
239 lines
7.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import re
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
import bot.icons as Icons
from bot.soup import delete_soup_nodes
from bot.data import load_daijirin2_yomichan_name_conversion
from bot.yomichan.glossary.gloss import make_gloss
from bot.yomichan.glossary.name_conversion import convert_names
def make_glossary(entry, image_dir):
soup = entry.get_page_soup()
__hyperlink_parent_expression(soup, entry)
__delete_unused_nodes(soup, image_dir)
__convert_links(soup, entry)
__convert_gaiji(soup, image_dir)
__convert_graphics(soup, image_dir)
__convert_logos(soup, image_dir)
__convert_kanjion_logos(soup, image_dir)
__convert_daigoginum(soup, image_dir)
__convert_jundaigoginum(soup, image_dir)
name_conversion = load_daijirin2_yomichan_name_conversion()
convert_names(soup, name_conversion)
gloss = make_gloss(soup.span)
glossary = [gloss]
return glossary
def __add_rubies(soup):
for name in ["表外音訓", "表外字"]:
for ruby in soup.find_all(name):
ruby.name = "ruby"
rt = ruby.find("表外字マーク")
rt.name = "rt"
ruby.append(rt) # needs to positioned after the text
def __hyperlink_parent_expression(soup, entry):
if soup.find("親表記") is None:
parent_entry_id = entry.SUBENTRY_ID_TO_ENTRY_ID[entry.entry_id]
parent_entry = entry.ID_TO_ENTRY[parent_entry_id]
parent_expression = parent_entry.get_first_expression()
for el in soup.find_all("親表記"):
el.name = "a"
el.attrs["href"] = f"?query={parent_expression}&wildcards=off"
def __delete_unused_nodes(soup, image_dir):
if not __graphics_directory_exists(image_dir):
delete_soup_nodes(soup, "カットG")
for el in soup.find_all("logo"):
next_sibling = el.next_sibling
if next_sibling is None:
elif next_sibling.name in ["漢字見出G", "漢字音G"]:
for el in soup.find_all("漢字音G"):
for child in el.find_all(string=""):
def __graphics_directory_exists(image_dir):
path = os.path.join(image_dir, "graphics")
return Path(path).is_dir()
def __clear_styles(soup):
for el in soup.select("[style]"):
del el.attrs["style"]
def __set_data_class(soup):
for el in soup.select("[class]"):
el.attrs["data-class"] = el.attrs["class"]
def __convert_links(soup, entry):
for el in soup.find_all("a"):
href = el.attrs["href"]
if re.match(r"^[0-9]+(?:-[0-9A-F]{4})?$", href):
ref_entry_id = entry.id_string_to_entry_id(href)
ref_entry = entry.ID_TO_ENTRY[ref_entry_id]
expression = ref_entry.get_first_expression()
el.attrs["href"] = f"?query={expression}&wildcards=off"
elif re.match(r"^(?:https?:|\?)[\w\W]*", href):
raise Exception(f"Invalid href format: {href}")
def __convert_gaiji(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("img"):
src = el.attrs["src"]
if not src.startswith("gaiji"):
path = image_dir
for part in src.split("/"):
if part.strip() == "":
path = os.path.join(path, part)
ratio = Icons.calculate_ratio(path)
img = BeautifulSoup("<img/>", "xml").img
img.attrs = {
"height": 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio,
"width": ratio if ratio > 1.0 else 1.0,
"sizeUnits": "em",
"collapsible": False,
"collapsed": False,
"background": False,
"appearance": "monochrome",
"title": el.attrs["alt"] if el.has_attr("alt") else "",
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{src}",
"src": src,
el.name = "span"
el.attrs["style"] = "vertical-align: text-bottom;"
def __convert_graphics(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("img"):
src = el.attrs["src"]
if not src.startswith("graphics"):
el.attrs = {
"collapsible": True,
"collapsed": True,
"title": el.attrs["alt"] if el.has_attr("alt") else "",
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{src}",
"src": src,
def __convert_logos(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("logo"):
filename = f"{el.text}-default.svg"
path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename)
Icons.make_rectangle(path, el.text, "black", "transparent", "black")
ratio = Icons.calculate_ratio(path)
img = BeautifulSoup("<img/>", "xml").img
img.attrs = {
"height": 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio,
"width": ratio if ratio > 1.0 else 1.0,
"sizeUnits": "em",
"collapsible": False,
"collapsed": False,
"background": False,
"appearance": "monochrome",
"title": el.text,
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{filename}",
el.name = "span"
el.attrs["style"] = "vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-right: 0.25em;"
def __convert_kanjion_logos(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("漢字音logo"):
filename = f"{el.text}-default.svg"
path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename)
Icons.make_rectangle(path, el.text, "black", "transparent", "black")
ratio = Icons.calculate_ratio(path)
img = BeautifulSoup("<img/>", "xml").img
img.attrs = {
"height": 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio,
"width": ratio if ratio > 1.0 else 1.0,
"sizeUnits": "em",
"collapsible": False,
"collapsed": False,
"background": False,
"appearance": "monochrome",
"title": el.text,
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{filename}",
el.name = "span"
el.attrs["style"] = "vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-left: 0.25em;"
def __convert_daigoginum(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("大語義num"):
filename = f"{el.text}-fill.svg"
path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename)
Icons.make_monochrome_fill_rectangle(path, el.text)
ratio = Icons.calculate_ratio(path)
img = BeautifulSoup("<img/>", "xml").img
img.attrs = {
"height": 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio,
"width": ratio if ratio > 1.0 else 1.0,
"sizeUnits": "em",
"collapsible": False,
"collapsed": False,
"background": False,
"appearance": "monochrome",
"title": el.text,
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{filename}",
el.name = "span"
el.attrs["style"] = "vertical-align: text-bottom;"
def __convert_jundaigoginum(soup, image_dir):
for el in soup.find_all("準大語義num"):
filename = f"{el.text}-default.svg"
path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename)
Icons.make_rectangle(path, el.text, "black", "transparent", "black")
ratio = Icons.calculate_ratio(path)
img = BeautifulSoup("<img/>", "xml").img
img.attrs = {
"height": 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio,
"width": ratio if ratio > 1.0 else 1.0,
"sizeUnits": "em",
"collapsible": False,
"collapsed": False,
"background": False,
"appearance": "monochrome",
"title": el.text,
"path": f"{os.path.basename(image_dir)}/{filename}",
el.name = "span"
el.attrs["style"] = "vertical-align: text-bottom;"