score] }.reverse
2018-09-26 02:07:18 +00:00
return proxies
def get_spys_proxies(country_code = "US")
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
client = HTTP::Client.new(URI.parse("http://spys.one"))
client.read_timeout = 10.seconds
client.connect_timeout = 10.seconds
headers = HTTP::Headers.new
headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"
headers["Accept"] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"
headers["Accept-Language"] = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9"
headers["Host"] = "spys.one"
2018-08-14 14:40:52 +00:00
headers["Origin"] = "http://spys.one"
headers["Referer"] = "http://spys.one/free-proxy-list/#{country_code}/"
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body = {
2018-08-14 18:22:39 +00:00
"xpp" => "5",
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
"xf1" => "0",
2018-08-14 14:40:52 +00:00
"xf2" => "0",
2018-08-14 18:22:39 +00:00
"xf4" => "0",
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
"xf5" => "1",
2018-09-25 22:56:59 +00:00
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
response = client.post("/free-proxy-list/#{country_code}/", headers, form: body)
2018-09-25 22:56:59 +00:00
20.times do
if response.status_code == 200
response = client.post("/free-proxy-list/#{country_code}/", headers, form: body)
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
response = XML.parse_html(response.body)
2018-08-14 18:22:39 +00:00
mapping = response.xpath_node(%q(.//body/script)).not_nil!.content
mapping = mapping.match(/\}\('(?<p>[^']+)',\d+,\d+,'(?<x>[^']+)'/).not_nil!
p = mapping["p"].not_nil!
x = mapping["x"].not_nil!
mapping = decrypt_port(p, x)
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
proxies = [] of {ip: String, port: Int32, score: Float64}
2018-08-14 14:40:52 +00:00
response = response.xpath_node(%q(//tr/td/table)).not_nil!
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
response.xpath_nodes(%q(.//tr)).each do |node|
if !node["onmouseover"]?
ip = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[1]/font[2])).to_s.match(/<font class="spy14">(?<address>[^<]+)</).not_nil!["address"]
2018-08-14 18:22:39 +00:00
encrypted_port = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[1]/font[2]/script)).not_nil!.content
encrypted_port = encrypted_port.match(/<\\\/font>"\+(?<encrypted_port>[\d\D]+)\)$/).not_nil!["encrypted_port"]
port = ""
encrypted_port.split("+").each do |number|
number = number.delete("()")
left_side, right_side = number.split("^")
result = mapping[left_side] ^ mapping[right_side]
port = "#{port}#{result}"
port = port.to_i
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
latency = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[6])).not_nil!.content.to_f
speed = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[7]/font/table)).not_nil!["width"].to_f
uptime = node.xpath_node(%q(.//td[8]/font/acronym)).not_nil!
# Skip proxies that are down
if uptime["title"].ends_with? "?"
if md = uptime.content.match(/^\d+/)
uptime = md[0].to_f
score = (uptime*4 + speed*2 + latency)/7
proxies << {ip: ip, port: port, score: score}
2018-09-24 00:29:47 +00:00
proxies = proxies.sort_by { |proxy| proxy[:score] }.reverse
2018-08-13 14:17:28 +00:00
return proxies
2018-08-14 18:22:39 +00:00
def decrypt_port(p, x)
x = x.split("^")
s = {} of String => String
60.times do |i|
if x[i]?.try &.empty?
s[y_func(i)] = y_func(i)
s[y_func(i)] = x[i]
x = s
p = p.gsub(/\b\w+\b/, x)
p = p.split(";")
p = p.map { |item| item.split("=") }
mapping = {} of String => Int32
p.each do |item|
if item == [""]
key = item[0]
value = item[1]
value = value.split("^")
if value.size == 1
value = value[0].to_i
left_side = value[0].to_i?
left_side ||= mapping[value[0]]
right_side = value[1].to_i?
right_side ||= mapping[value[1]]
value = left_side ^ right_side
mapping[key] = value
return mapping
def y_func(c)
return (c < 60 ? "" : y_func((c/60).to_i)) + ((c = c % 60) > 35 ? ((c.to_u8 + 29).unsafe_chr) : c.to_s(36))
2018-11-19 16:51:30 +00:00
2019-02-07 03:29:31 +00:00
"GB" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 36624}],
"DE" => [{ip: "", port: 31288}, {ip: "", port: 32574}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 38827}],
"FR" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 32231}, {ip: "", port: 808}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 9999}],
"IN" => [{ip: "", port: 36253}, {ip: "", port: 39142}, {ip: "", port: 16538}, {ip: "", port: 16538}, {ip: "", port: 60227}, {ip: "", port: 51451}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 50820}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 54806}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 41386}, {ip: "", port: 49638}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 48809}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 61489}, {ip: "", port: 32731}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 39847}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 81}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 39804}, {ip: "", port: 81}, {ip: "", port: 49068}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 50862}, {ip: "", port: 33960}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 59563}, {ip: "", port: 38345}, {ip: "", port: 21776}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 57660}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 37769}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 36127}, {ip: "", port: 33889}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 59308}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 82}, {ip: "", port: 40524}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 82}, {ip: "", port: 84}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 82}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 84}, {ip: "", port: 83}, {ip: "", port: 84}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 30337}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 6666}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 56173}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 51214}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 49551}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 44915}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 31062}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 36630}, {ip: "", port: 36630}, {ip: "", port: 360
"CN" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}],
"RU" => [{ip: "", port: 45689}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 51919}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 61822}, {ip: "", port: 37564}, {ip: "", port: 31773}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 39125}, {ip: "", port: 45991}, {ip: "", port: 30797}, {ip: "", port: 46347}, {ip: "", port: 53983}, {ip: "", port: 42663}, {ip: "", port: 36529}, {ip: "", port: 59916}, {ip: "", port: 52125}, {ip: "", port: 31004}, {ip: "", port: 44812}, {ip: "", port: 54353}, {ip: "", port: 31252}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 48968}, {ip: "", port: 52574}, {ip: "", port: 39120}, {ip: "", port: 50016}, {ip: "", port: 56962}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 21213}, {ip: "", port: 34471}, {ip: "", port: 33470}, {ip: "", port: 30120}, {ip: "", port: 58901}, {ip: "", port: 46322}, {ip: "", port: 21776}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 33996}, {ip: "", port: 61142}, {ip: "", port: 55589}, {ip: "", port: 47337}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53100}, {ip: "", port: 44331}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 60787}, {ip: "", port: 61227}, {ip: "", port: 39422}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 48129}, {ip: "", port: 35252}, {ip: "", port: 44648}, {ip: "", port: 35656}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 51336}, {ip: "", port: 32649}, {ip: "", port: 47278}, {ip: "", port: 60339}, {ip: "", port: 35604}, {ip: "", port: 35340}, {ip: "", port: 53883}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53295}, {ip: "", port: 46788}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 49707}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 57307}, {ip: "", port: 38020}, {ip: "", port: 31309}, {ip: "", port: 46688}, {ip: "", port: 50411}, {ip: "", port: 41879}, {ip: "", port: 40654}, {ip: "", port: 30215}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 31747}, {ip: "", port: 61287}, {ip: "", port: 10010}, {ip: "", port: 1448}, {ip: "", port: 10010}, {ip: "", port: 1448}, {ip: "", port: 3130}, {ip: "", port: 59248}, {ip: "", port: 59288}, {ip: "", port: 57736}, {ip: "", port: 53500}, {ip: "", port: 60724}, {ip: "", port: 53700}, {ip: "", port: 63238}, {ip: "", port: 39935}, {ip: "", port: 33060}, {ip: "", port: 49107}, {ip: "", port: 53504}, {ip: "", port: 56285}, {ip: "", port: 60819}, {ip: "", port: 39345}, {ip: "", port: 47113}, {ip: "", port: 56899}, {ip: "", port: 60332}, {ip: "", port: 38264}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 57143}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 60577}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 52048}, {ip: "", port: 49774}, {ip: "", port: 36910
"CA" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 54154}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 36127}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 38861}, {ip: "", port: 41564}],
"JP" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 55725}],
"IT" => [{ip: "", port: 53517}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 55583}, {ip: "", port: 56006}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 41369}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 53803}],
"TH" => [{ip: "", port: 57330}, {ip: "", port: 55011}, {ip: "", port: 32431}, {ip: "", port: 34360}, {ip: "", port: 53711}, {ip: "", port: 62000}, {ip: "", port: 51635}, {ip: "", port: 38715}, {ip: "", port: 51093}, {ip: "", port: 31940}, {ip: "", port: 30593}, {ip: "", port: 48564}, {ip: "", port: 46178}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53794}, {ip: "", port: 55707}, {ip: "", port: 35394}, {ip: "", port: 36234}, {ip: "", port: 40296}, {ip: "", port: 40544}, {ip: "", port: 55422}, {ip: "", port: 53142}, {ip: "", port: 60122}, {ip: "", port: 32123}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 36127}, {ip: "", port: 42860}, {ip: "", port: 60417}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 35844}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 47297}, {ip: "", port: 32780}, {ip: "", port: 35686}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53276}, {ip: "", port: 58535}, {ip: "", port: 30430}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 41222}, {ip: "", port: 39025}, {ip: "", port: 41011}, {ip: "", port: 59556}, {ip: "", port: 55041}, {ip: "", port: 31561}, {ip: "", port: 47455}, {ip: "", port: 40924}, {ip: "", port: 46326}, {ip: "", port: 53084}, {ip: "", port: 41926}, {ip: "", port: 57403}, {ip: "", port: 59149}, {ip: "", port: 42626}, {ip: "", port: 38006}, {ip: "", port: 38959}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 50738}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 61699}, {ip: "", port: 44321}, {ip: "", port: 33850}, {ip: "", port: 40808}, {ip: "", port: 47221}, {ip: "", port: 30100}, {ip: "", port: 55637}, {ip: "", port: 38537}, {ip: "", port: 31818}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 49163}, {ip: "", port: 48431}, {ip: "", port: 48507}, {ip: "", port: 36628}, {ip: "", port: 51565}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 58861}, {ip: "", port: 36286}, {ip: "", port: 34084}, {ip: "", port: 34825}, {ip: "", port: 48708}, {ip: "", port: 53799}, {ip: "", port: 34307}, {ip: "", port: 45330}, {ip: "", port: 54228}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8081}, {ip: "", port: 43083}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}],
"ES" => [{ip: "", port: 48122}, {ip: "", port: 36012}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 33950}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 61711}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 33680}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 37995}],
"AE" => [{ip: "", port: 36159}],
"KR" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 58115}, {ip: "", port: 31409}, {ip: "", port: 38592}, {ip: "", port: 53281}],
"BR" => [{ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 35252}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 41396}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 50600}, {ip: "", port: 61932}, {ip: "", port: 23492}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 52688}, {ip: "", port: 41184}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 40687}, {ip: "", port: 57856}, {ip: "", port: 37279}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 40056}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 31935}, {ip: "", port: 32009}, {ip: "", port: 42267}, {ip: "", port: 46342}, {ip: "", port: 60337}, {ip: "", port: 50359}, {ip: "", port: 50359}, {ip: "", port: 34314}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 37124}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 42981}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 55091}, {ip: "", port: 50556}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 42510}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 39508}, {ip: "", port: 58623}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 666}, {ip: "", port: 47556}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 49608}, {ip: "", port: 37315}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 21231}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 60901}, {ip: "", port: 57526}, {ip: "", port: 37147}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 54381}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 35955}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 56052}, {ip: "", port: 50569}, {ip: "", port: 53095}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53100}, {ip: "", port: 38983}, {ip: "", port: 48999}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 34334}, {ip: "", port: 36756}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 31773}, {ip: "", port: 32708}, {ip: "", port: 48957}, {ip: "", port: 43082}, {ip: "", port: 48698}, {ip: "", port: 56089}, {ip: "", port: 33834}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 8888}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53482}, {ip: "", port: 52018}, {ip: "", port: 60774}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53396}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "", port: 20183}, {ip: "",
"PK" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 36651}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 31653}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 35087}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 59538}, {ip: "", port: 33002}, {ip: "", port: 8080}],
"ID" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 6969}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 53560}, {ip: "", port: 41043}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 48196}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 49781}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 49089}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 49573}, {ip: "", port: 33929}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 37581}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8181}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 53634}, {ip: "", port: 33543}, {ip: "", port: 51229}, {ip: "", port: 30827}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 57655}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 33442}, {ip: "", port: 53297}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 59538}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 41508}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 17385}, {ip: "", port: 34881}, {ip: "", port: 54791}, {ip: "", port: 55898}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 46935}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53990}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 58276}, {ip: "", port: 34190}, {ip: "", port: 8088}, {ip: "", port: 35220}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 47562}, {ip: "", port: 32523}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 59532}, {ip: "", port: 4550}, {ip: "", port: 31773}, {ip: "", port: 47421}, {ip: "", port: 42371}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 54041}, {ip: "", port: 55655}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 49833}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 57338}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 4550}, {ip: "", port: 43108}, {ip: "", port: 8000}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 58567}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {
"BD" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 31094}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 21776}, {ip: "", port: 49688}, {ip: "", port: 21776}, {ip: "", port: 59008}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 51370}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 65301}, {ip: "", port: 40071}, {ip: "", port: 40071}, {ip: "", port: 52606}, {ip: "", port: 42764}, {ip: "", port: 39611}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 36899}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 55124}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 40536}, {ip: "", port: 53451}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 33623}, {ip: "", port: 61729}, {ip: "", port: 60122}, {ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 52220}, {ip: "", port: 52344}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 43252}, {ip: "", port: 49464}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 41418}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 80}, {ip: "", port: 8080}],
"MX" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53455}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 33796}, {ip: "", port: 43286}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 37193}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 53281}],
"PH" => [{ip: "", port: 23500}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 8080}],
"EG" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}],
"VN" => [{ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 60427}, {ip: "", port: 57967}, {ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 30028}, {ip: "", port: 46281}, {ip: "", port: 34619}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 47228}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 41973}, {ip: "", port: 51487}, {ip: "", port: 55184}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 61651}, {ip: "", port: 53281}, {ip: "", port: 36077}, {ip: "", port: 52148}],
"CD" => [{ip: "", port: 8080}],
"TR" => [{ip: "", port: 3128}, {ip: "", port: 37043}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 41258}, {ip: "", port: 41336}, {ip: "", port: 52598}, {ip: "", port: 40080}, {ip: "", port: 44621}, {ip: "", port: 31871}, {ip: "", port: 31871}, {ip: "", port: 34159}, {ip: "", port: 30636}, {ip: "", port: 34514}, {ip: "", port: 36426}, {ip: "", port: 8080}, {ip: "", port: 9090}],
2018-11-19 16:51:30 +00:00