export default {
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    name: 'KUN Visual Novel',
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    create: 'CREATE',
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    back: 'Back',
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      search: 'Search Topics',
      all: 'All Topics',
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      create: 'CREATE NEW!',
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      contact: 'Join Us',
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      hot: `Today's Hot Topic`,
      new: `Today's New Topic`,
    footer: {
      title: {
        communicate: 'Other Topic',
        technique: 'Technique',
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      item: {
        daily: 'Daily Communication',
        chat: 'Chatting',
        execute: 'Visual Novel Execute',
        globalization: 'Visual Novel Globalization',
        make: 'Visual Novel Making',
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        principle: 'Principle',
        balance: 'Profit and Loss',
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        shinnku: `Shinnku's Visual Novel`,
        ymgal: 'YM galgame',
      describe: {
        title: 'KUN Visual Novel',
        kun1: 'The CUTEST Visual Novel Forum In The World!',
        kun2: 'To Create The Best Atmosphere',
        kun3: 'NO ADs Forever',
        kun4: 'Free Forever',
      contact: 'Contact Us',
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      master: 'Other Topics of The Master',
    panel: {
      to: 'Reply To',
      master: 'ご主人',
      reply: 'zako♡',
  update: {
    next: 'Next Version',
    update: 'Update Info',
    info: 'Update Preview / More Info',
    visit: 'Click to visit github',
    time: 'Estimated update time',
    history: 'History Version',
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    title: `All the non-moe behavior were recorded here, don't do that`,
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    consequence: 'consequence',
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    title: 'Join / Contact Us',
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    help2: "You can click on the left settings to adjust the editor's mode.",
    help3: 'We recommend finishing your text before formatting.',
    help4: "The website's code is handwritten, and errors are inevitable.",
    help5: 'If you encounter any errors, please',
    contact: ' Contact Us.',
    tags: 'Please input topic tags',
    hint: `Hint: (A single tag should be within 14 characters, choose at least one and up to 7 tags). You can enter text and press \`Enter\` to create a tag.`,
    hot: 'Popular Tags (Click to Select) : ',
      'Click to select topic categories (multiple selections allowed) : ',
    Galgame: 'Visual Novel',
    Technique: 'Technique',
    Others: 'Others',
    publish: 'Confirm Publish',
    draft: 'Save Draft',
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  // 非页面组件这里统一用大驼峰
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      publish: 'Confirm to publish?',
      publishSuccess: 'Publish Successfully',
      publishCancel: 'Cancel Publish',
      draft: 'The draft has been saved successfully!',
    login: {
      success: 'Login Successfully! Welcome to KUN Visual Novel ~ ',
      emptyUsername: 'Username cannot be empty',
      emptyPassword: 'Password cannot be empty',
        'Invalid username. Username should be 1 to 17 characters long and can include: Chinese characters, English letters, numbers, underscore, and tilde (~)',
        'Invalid password format. Password must be 6 to 17 characters long and must include at least one letter and one number. It can optionally include special characters such as \\w!@#$%^&()-+=',
    capture: {
      click: 'Please click above to complete the human verification',
      success: 'Human-machine identity verification successful',
      text: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
      order: 'Please click the characters in order',
      refresh: 'Refresh',
      error: 'Click error, please click again',