{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Math.Bezier.Cubic ( Bezier(..) , fromQuadratic , bezier, bezier', bezier'' , curvature, squaredCurvature, signedCurvature , subdivide , ddist, closestPoint , drag, selfIntersectionParameters ) where -- base import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) ) import Data.Monoid ( Ap(..) ) import Data.Semigroup ( ArgMin, Min(..), Arg(..) ) import GHC.Generics ( Generic, Generic1 ) -- acts import Data.Act ( Act(..) , Torsor ( (-->) ) ) -- deepseq import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData, NFData1 ) -- generic-data import Generic.Data ( GenericProduct(..), Generically1(..) ) -- groups import Data.Group ( Group ) -- groups-generic import Data.Group.Generics () -- primitive import Data.Primitive.Types ( Prim ) -- MetaBrush import qualified Math.Bezier.Quadratic as Quadratic ( Bezier(..), bezier ) import Math.Epsilon ( epsilon ) import Math.Module ( Module (..) , lerp , Inner(..), norm, squaredNorm , cross ) import Math.Roots ( realRoots, solveQuadratic ) import Math.Vector2D ( Point2D(..), Vector2D(..) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Points defining a cubic Bézier curve (Bernstein form). -- -- @ p0 @ and @ p3 @ are endpoints, whereas @ p1 @ and @ p2 @ are control points. data Bezier p = Bezier { p0, p1, p2, p3 :: !p } deriving stock ( Show, Generic, Generic1, Functor, Foldable, Traversable ) deriving ( Semigroup, Monoid, Group ) via GenericProduct ( Bezier p ) deriving Applicative via Generically1 Bezier deriving anyclass ( NFData, NFData1 ) deriving via Ap Bezier p instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Act v p => Act v ( Bezier p ) -- | Degree raising: convert a quadratic Bézier curve to a cubic Bézier curve. fromQuadratic :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v, Fractional r ) => Quadratic.Bezier p -> Bezier p fromQuadratic ( Quadratic.Bezier { p0 = q0, p1 = q1, p2 = q2 } ) = Bezier {..} where p0 = q0 p1 = lerp @v (2/3) q0 q1 p2 = lerp @v (1/3) q1 q2 p3 = q2 -- | Cubic Bézier curve. bezier :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v ) => Bezier p -> r -> p bezier ( Bezier {..} ) t = lerp @v t ( Quadratic.bezier @v ( Quadratic.Bezier p0 p1 p2 ) t ) ( Quadratic.bezier @v ( Quadratic.Bezier p1 p2 p3 ) t ) -- | Derivative of cubic Bézier curve. bezier' :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v ) => Bezier p -> r -> v bezier' ( Bezier {..} ) = ( 3 *^ ) . Quadratic.bezier @v ( Quadratic.Bezier ( p0 --> p1 ) ( p1 --> p2 ) ( p2 --> p3 ) ) -- | Second derivative of a cubic Bézier curve. bezier'' :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v ) => Bezier p -> r -> v bezier'' ( Bezier {..} ) t = ( 6 *^ ) $ lerp @v t ( p1 --> p0 ^+^ p1 --> p2 ) ( p2 --> p1 ^+^ p2 --> p3 ) -- | Curvature of a cubic Bézier curve. curvature :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Inner r v, RealFloat r ) => Bezier p -> r -> r curvature bez t = sqrt $ squaredCurvature @v bez t -- | Square of curvature of a cubic Bézier curve. squaredCurvature :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Inner r v, RealFloat r ) => Bezier p -> r -> r squaredCurvature bez t | sq_nm_g' < epsilon = 1 / 0 | otherwise = ( sq_nm_g' * squaredNorm @v g'' - ( g' ^.^ g'' ) ^ ( 2 :: Int ) ) / ( sq_nm_g' ^ ( 3 :: Int ) ) where g', g'' :: v g' = bezier' @v bez t g'' = bezier'' @v bez t sq_nm_g' :: r sq_nm_g' = squaredNorm @v g' -- | Signed curvature of a planar cubic Bézier curve. signedCurvature :: forall r. Floating r => Bezier ( Point2D r ) -> r -> r signedCurvature bez t = ( g' `cross` g'' ) / norm g' where g', g'' :: Vector2D r g' = bezier' @( Vector2D r ) bez t g'' = bezier'' @( Vector2D r ) bez t -- | Subdivide a cubic Bézier curve into two parts. subdivide :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v ) => Bezier p -> r -> ( Bezier p, Bezier p ) subdivide ( Bezier {..} ) t = ( Bezier p0 q1 q2 pt, Bezier pt r1 r2 p3 ) where pt, s, q1, q2, r1, r2 :: p q1 = lerp @v t p0 p1 s = lerp @v t p1 p2 r2 = lerp @v t p2 p3 q2 = lerp @v t q1 s r1 = lerp @v t s r2 pt = lerp @v t q2 r1 -- | Polynomial coefficients of the derivative of the distance to a cubic Bézier curve. ddist :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Inner r v, RealFloat r ) => Bezier p -> p -> [ r ] ddist ( Bezier {..} ) c = [ a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0 ] where v, v', v'', v''' :: v !v = c --> p0 !v' = p0 --> p1 !v'' = p1 --> p0 ^+^ p1 --> p2 !v''' = p0 --> p3 ^+^ 3 *^ ( p2 --> p1 ) a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 :: r !a0 = v ^.^ v' !a1 = 3 * squaredNorm v' + 2 * v ^.^ v'' !a2 = 9 * v' ^.^ v'' + v ^.^ v''' !a3 = 6 * squaredNorm v'' + 4 * v' ^.^ v''' !a4 = 5 * v'' ^.^ v''' !a5 = squaredNorm v''' -- | Finds the closest point to a given point on a cubic Bézier curve. closestPoint :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Inner r v, RealFloat r, Prim r, NFData r ) => Bezier p -> p -> ArgMin r ( r, p ) closestPoint pts c = pickClosest ( 0 :| 1 : roots ) where roots :: [ r ] roots = filter ( \ r -> r > 0 && r < 1 ) ( realRoots 50 $ ddist @v pts c ) pickClosest :: NonEmpty r -> ArgMin r ( r, p ) pickClosest ( s :| ss ) = go s q nm0 ss where q :: p q = bezier @v pts s nm0 :: r nm0 = squaredNorm ( c --> q :: v ) go t p nm [] = Min ( Arg nm ( t, p ) ) go t p nm ( t' : ts ) | nm' < nm = go t' p' nm' ts | otherwise = go t p nm ts where p' :: p p' = bezier @v pts t' nm' :: r nm' = squaredNorm ( c --> p' :: v ) -- | Drag a cubic Bézier curve to pass through a given point. -- -- Given a cubic Bézier curve, a time \( 0 < t < 1 \) and a point `q`, -- modifies the control points to make the curve pass through `q` at time `t`. -- -- Affects the two control points depending on how far along the dragged point is. -- For instance, dragging near the middle moves both control points equally, -- while dragging near an endpoint will mostly affect the control point associated with that endpoint. drag :: forall v r p. ( Torsor v p, Module r v, Fractional r ) => Bezier p -> r -> p -> Bezier p drag ( Bezier {..} ) t q = Bezier { p0, p1 = p1', p2 = p2', p3 } where v0, v1, v2, v3, delta :: v v0 = q --> p0 v1 = q --> p1 v2 = q --> p2 v3 = q --> p3 delta = ( recip $ t * ( -3 + t * ( 9 + t * ( -12 + 6 * t ) ) ) ) *^ bezier @v ( Bezier v0 v1 v2 v3 ) t p1', p2' :: p p1' = ( ( 1 - t ) *^ delta ) • p1 p2' = ( t *^ delta ) • p2 -- | Compute parameter values for the self-intersection of a planar cubic Bézier curve, if such exist. -- -- The parameter values might lie outside the interval [0,1], -- indicating a self-intersection of the extended curve. -- -- Formula taken from: -- "A Basis for the Implicit Representation of Planar Rational Cubic Bézier Curves" -- – Oliver J. D. Barrowclough, 2016 selfIntersectionParameters :: forall r. RealFloat r => Bezier ( Point2D r ) -> [ r ] selfIntersectionParameters ( Bezier {..} ) = solveQuadratic c0 c1 c2 where areaConstant :: Point2D r -> Point2D r -> Point2D r -> r areaConstant ( Point2D x1 y1 ) ( Point2D x2 y2 ) ( Point2D x3 y3 ) = x1 * ( y2 - y3 ) + x2 * ( y3 - y1 ) + x3 * ( y1 - y2 ) l0, l1, l2, l3, f1, f2, f3, c0, c1, c2 :: r l0 = areaConstant p3 p2 p1 l1 = areaConstant p2 p3 p0 l2 = areaConstant p1 p0 p3 l3 = areaConstant p0 p1 p2 f1 = 3 * ( l1 * l1 - 3 * l0 * l2 ) f2 = 3 * ( l2 * l2 - 3 * l1 * l3 ) f3 = 3 * ( 9 * l0 * l3 - l1 * l2 ) c0 = f2 c1 = f3 - 2 * f2 c2 = f1 + f2 - f3