module HTTP::Handler @@exclude_routes_tree = Radix::Tree(String).new macro exclude(paths, method = "GET") class_name = {{}} method_downcase = {{method.downcase}} class_name_method = "#{class_name}/#{method_downcase}" ({{paths}}).each do |path| @@exclude_routes_tree.add class_name_method + path, '/' + method_downcase + path end end def exclude_match?(env : HTTP::Server::Context) @@exclude_routes_tree.find(radix_path(env.request.method, env.request.path)).found? end private def radix_path(method : String, path : String) "#{self.class}/#{method.downcase}#{path}" end end class Kemal::RouteHandler exclude ["/api/v1/*"] # Processes the route if it's a match. Otherwise renders 404. private def process_request(context) raise unless context.route_found? content = if !Kemal.config.error_handlers.empty? && Kemal.config.error_handlers.has_key?(context.response.status_code) && exclude_match?(context) raise end context.response.print(content) context end end class Kemal::ExceptionHandler exclude ["/api/v1/*"] private def call_exception_with_status_code(context : HTTP::Server::Context, exception : Exception, status_code : Int32) return if context.response.closed? return if exclude_match? context if !Kemal.config.error_handlers.empty? && Kemal.config.error_handlers.has_key?(status_code) context.response.content_type = "text/html" unless context.response.headers.has_key?("Content-Type") context.response.status_code = status_code context.response.print Kemal.config.error_handlers[status_code].call(context, exception) context end end end class FilteredCompressHandler < Kemal::Handler exclude ["/videoplayback", "/videoplayback/*", "/vi/*", "/ggpht/*"] def call(env) return call_next env if exclude_match? env {% if flag?(:without_zlib) %} call_next env {% else %} request_headers = env.request.headers if request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) elsif request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "deflate") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) end call_next env {% end %} end end class APIHandler < Kemal::Handler only ["/api/v1/*"] def call(env) return call_next env unless only_match? env env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" # Here we swap out the socket IO so we can modify the response as needed output = env.response.output env.response.output = begin call_next env env.response.output.rewind response = env.response.output.gets_to_end if env.response.headers["Content-Type"]?.try &.== "application/json" response = JSON.parse(response) if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" response = response.to_pretty_json else response = response.to_json end end rescue ensure env.response.output = output env.response.puts response env.response.flush end end end class DenyFrame < Kemal::Handler exclude ["/embed/*"] def call(env) return call_next env if exclude_match? env env.response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "sameorigin" call_next env end end # Temp fix for class HTTP::Client private def handle_response(response) # close unless response.keep_alive? response end end