Complete overall of variants based on the 印刷標準字体 (表外漢字表)
All characters that are either a 簡易慣用字体 or have the 旧字 as a 印刷標準字体 and have the 新字 within JIS1 have been selected.
In addition, characters that are both alternate of one another and are both 人名用漢字 (亙,亘-凜,凛) are included alongside design variations within JIS1 as stated by the 表外漢字字体表 (𠮟,叱-吞,呑-靱,靭-﨟,臈)
Characters removed:
姸 妍
拋 抛
筓 笄
腁 胼
鷽 鴬