packages: ., brush-strokes constraints: acts -finitary, -- brush-strokes +use-fma, fp-ieee +fma3, rounded-hw -pure-hs -c99 -avx512 +ghc-prim -x87-long-double, text -simdutf -- text +simdutf causes the "digit" package to fail to build with undefined symbol linker errors -- Fix a severe bug in Waargonaut (no corresponding Hackage release???) source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 5f838582a8c5aae1a198ecd4958729e53a6b03cf allow-newer: *:base, *:template-haskell, *:ghc-prim, acts:deepseq, digit:lens, eigen:primitive, eigen:transformers, gi-cairo-connector:mtl, hedgehog:resourcet, JuicyPixels:zlib, natural:lens, records-sop:deepseq, waargonaut:bifunctors, waargonaut:lens, waargonaut:records-sop, waargonaut:semigroups, waargonaut:text, waargonaut:vector, waargonaut:witherable, ------------- -- GHC 9.4 -- ------------- -- eigen source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 0e2dc2d495cef76af3bdc79349696ce2249405fb ------------- -- GHC 9.6 -- ------------- ------------- -- GHC 9.8 -- -------------