Patch list: - **use_xsel** is a patch that reduces the latency of clipboard transactions, making it smoother while properly managing the memory.
xsel has been around since 2001, and it's stable and has less dependencies than xclip, not to mention the compelling group of devs. [xclip flaws]( how to use: download the patch file to the base directory of mpvacious, which may be ```~/.config/mpv/scripts/sub2srs/```
and run the following command: ``` shell $ patch -p1 < use_xsel.patch ``` - **force-japanese** is pretty straightforward, it forces mpv to play in japanese.

This is useful when encoders tend to give english priority, instead of the original language, and when mpv.conf doesn't work properly.

In my experience tweaking the mpv dotfiles weren't enough to make sure that japanese was the default language to play media in mpv.