struct SearchVideo def to_xml(host_url, auto_generated, query_params, xml : XML::Builder) query_params["v"] = xml.element("entry") do xml.element("id") { xml.text "yt:video:#{}" } xml.element("yt:videoId") { xml.text } xml.element("yt:channelId") { xml.text self.ucid } xml.element("title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("link", rel: "alternate", href: "#{host_url}/watch?#{query_params}") xml.element("author") do if auto_generated xml.element("name") { xml.text } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{host_url}/channel/#{self.ucid}" } else xml.element("name") { xml.text author } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{host_url}/channel/#{ucid}" } end end xml.element("content", type: "xhtml") do xml.element("div", xmlns: "") do xml.element("a", href: "#{host_url}/watch?#{query_params}") do xml.element("img", src: "#{host_url}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg") end xml.element("p", style: "white-space:pre-wrap") { xml.text html_to_content(self.description_html) } end end xml.element("published") { xml.text self.published.to_s("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") } xml.element("media:group") do xml.element("media:title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("media:thumbnail", url: "#{host_url}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg", width: "320", height: "180") xml.element("media:description") { xml.text html_to_content(self.description_html) } end xml.element("media:community") do xml.element("media:statistics", views: self.views) end end end def to_xml(host_url, auto_generated, query_params, xml : XML::Builder | Nil = nil) if xml to_xml(host_url, auto_generated, query_params, xml) else do |json| to_xml(host_url, auto_generated, query_params, xml) end end end def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "video" json.field "title", self.title json.field "videoId", json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json,, config, kemal_config) end json.field "description", html_to_content(self.description_html) json.field "descriptionHtml", self.description_html json.field "viewCount", self.views json.field "published", self.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(self.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", self.live_now json.field "paid", self.paid json.field "premium", self.premium end end def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil) if json to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) else do |json| to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) end end end db_mapping({ title: String, id: String, author: String, ucid: String, published: Time, views: Int64, description_html: String, length_seconds: Int32, live_now: Bool, paid: Bool, premium: Bool, premiere_timestamp: Time?, }) end struct SearchPlaylistVideo db_mapping({ title: String, id: String, length_seconds: Int32, }) end struct SearchPlaylist def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "playlist" json.field "title", self.title json.field "playlistId", json.field "playlistThumbnail", self.thumbnail json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "videoCount", self.video_count json.field "videos" do json.array do self.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json,, config, Kemal.config) end end end end end end end def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil) if json to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) else do |json| to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) end end end db_mapping({ title: String, id: String, author: String, ucid: String, video_count: Int32, videos: Array(SearchPlaylistVideo), thumbnail: String?, }) end struct SearchChannel def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "channel" json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = {32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512} qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", self.author_thumbnail.gsub(/=\d+/, "=s#{quality}") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "autoGenerated", self.auto_generated json.field "subCount", self.subscriber_count json.field "videoCount", self.video_count json.field "description", html_to_content(self.description_html) json.field "descriptionHtml", self.description_html end end def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil) if json to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) else do |json| to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) end end end db_mapping({ author: String, ucid: String, author_thumbnail: String, subscriber_count: Int32, video_count: Int32, description_html: String, auto_generated: Bool, }) end alias SearchItem = SearchVideo | SearchChannel | SearchPlaylist def channel_search(query, page, channel) response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/channel/#{channel}?disable_polymer=1&hl=en&gl=US") document = XML.parse_html(response.body) canonical = document.xpath_node(%q(//link[@rel="canonical"])) if !canonical response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/c/#{channel}?disable_polymer=1&hl=en&gl=US") document = XML.parse_html(response.body) canonical = document.xpath_node(%q(//link[@rel="canonical"])) end if !canonical response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/user/#{channel}?disable_polymer=1&hl=en&gl=US") document = XML.parse_html(response.body) canonical = document.xpath_node(%q(//link[@rel="canonical"])) end if !canonical return 0, [] of SearchItem end ucid = canonical["href"].split("/")[-1] url = produce_channel_search_url(ucid, query, page) response = YT_POOL.client &.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) count = nodeset.size items = extract_items(nodeset) else count = 0 items = [] of SearchItem end return count, items end def search(query, page = 1, search_params = produce_search_params(content_type: "all"), region = nil) if query.empty? return {0, [] of SearchItem} end html = YT_POOL.client(region, &.get("/results?q=#{URI.encode_www_form(query)}&page=#{page}&sp=#{search_params}&hl=en&disable_polymer=1").body) if html.empty? return {0, [] of SearchItem} end html = XML.parse_html(html) nodeset = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)) items = extract_items(nodeset) return {nodeset.size, items} end def produce_search_params(sort : String = "relevance", date : String = "", content_type : String = "", duration : String = "", features : Array(String) = [] of String) object = { "1:varint" => 0_i64, "2:embedded" => {} of String => Int64, } case sort when "relevance" object["1:varint"] = 0_i64 when "rating" object["1:varint"] = 1_i64 when "upload_date", "date" object["1:varint"] = 2_i64 when "view_count", "views" object["1:varint"] = 3_i64 else raise "No sort #{sort}" end case date when "hour" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["1:varint"] = 1_i64 when "today" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["1:varint"] = 2_i64 when "week" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["1:varint"] = 3_i64 when "month" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["1:varint"] = 4_i64 when "year" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["1:varint"] = 5_i64 end case content_type when "video" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 1_i64 when "channel" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 2_i64 when "playlist" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 3_i64 when "movie" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 4_i64 when "show" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 5_i64 when "all" # else object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["2:varint"] = 1_i64 end case duration when "short" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["3:varint"] = 1_i64 when "long" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["3:varint"] = 18_i64 end features.each do |feature| case feature when "hd" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["4:varint"] = 1_i64 when "subtitles" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["5:varint"] = 1_i64 when "creative_commons", "cc" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["6:varint"] = 1_i64 when "3d" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["7:varint"] = 1_i64 when "live", "livestream" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["8:varint"] = 1_i64 when "purchased" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["9:varint"] = 1_i64 when "4k" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["14:varint"] = 1_i64 when "360" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["15:varint"] = 1_i64 when "location" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["23:varint"] = 1_i64 when "hdr" object["2:embedded"].as(Hash)["25:varint"] = 1_i64 end end params = object.try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(object) } .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) } .try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i, padding: false) } return params end def produce_channel_search_url(ucid, query, page) object = { "80226972:embedded" => { "2:string" => ucid, "3:base64" => { "2:string" => "search", "6:varint" => 2_i64, "7:varint" => 1_i64, "12:varint" => 1_i64, "13:string" => "", "23:varint" => 0_i64, "15:string" => "#{page}", }, "11:string" => query, }, } continuation = object.try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(object) } .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) } .try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i) } .try { |i| URI.encode_www_form(i) } return "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{continuation}&gl=US&hl=en" end def process_search_query(query, page, user, region) if user user = view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(}" end channel = nil content_type = "all" date = "" duration = "" features = [] of String sort = "relevance" subscriptions = nil operators = query.split(" ").select { |a| a.match(/\w+:[\w,]+/) } operators.each do |operator| key, value = operator.downcase.split(":") case key when "channel", "user" channel = operator.split(":")[-1] when "content_type", "type" content_type = value when "date" date = value when "duration" duration = value when "feature", "features" features = value.split(",") when "sort" sort = value when "subscriptions" subscriptions = value == "true" else operators.delete(operator) end end search_query = (query.split(" ") - operators).join(" ") if channel count, items = channel_search(search_query, page, channel) elsif subscriptions if view_name items = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT id,title,published,updated,ucid,author,length_seconds FROM ( SELECT *, to_tsvector(#{view_name}.title) || to_tsvector(#{view_name}.author) as document FROM #{view_name} ) v_search WHERE v_search.document @@ plainto_tsquery($1) LIMIT 20 OFFSET $2;", search_query, (page - 1) * 20, as: ChannelVideo) count = items.size else items = [] of ChannelVideo count = 0 end else search_params = produce_search_params(sort: sort, date: date, content_type: content_type, duration: duration, features: features) count, items = search(search_query, page, search_params, region).as(Tuple) end {search_query, count, items} end