class InvidiousChannel add_mapping({ id: String, author: String, updated: Time, }) end class ChannelVideo add_mapping({ id: String, title: String, published: Time, updated: Time, ucid: String, author: String, }) end def get_channel(id, client, db, refresh = true, pull_all_videos = true) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM channels WHERE id = $1)", id, as: Bool) channel = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = $1", id, as: InvidiousChannel) if refresh && - channel.updated > 10.minutes channel = fetch_channel(id, client, db, pull_all_videos) channel_array = channel.to_a args = arg_array(channel_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET updated = $3", channel_array) end else channel = fetch_channel(id, client, db, pull_all_videos) args = arg_array(channel.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args})", channel.to_a) end return channel end def fetch_channel(ucid, client, db, pull_all_videos = true) rss = client.get("/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=#{ucid}").body rss = XML.parse_html(rss) author = rss.xpath_node(%q(//feed/title)) if !author raise "Deleted or invalid channel" end author = author.content # Auto-generated channels # if author.ends_with?(" - Topic") || {"Popular on YouTube", "Music", "Sports", "Gaming"}.includes? author auto_generated = true end if !pull_all_videos rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry| video_id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content title = entry.xpath_node("title").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content, "%FT%X%z", Time::Location.local) updated = Time.parse(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content, "%FT%X%z", Time::Location.local) author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content ucid = entry.xpath_node("channelid").not_nil!.content video =, title, published,, ucid, author) db.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \ WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications)",, video.published, ucid) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, \ updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6", video_array) end else page = 1 ids = [] of String loop do url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) else break end if auto_generated videos = extract_videos(nodeset) else videos = extract_videos(nodeset, ucid) end count = nodeset.size videos = { |video|, video.title, video.published,, video.ucid, } videos.each do |video| ids << db.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \ WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications)",, video.published, ucid) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args}) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET published = $3", video_array) end if count < 30 break end page += 1 end # When a video is deleted from a channel, we find and remove it here db.exec("DELETE FROM channel_videos * WHERE NOT id = ANY ('{#{ { |id| %("#{id}") }.join(",")}}') AND ucid = $1", ucid) end channel =, author, return channel end def produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil) if auto_generated seed = Time.epoch(1525757349) until seed >= seed += 1.month end timestamp = seed - (page - 1).months page = "#{timestamp.epoch}" switch = "\x36" else page = "#{page}" switch = "\x00" end meta = "\x12\x06videos #{switch}\x30\x02\x38\x01\x60\x01\x6a\x00\x7a" meta += page.size.to_u8.unsafe_chr meta += page meta += "\xb8\x01\x00" meta = Base64.urlsafe_encode(meta) meta = URI.escape(meta) continuation = "\x12" continuation += ucid.size.to_u8.unsafe_chr continuation += ucid continuation += "\x1a" continuation += meta.size.to_u8.unsafe_chr continuation += meta continuation = continuation.size.to_u8.unsafe_chr + continuation continuation = "\xe2\xa9\x85\xb2\x02" + continuation continuation = Base64.urlsafe_encode(continuation) continuation = URI.escape(continuation) url = "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{continuation}" return url end