class User module PreferencesConverter def self.from_rs(rs) begin Preferences.from_json( rescue ex DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES end end end add_mapping({ id: String, updated: Time, notifications: Array(String), subscriptions: Array(String), email: String, preferences: { type: Preferences, default: DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES, converter: PreferencesConverter, }, password: String?, token: String, watched: Array(String), }) end DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES = Preferences.from_json({ "video_loop" => false, "autoplay" => false, "speed" => 1.0, "quality" => "hd720", "volume" => 100, "comments" => "youtube", "dark_mode" => false, "thin_mode " => false, "max_results" => 40, "sort" => "published", "latest_only" => false, "unseen_only" => false, }.to_json) # TODO: Migrate preferences so fields will not be nilable class Preferences JSON.mapping({ video_loop: Bool, autoplay: Bool, speed: Float32, quality: String, volume: Int32, comments: { type: String, nilable: true, default: "youtube", }, redirect_feed: { type: Bool, nilable: true, default: false, }, dark_mode: Bool, thin_mode: { type: Bool, nilable: true, default: false, }, max_results: Int32, sort: String, latest_only: Bool, unseen_only: Bool, notifications_only: { type: Bool, nilable: true, default: false, }, }) end def get_user(sid, client, headers, db, refresh = true) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM users WHERE id = $1)", sid, as: Bool) user = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", sid, as: User) if refresh && - user.updated > 1.minute user = fetch_user(sid, client, headers, db) user_array = user.to_a user_array[5] = user_array[5].to_json args = arg_array(user_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET id = $1, updated = $2, subscriptions = $4", user_array) end else user = fetch_user(sid, client, headers, db) user_array = user.to_a user_array[5] = user_array[5].to_json args = arg_array(user.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET id = $1, updated = $2, subscriptions = $4", user_array) end return user end def fetch_user(sid, client, headers, db) feed = client.get("/subscription_manager?disable_polymer=1", headers) feed = XML.parse_html(feed.body) channels = [] of String feed.xpath_nodes(%q(//ul[@id="guide-channels"]/li/a)).each do |channel| if !["Popular on YouTube", "Music", "Sports", "Gaming"].includes? channel["title"] channel_id = channel["href"].lstrip("/channel/") begin channel = get_channel(channel_id, client, db, false, false) channels << rescue ex next end end end email = feed.xpath_node(%q(//a[@class="yt-masthead-picker-header yt-masthead-picker-active-account"])) if email email = email.content.strip else email = "" end token = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Random::Secure.random_bytes(32)) user =,, [] of String, channels, email, DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES, nil, token, [] of String) return user end def create_user(sid, email, password) password = Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.create(password, cost: 10) token = Base64.urlsafe_encode(Random::Secure.random_bytes(32)) user =,, [] of String, [] of String, email, DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES, password.to_s, token, [] of String) return user end