require "crypto/bcrypt/password" struct User module PreferencesConverter def self.from_rs(rs) begin Preferences.from_json( rescue ex Preferences.from_json("{}") end end end db_mapping({ updated: Time, notifications: Array(String), subscriptions: Array(String), email: String, preferences: { type: Preferences, converter: PreferencesConverter, }, password: String?, token: String, watched: Array(String), feed_needs_update: Bool?, }) end struct Preferences module StringToArray def self.to_json(value : Array(String), json : JSON::Builder) json.array do value.each do |element| json.string element end end end def self.from_json(value : JSON::PullParser) : Array(String) begin result = [] of String value.read_array do result << HTML.escape(value.read_string) end rescue ex result = [HTML.escape(value.read_string), ""] end result end def self.to_yaml(value : Array(String), yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) yaml.sequence do value.each do |element| yaml.scalar element end end end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : Array(String) begin unless node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Sequence) node.raise "Expected sequence, not #{node.class}" end result = [] of String node.nodes.each do |item| unless item.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) node.raise "Expected scalar, not #{item.class}" end result << HTML.escape(item.value) end rescue ex if node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) result = [HTML.escape(node.value), ""] else result = ["", ""] end end result end end module EscapeString def self.to_json(value : String, json : JSON::Builder) json.string value end def self.from_json(value : JSON::PullParser) : String HTML.escape(value.read_string) end def self.to_yaml(value : String, yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) yaml.scalar value end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : String HTML.escape(node.value) end end json_mapping({ annotations: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.annotations}, annotations_subscribed: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.annotations_subscribed}, autoplay: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.autoplay}, captions: {type: Array(String), default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.captions, converter: StringToArray}, comments: {type: Array(String), default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.comments, converter: StringToArray}, continue: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.continue}, continue_autoplay: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.continue_autoplay}, dark_mode: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.dark_mode}, latest_only: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.latest_only}, listen: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.listen}, local: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.local}, locale: {type: String, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.locale, converter: EscapeString}, max_results: {type: Int32, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.max_results}, notifications_only: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.notifications_only}, quality: {type: String, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.quality, converter: EscapeString}, redirect_feed: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.redirect_feed}, related_videos: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.related_videos}, sort: {type: String, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.sort, converter: EscapeString}, speed: {type: Float32, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.speed}, thin_mode: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.thin_mode}, unseen_only: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.unseen_only}, video_loop: {type: Bool, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.video_loop}, volume: {type: Int32, default: CONFIG.default_user_preferences.volume}, }) end def get_user(sid, headers, db, refresh = true) if email = db.query_one?("SELECT email FROM session_ids WHERE id = $1", sid, as: String) user = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $1", email, as: User) if refresh && - user.updated > 1.minute user, sid = fetch_user(sid, headers, db) user_array = user.to_a user_array[4] = user_array[4].to_json args = arg_array(user_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET updated = $1, subscriptions = $3", user_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO session_ids VALUES ($1,$2,$3) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING", sid,, begin view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(}" db.exec("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW #{view_name} AS \ SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (SELECT unnest(subscriptions) FROM users WHERE email = E'#{"'", "\\'")}') ORDER BY published DESC") rescue ex end end else user, sid = fetch_user(sid, headers, db) user_array = user.to_a user_array[4] = user_array[4].to_json args = arg_array(user.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET updated = $1, subscriptions = $3", user_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO session_ids VALUES ($1,$2,$3) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING", sid,, begin view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(}" db.exec("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW #{view_name} AS \ SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (SELECT unnest(subscriptions) FROM users WHERE email = E'#{"'", "\\'")}') ORDER BY published DESC") rescue ex end end return user, sid end def fetch_user(sid, headers, db) client = make_client(YT_URL) feed = client.get("/subscription_manager?disable_polymer=1", headers) feed = XML.parse_html(feed.body) channels = [] of String channels = feed.xpath_nodes(%q(//ul[@id="guide-channels"]/li/a)).compact_map do |channel| if {"Popular on YouTube", "Music", "Sports", "Gaming"}.includes? channel["title"] nil else channel["href"].lstrip("/channel/") end end channels = get_batch_channels(channels, db, false, false) email = feed.xpath_node(%q(//a[@class="yt-masthead-picker-header yt-masthead-picker-active-account"])) if email email = email.content.strip else email = "" end token = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Random::Secure.random_bytes(32)) user =, [] of String, channels, email, CONFIG.default_user_preferences, nil, token, [] of String, true) return user, sid end def create_user(sid, email, password) password = Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.create(password, cost: 10) token = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Random::Secure.random_bytes(32)) user =, [] of String, [] of String, email, CONFIG.default_user_preferences, password.to_s, token, [] of String, true) return user, sid end def generate_captcha(key, db) second = Random::Secure.rand(12) second_angle = second * 30 second = second * 5 minute = Random::Secure.rand(12) minute_angle = minute * 30 minute = minute * 5 hour = Random::Secure.rand(12) hour_angle = hour * 30 + minute_angle.to_f / 12 if hour == 0 hour = 12 end clock_svg = <<-END_SVG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 END_SVG image = "" convert = -density 1200 -resize 400x400 -background none svg:- png:-), shell: true, input:, output: Process::Redirect::Pipe) do |proc| image = proc.output.gets_to_end image = Base64.strict_encode(image) image = "data:image/png;base64,#{image}" end answer = "#{hour}:#{minute.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{second.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}" answer = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha256, key, answer) return { question: image, tokens: {generate_response(answer, {":login"}, key, db, use_nonce: true)}, } end def generate_text_captcha(key, db) response = make_client(TEXTCAPTCHA_URL).get("/").body response = JSON.parse(response) tokens = response["a"] do |answer| generate_response(answer.as_s, {":login"}, key, db, use_nonce: true) end return { question: response["q"].as_s, tokens: tokens, } end def subscribe_ajax(channel_id, action, env_headers) headers = headers["Cookie"] = env_headers["Cookie"] client = make_client(YT_URL) html = client.get("/subscription_manager?disable_polymer=1", headers) cookies = HTTP::Cookies.from_headers(headers) html.cookies.each do |cookie| if {"VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE", "YSC", "SIDCC"}.includes? if cookies[]? cookies[] = cookie else cookies << cookie end end end headers = cookies.add_request_headers(headers) if match = html.body.match(/'XSRF_TOKEN': "(?[A-Za-z0-9\_\-\=]+)"/) session_token = match["session_token"] headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" post_req = { "session_token" => session_token, } post_url = "/subscription_ajax?#{action}=1&c=#{channel_id}", headers, form: post_req) end end def get_subscription_feed(db, user, max_results = 40, page = 1) limit = max_results.clamp(0, MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE) offset = (page - 1) * limit notifications = db.query_one("SELECT notifications FROM users WHERE email = $1",, as: Array(String)) view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(}" if user.preferences.notifications_only && !notifications.empty? # Only show notifications args = arg_array(notifications) notifications = db.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE id IN (#{args}) ORDER BY published DESC", notifications, as: ChannelVideo) videos = [] of ChannelVideo notifications.sort_by! { |video| video.published }.reverse! case user.preferences.sort when "alphabetically" notifications.sort_by! { |video| video.title } when "alphabetically - reverse" notifications.sort_by! { |video| video.title }.reverse! when "channel name" notifications.sort_by! { |video| } when "channel name - reverse" notifications.sort_by! { |video| }.reverse! end else if user.preferences.latest_only if user.preferences.unseen_only # Show latest video from a channel that a user hasn't watched # "unseen_only" isn't really correct here, more accurate would be "unwatched_only" if user.watched.empty? values = "'{}'" else values = "VALUES #{ { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",")}" end videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM #{view_name} WHERE \ NOT id = ANY (#{values}) \ ORDER BY ucid, published DESC", as: ChannelVideo) else # Show latest video from each channel videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM #{view_name} \ ORDER BY ucid, published DESC", as: ChannelVideo) end videos.sort_by! { |video| video.published }.reverse! else if user.preferences.unseen_only # Only show unwatched if user.watched.empty? values = "'{}'" else values = "VALUES #{ { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",")}" end videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM #{view_name} WHERE \ NOT id = ANY (#{values}) \ ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2", limit, offset, as: ChannelVideo) else # Sort subscriptions as normal videos = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM #{view_name} \ ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2", limit, offset, as: ChannelVideo) end end case user.preferences.sort when "published - reverse" videos.sort_by! { |video| video.published } when "alphabetically" videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title } when "alphabetically - reverse" videos.sort_by! { |video| video.title }.reverse! when "channel name" videos.sort_by! { |video| } when "channel name - reverse" videos.sort_by! { |video| }.reverse! end notifications = PG_DB.query_one("SELECT notifications FROM users WHERE email = $1",, as: Array(String)) notifications = { |v| notifications.includes? } videos = videos - notifications end if !limit videos = videos[0..max_results] end return videos, notifications end