The Top feed used to be a feed based on YouTube ratings. Once YouTube removed
publicly available ratings the Top feed was removed from Invidious but the
option to display a link to it remained.
Error handling has been reworked to always go through the new `error_template`,
`error_json` and `error_atom` macros.
They all accept a status code followed by a string message or an exception
object. `error_json` accepts a hash with additional fields as third argument.
If the second argument is an exception a backtrace will be printed, if it is a
string only the string is printed. Since up till now only the exception message
was printed a new `InfoException` class was added for situations where no
backtrace is intended but a string cannot be used.
`error_template` with a string message automatically localizes the message.
Missing error translations have been collected in
`error_json` with a string message does not localize the message. This is the
same as previous behavior. If translations are desired for `error_json` they
can be added easily but those error messages have not been collected yet.
Uncaught exceptions previously only printed a generic message ("Looks like
you've found a bug in Invidious. [...]"). They still print that message
but now also include a backtrace.