# Testing library message("Guix = ${GUIX}") if ( (NOT ${GUIX}) ) message("NOT GUIX") include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( catch GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git GIT_TAG v3.5.2) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(catch) endif() #Adds Catch2::Catch2 #If building manually #add_subdirectory(Catch2-3.5.2) include(CTest) add_executable(tests tests.cpp test_cases.cpp test_cases.h) target_compile_features(tests PRIVATE cxx_std_23) # Should be linked to the rdricpp library, as well as the Catch2 testing library if ( ${GUIX} ) include(Catch.cmake) target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE rdricpp Catch2Main Catch2) else() include(Catch) target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE rdricpp Catch2::Catch2WithMain) endif() catch_discover_tests(tests) add_test(NAME Test COMMAND tests)