2021-04-30 07:04:41 +00:00
* This file is part of Kvazaar HEVC encoder.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Tampere University of Technology and others (see
* COPYING file).
* Kvazaar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* Kvazaar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with Kvazaar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "reshape.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "cabac.h"
#include "rdo.h"
#include "strategies/strategies-sao.h"
#include "kvz_math.h"
void kvz_free_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps)
2021-04-30 13:37:00 +00:00
2021-04-30 07:04:41 +00:00
void kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(lmcs_seq_info* stats, int32_t m_binNum)
for (int i = 0; i < m_binNum; i++)
stats->binVar[i] = 0.0;
stats->binHist[i] = 0.0;
stats->normVar[i] = 0.0;
stats->nonZeroCnt = 0;
stats->weightVar = 0.0;
stats->weightNorm = 0.0;
stats->minBinVar = 0.0;
stats->maxBinVar = 0.0;
stats->meanBinVar = 0.0;
stats->ratioStdU = 0.0;
stats->ratioStdV = 0.0;
void kvz_init_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps, int picWidth, int picHeight, uint32_t maxCUWidth, uint32_t maxCUHeight, int bitDepth)
aps->m_lumaBD = bitDepth;
aps->m_reshapeLUTSize = 1 << aps->m_lumaBD;
aps->m_initCWAnalyze = aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS;
aps->m_initCW = aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
2021-04-30 13:37:00 +00:00
//aps->m_fwdLUT = calloc(1, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * aps->m_reshapeLUTSize);
//aps->m_invLUT = calloc(1, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * aps->m_reshapeLUTSize);
assert(bitDepth <= 10); // ToDo: support bit depth larger than 10
2021-04-30 07:04:41 +00:00
2021-04-30 13:37:00 +00:00
memset(aps->m_fwdLUT, 0, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * aps->m_reshapeLUTSize);
memset(aps->m_invLUT, 0, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * aps->m_reshapeLUTSize);
2021-04-30 07:04:41 +00:00
memset(aps->m_binImportance, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS);
memset(aps->m_reshapePivot, 0, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * PIC_CODE_CW_BINS + 1);
memset(aps->m_inputPivot, 0, sizeof(kvz_pixel) * PIC_CODE_CW_BINS + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; i++) {
aps->m_fwdScaleCoef[i] = 1 << FP_PREC;
for (int i = 0; i < PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; i++) {
aps->m_invScaleCoef[i] = 1 << FP_PREC;
for (int i = 0; i < PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; i++) {
aps->m_chromaAdjHelpLUT[i] = 1 << CSCALE_FP_PREC;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = true;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.enableChromaAdj = true;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = true;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = 0;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS - 1;
memset(aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, 0, (PIC_CODE_CW_BINS) * sizeof(int));
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.chrResScalingOffset = 0;
aps->m_binNum = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(&aps->m_srcSeqStats, aps->m_binNum);
kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(&aps->m_rspSeqStats, aps->m_binNum);
2021-04-30 08:38:15 +00:00
-Perform picture analysis for SDR
\param pcPic describe pointer of current coding picture
\param sliceType describe the slice type
\param reshapeCW describe some input info
From VTM 12.1
void kvz_calc_seq_stats(struct encoder_state_t* const state, const videoframe_t* frame, lmcs_seq_info* stats, lmcs_aps* aps)
const encoder_control_t* const encoder = state->encoder_control;
int32_t m_binNum = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
kvz_pixel* picY = &frame->source->y[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride)];
const int width = frame->source->width;
const int height = frame->source->height;
const int stride = frame->source->stride;
2021-04-30 13:25:03 +00:00
uint32_t winLens = (aps->m_binNum == PIC_CODE_CW_BINS) ? (MIN(height, width) / 240) : 2;
2021-04-30 08:38:15 +00:00
winLens = winLens > 0 ? winLens : 1;
int64_t tempSq = 0;
int64_t topSum = 0, topSumSq = 0;
int64_t leftSum = 0, leftSumSq = 0;
int64_t* leftColSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)*width);
int64_t* leftColSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
int64_t* topRowSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * height);
int64_t* topRowSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * height);
int64_t* topColSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
int64_t* topColSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
uint32_t* binCnt = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*m_binNum);
memset(leftColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(leftColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topRowSum, 0, height * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topRowSumSq, 0, height * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(binCnt, 0, m_binNum * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
const kvz_pixel pxlY = picY[x];
int64_t sum = 0, sumSq = 0;
uint32_t numPixInPart = 0;
uint32_t y1 = MAX((int)(y - winLens), 0);
uint32_t y2 = MIN((int)(y + winLens), (height - 1));
uint32_t x1 = MAX((int)(x - winLens), 0);
uint32_t x2 = MIN((int)(x + winLens), (width - 1));
uint32_t bx = 0, by = 0;
const kvz_pixel* pWinY = &picY[0];
numPixInPart = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1);
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
tempSq = (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
leftSum += pWinY[bx];
leftSumSq += tempSq;
leftColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
leftColSumSq[bx] += tempSq;
topColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
topColSumSq[bx] += tempSq;
topRowSum[by] += pWinY[bx];
topRowSumSq[by] += tempSq;
pWinY += stride;
topSum = leftSum;
topSumSq = leftSumSq;
sum = leftSum;
sumSq = leftSumSq;
else if (x == 0 && y > 0)
if (y < height - winLens)
pWinY += winLens * stride;
topRowSum[y + winLens] = 0;
topRowSumSq[y + winLens] = 0;
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
topRowSum[y + winLens] += pWinY[bx];
topRowSumSq[y + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
topSum += topRowSum[y + winLens];
topSumSq += topRowSumSq[y + winLens];
if (y > winLens)
topSum -= topRowSum[y - 1 - winLens];
topSumSq -= topRowSumSq[y - 1 - winLens];
memset(leftColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(leftColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY -= (y <= winLens ? y : winLens) * stride;
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
leftColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
leftColSumSq[bx] += (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
pWinY += stride;
leftSum = topSum;
leftSumSq = topSumSq;
sum = topSum;
sumSq = topSumSq;
else if (x > 0)
if (x < width - winLens)
pWinY -= (y <= winLens ? y : winLens) * stride;
if (y == 0)
leftColSum[x + winLens] = 0;
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] = 0;
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
leftColSum[x + winLens] += pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
pWinY += stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] = topColSum[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] = topColSumSq[x + winLens];
if (y < height - winLens)
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY += winLens * stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] += pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
if (y > winLens)
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY -= (winLens + 1) * stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] -= pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] -= (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
topColSum[x + winLens] = leftColSum[x + winLens];
topColSumSq[x + winLens] = leftColSumSq[x + winLens];
leftSum += leftColSum[x + winLens];
leftSumSq += leftColSumSq[x + winLens];
if (x > winLens)
leftSum -= leftColSum[x - 1 - winLens];
leftSumSq -= leftColSumSq[x - 1 - winLens];
sum = leftSum;
sumSq = leftSumSq;
double average = (double)(sum) / numPixInPart;
double variance = (double)(sumSq) / numPixInPart - average * average;
int binLen = aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / m_binNum;
uint32_t binIdx = (uint32_t)(pxlY / binLen);
if (aps->m_lumaBD > 10)
average = average / (double)(1 << (aps->m_lumaBD - 10));
variance = variance / (double)(1 << (2 * aps->m_lumaBD - 20));
else if (aps->m_lumaBD < 10)
average = average * (double)(1 << (10 - aps->m_lumaBD));
variance = variance * (double)(1 << (20 - 2 * aps->m_lumaBD));
double varLog10 = log10(variance + 1.0);
stats->binVar[binIdx] += varLog10;
picY += stride;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
stats->binHist[b] = (double)binCnt[b] / (double)(aps->m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize);
stats->binVar[b] = (binCnt[b] > 0) ? (stats->binVar[b] / binCnt[b]) : 0.0;
stats->minBinVar = 5.0;
stats->maxBinVar = 0.0;
stats->meanBinVar = 0.0;
stats->nonZeroCnt = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
if (stats->binHist[b] > 0.001)
stats->meanBinVar += stats->binVar[b];
if (stats->binVar[b] > stats->maxBinVar) { stats->maxBinVar = stats->binVar[b]; }
if (stats->binVar[b] < stats->minBinVar) { stats->minBinVar = stats->binVar[b]; }
stats->meanBinVar /= (double)stats->nonZeroCnt;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
if (stats->meanBinVar > 0.0)
stats->normVar[b] = stats->binVar[b] / stats->meanBinVar;
stats->weightVar += stats->binHist[b] * stats->binVar[b];
stats->weightNorm += stats->binHist[b] * stats->normVar[b];
picY = &frame->source->y[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride)];
double avgY = 0.0;
double varY = 0.0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
avgY += picY[x];
varY += (double)picY[x] * (double)picY[x];
picY += stride;
avgY = avgY / (width * height);
varY = varY / (width * height) - avgY * avgY;
if (encoder->chroma_format != KVZ_CSP_400)
// ToDo: Handle other than YUV 4:2:0
assert(encoder->chroma_format == KVZ_CSP_420);
kvz_pixel* picU = &frame->source->u[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride/2)];
kvz_pixel* picV = &frame->source->v[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride / 2)];
const int widthC = frame->source->width/2;
const int heightC = frame->source->height/2;
const int strideC = frame->source->stride/2;
double avgU = 0.0, avgV = 0.0;
double varU = 0.0, varV = 0.0;
for (int y = 0; y < heightC; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < widthC; x++)
avgU += picU[x];
avgV += picV[x];
varU += (int64_t)picU[x] * (int64_t)picU[x];
varV += (int64_t)picV[x] * (int64_t)picV[x];
picU += strideC;
picV += strideC;
avgU = avgU / (widthC * heightC);
avgV = avgV / (widthC * heightC);
varU = varU / (widthC * heightC) - avgU * avgU;
varV = varV / (widthC * heightC) - avgV * avgV;
if (varY > 0)
stats->ratioStdU = sqrt(varU) / sqrt(varY);
stats->ratioStdV = sqrt(varV) / sqrt(varY);
2021-04-30 13:25:03 +00:00
static void swap_int(int* xp, int* yp) { int temp = *xp; *xp = *yp; *yp = temp; }
static void swap_double(double* xp, double* yp) { double temp = *xp; *xp = *yp; *yp = temp; }
// Bubble Sort to descending order with index
static void bubbleSortDsd(double* array, int* idx, int n)
int i, j;
bool swapped;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
swapped = false;
for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)
if (array[j] < array[j + 1])
swap_double(&array[j], &array[j + 1]);
swap_int(&idx[j], &idx[j + 1]);
swapped = true;
if (swapped == false)
static void cwPerturbation(lmcs_aps* aps, int startBinIdx, int endBinIdx, uint16_t maxCW)
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
if (i >= startBinIdx && i <= endBinIdx)
aps->m_binCW[i] = (uint32_t)round((double)maxCW / (endBinIdx - startBinIdx + 1));
aps->m_binCW[i] = 0;
double hist = 0.0;
uint16_t delta1 = 0, delta2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[i] > 0.001)
hist = aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[i] > 0.4 ? 0.4 : aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[i];
delta1 = (uint16_t)(10.0 * hist + 0.5);
delta2 = (uint16_t)(20.0 * hist + 0.5);
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.normVar[i] < 0.8)
aps->m_binCW[i] = aps->m_binCW[i] + delta2;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.normVar[i] < 0.9)
aps->m_binCW[i] = aps->m_binCW[i] + delta1;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.normVar[i] > 1.2)
aps->m_binCW[i] = aps->m_binCW[i] - delta2;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.normVar[i] > 1.1)
aps->m_binCW[i] = aps->m_binCW[i] - delta1;
static void cwReduction(lmcs_aps* aps, int startBinIdx, int endBinIdx)
int bdShift = aps->m_lumaBD - 10;
int totCW = bdShift != 0 ? (bdShift > 0 ? aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / (1 << bdShift) : aps->m_reshapeLUTSize * (1 << (-bdShift))) : aps->m_reshapeLUTSize;
int maxAllowedCW = totCW - 1, usedCW = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
usedCW += aps->m_binCW[i];
if (usedCW > maxAllowedCW)
int deltaCW = usedCW - maxAllowedCW;
int divCW = deltaCW / (endBinIdx - startBinIdx + 1);
int modCW = deltaCW - divCW * (endBinIdx - startBinIdx + 1);
if (divCW > 0)
for (int i = startBinIdx; i <= endBinIdx; i++)
aps->m_binCW[i] -= divCW;
for (int i = startBinIdx; i <= endBinIdx; i++)
if (modCW == 0)
if (aps->m_binCW[i] > 0)
static void deriveReshapeParametersSDR(lmcs_aps* aps, bool* intraAdp, bool* interAdp)
bool isSkipCase = false;
bool isLowCase = false;
int firstBinVarLessThanVal1 = 0;
int firstBinVarLessThanVal2 = 0;
int firstBinVarLessThanVal3 = 0;
double percBinVarLessThenVal1 = 0.0;
double percBinVarLessThenVal2 = 0.0;
double percBinVarLessThenVal3 = 0.0;
2021-04-30 13:37:00 +00:00
assert(aps->m_binNum <= PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS);
//int* binIdxSortDsd = malloc(sizeof(int) * aps->m_binNum);
//double* binVarSortDsd = malloc(sizeof(double) * aps->m_binNum);
//double* binVarSortDsdCDF = malloc(sizeof(double) * aps->m_binNum);
int binIdxSortDsd[PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS];
double binVarSortDsd[PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS];
double binVarSortDsdCDF[PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS];
2021-04-30 13:25:03 +00:00
double ratioWeiVar = 0.0, ratioWeiVarNorm = 0.0;
int startBinIdx = aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx;
int endBinIdx = aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx;
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
binVarSortDsd[b] = aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[b];
binIdxSortDsd[b] = b;
bubbleSortDsd(binVarSortDsd, binIdxSortDsd, aps->m_binNum);
binVarSortDsdCDF[0] = aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[binIdxSortDsd[0]];
for (int b = 1; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
binVarSortDsdCDF[b] = binVarSortDsdCDF[b - 1] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[binIdxSortDsd[b]];
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum - 1; b++)
if (binVarSortDsd[b] > 3.4)
firstBinVarLessThanVal1 = b + 1;
if (binVarSortDsd[b] > 2.8)
firstBinVarLessThanVal2 = b + 1;
if (binVarSortDsd[b] > 2.5)
firstBinVarLessThanVal3 = b + 1;
percBinVarLessThenVal1 = binVarSortDsdCDF[firstBinVarLessThanVal1];
percBinVarLessThenVal2 = binVarSortDsdCDF[firstBinVarLessThanVal2];
percBinVarLessThenVal3 = binVarSortDsdCDF[firstBinVarLessThanVal3];
2021-04-30 13:37:00 +00:00
2021-04-30 13:25:03 +00:00
cwPerturbation(aps, startBinIdx, endBinIdx, (uint16_t)aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1]);
cwReduction(aps, startBinIdx, endBinIdx);
kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(&aps->m_rspSeqStats, aps->m_binNum);
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
double scale = (aps->m_binCW[b] > 0) ? ((double)aps->m_binCW[b] / (double)aps->m_initCWAnalyze) : 1.0;
aps->m_rspSeqStats.binHist[b] = aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[b];
aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b] = aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[b] + 2.0 * log10(scale);
aps->m_rspSeqStats.minBinVar = 5.0;
aps->m_rspSeqStats.maxBinVar = 0.0;
aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar = 0.0;
aps->m_rspSeqStats.nonZeroCnt = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.binHist[b] > 0.001)
aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar += aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b];
if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b] > aps->m_rspSeqStats.maxBinVar)
aps->m_rspSeqStats.maxBinVar = aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b];
if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b] < aps->m_rspSeqStats.minBinVar)
aps->m_rspSeqStats.minBinVar = aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b];
aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar /= (double)aps->m_rspSeqStats.nonZeroCnt;
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 0.0)
aps->m_rspSeqStats.normVar[b] = aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b] / aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar;
aps->m_rspSeqStats.weightVar += aps->m_rspSeqStats.binHist[b] * aps->m_rspSeqStats.binVar[b];
aps->m_rspSeqStats.weightNorm += aps->m_rspSeqStats.binHist[b] * aps->m_rspSeqStats.normVar[b];
ratioWeiVar = aps->m_rspSeqStats.weightVar / aps->m_srcSeqStats.weightVar;
ratioWeiVarNorm = aps->m_rspSeqStats.weightNorm / aps->m_srcSeqStats.weightNorm;
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[0] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 1]) > 0.0001 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 0.001)
if (percBinVarLessThenVal3 > 0.8 && percBinVarLessThenVal2 > 0.4 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 4.8)
isSkipCase = true;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal3 < 0.1 && percBinVarLessThenVal1 < 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 4.0)
isSkipCase = true;
if (isSkipCase)
*intraAdp = false;
*interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize > 5184000)
isLowCase = true;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 4.0)
isLowCase = true;
else if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 3.4 && ratioWeiVarNorm > 1.005 && ratioWeiVar > 1.02)
isLowCase = true;
else if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 3.1 && ratioWeiVarNorm > 1.005 && ratioWeiVar > 1.04)
isLowCase = true;
else if (aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 2.8 && ratioWeiVarNorm > 1.01 && ratioWeiVar > 1.04)
isLowCase = true;
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl == 0)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1022;
if (isLowCase)
*intraAdp = false;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 980;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.05)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 896;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 1.2)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 938;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.8 && percBinVarLessThenVal3 == 1.0)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 938;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 0.001)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 3.0)
*intraAdp = true;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 784;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] < 0.006)
*intraAdp = false;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1008;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal3 < 0.5)
*intraAdp = true;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1022;
else if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.maxBinVar > 4.0 && aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 3.2 && percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.25) || ratioWeiVar < 1.03)
*intraAdp = true;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1022;
if (*intraAdp == true && aps->m_rateAdpMode == 0)
aps->m_tcase = 9;
else if (aps->m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl == 1)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 952;
if (isLowCase)
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize > 5184000)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 812;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.05)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 812;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.1 || aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.1)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 924;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.8 && percBinVarLessThenVal3 == 1.0)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 896;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal2 > 0.98 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 784;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.1)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1022;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.1 && (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 1.8 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 3.0))
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 1.2 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 4.0)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 784;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 0.001)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 3.0)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 784;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] < 0.006)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 980;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal3 < 0.5)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 924;
else if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.maxBinVar > 4.0 && aps->m_rspSeqStats.meanBinVar > 3.2 && percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.25) || ratioWeiVar < 1.03)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 980;
aps->m_useAdpCW = true;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 36; aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 30;
if (isLowCase)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.05)
aps->m_useAdpCW = false;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 896;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.005)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
else if (percBinVarLessThenVal2 < 0.8 && percBinVarLessThenVal3 == 1.0)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 28;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.1 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 1.8 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 3.0)
aps->m_useAdpCW = false;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 952;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 0.001 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 3.0)
aps->m_useAdpCW = false;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 784;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 0.005 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 1.0 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 1.5)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 2;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 38;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] < 0.005 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 1.0 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 1.5)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 2;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 36;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.02 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.04 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 2.0 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[aps->m_binNum - 2] < 1.5)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 2;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 34;
else if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.05 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] > 0.2 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] > 3.0 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 4.0) || ratioWeiVar < 1.03)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 1;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 34;
else if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[1] < 4.0 && percBinVarLessThenVal2 == 1.0 && percBinVarLessThenVal3 == 1.0)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 34;
if (aps->m_useAdpCW && !isLowCase)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 66 - aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0];
static void deriveReshapeParameters(double* array, int start, int end, ReshapeCW* respCW, double* alpha, double* beta)
double minVar = 10.0, maxVar = 0.0;
for (int b = start; b <= end; b++)
if (array[b] < minVar)
minVar = array[b];
if (array[b] > maxVar)
maxVar = array[b];
double maxCW = (double)respCW->binCW[0];
double minCW = (double)respCW->binCW[1];
*alpha = (minCW - maxCW) / (maxVar - minVar);
*beta = (maxCW * maxVar - minCW * minVar) / (maxVar - minVar);
void kvz_lmcs_preanalyzer(struct encoder_state_t* const state, const videoframe_t* frame, lmcs_seq_info* stats, lmcs_aps* aps, uint32_t signalType)
enum kvz_slice_type sliceType = state->frame->slicetype;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = true;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = true;
int modIP = state->frame->poc - state->frame->poc / aps->m_reshapeCW.rspFpsToIp * aps->m_reshapeCW.rspFpsToIp;
if (sliceType == KVZ_SLICE_I || (aps->m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl == 2 && modIP == 0))
if (aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag == true)
aps->m_binNum = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
int stdMin = 16 << (aps->m_lumaBD - 8);
int stdMax = 235 << (aps->m_lumaBD - 8);
int binLen = aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / aps->m_binNum;
int startBinIdx = stdMin / binLen;
int endBinIdx = stdMax / binLen;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = startBinIdx;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = endBinIdx;
aps->m_initCWAnalyze = aps->m_lumaBD > 10 ? (binLen >> (aps->m_lumaBD - 10)) : aps->m_lumaBD < 10 ? (binLen << (10 - aps->m_lumaBD)) : binLen;
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
aps->m_binCW[b] = aps->m_initCWAnalyze;
aps->m_reshape = true;
aps->m_useAdpCW = false;
aps->m_exceedSTD = false;
aps->m_chromaWeight = 1.0;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.enableChromaAdj = 1;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0; aps->m_tcase = 0;
bool intraAdp = true, interAdp = true;
kvz_calc_seq_stats(state, frame, &aps->m_srcSeqStats, aps);
bool isFlat = true;
for (int b = 0; b < aps->m_binNum; b++)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[b] > 0)
isFlat = false;
if (isFlat)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_binNum == PIC_CODE_CW_BINS)
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[0] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 1]) > 0.005)
aps->m_exceedSTD = true;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 1] > 0.0003)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[0] > 0.03)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
else if (aps->m_binNum == PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS)
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[0] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2]
+ aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 1])
> 0.01)
aps->m_exceedSTD = true;
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 2] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[aps->m_binNum - 1]) > 0.0003)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[0] + aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1]) > 0.03)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_exceedSTD)
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[i] > 0 && i < startBinIdx)
startBinIdx = i;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[i] > 0 && i > endBinIdx)
endBinIdx = i;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = startBinIdx;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = endBinIdx;
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdU + aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdV) > 1.5 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.binHist[1] > 0.5)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdU > 0.36 && aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdV > 0.2 && aps->m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize > 5184000)
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.enableChromaAdj = 0; aps->m_chromaWeight = 1.05;
if ((aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdU + aps->m_srcSeqStats.ratioStdV) < 0.69)
aps->m_chromaWeight = 0.95;
if (interAdp)
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.adpOption)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 0; aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = aps->m_reshapeCW.initialCW;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = aps->m_reshapeCW.adpOption - 2 * (aps->m_reshapeCW.adpOption / 2);
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.adpOption == 2)
aps->m_tcase = 9;
else if (aps->m_reshapeCW.adpOption > 2)
intraAdp = false;
else if (signalType == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_SDR)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 0; aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 1022;
deriveReshapeParametersSDR(aps, &intraAdp, &interAdp);
else if (signalType == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_HLG)
if (aps->m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl == 0)
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 0; aps->m_tcase = 9;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 952;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.meanBinVar < 2.5)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 840;
aps->m_useAdpCW = true;
aps->m_rateAdpMode = 2;
if (aps->m_binNum == PIC_CODE_CW_BINS)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 72;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 58;
else if (aps->m_binNum == PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS)
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[0] = 36;
aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1] = 30;
if (aps->m_srcSeqStats.meanBinVar < 2.5)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
if (aps->m_rateAdpMode == 2 && aps->m_reshapeCW.rspBaseQP <= 22)
intraAdp = false;
interAdp = false;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = intraAdp;
if (!intraAdp && !interAdp)
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = false;
aps->m_reshape = false;
if (aps->m_rateAdpMode == 1 && aps->m_reshapeCW.rspBaseQP <= 22)
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
if (i >= startBinIdx && i <= endBinIdx)
aps->m_binCW[i] = aps->m_initCWAnalyze + 2;
aps->m_binCW[i] = 0;
else if (aps->m_useAdpCW)
if (signalType == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_SDR && aps->m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl == 2)
aps->m_binNum = PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS;
startBinIdx = startBinIdx * 2;
endBinIdx = endBinIdx * 2 + 1;
kvz_calc_seq_stats(state, frame, &aps->m_srcSeqStats, aps);
double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
deriveReshapeParameters(aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar, startBinIdx, endBinIdx, &aps->m_reshapeCW, &alpha, &beta);
for (int i = 0; i < aps->m_binNum; i++)
if (i >= startBinIdx && i <= endBinIdx)
aps->m_binCW[i] = (uint32_t)round(alpha * aps->m_srcSeqStats.binVar[i] + beta);
aps->m_binCW[i] = 0;
cwPerturbation(aps, startBinIdx, endBinIdx, (uint16_t)aps->m_reshapeCW.binCW[1]);
cwReduction(aps, startBinIdx, endBinIdx);
aps->m_chromaAdj = aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.enableChromaAdj;
else // Inter slices
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = false;
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.enableChromaAdj = aps->m_chromaAdj;
if (!aps->m_reshape)
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = false;
const int cTid = aps->m_reshapeCW.rspTid;
bool enableRsp = aps->m_tcase == 5 ? false : (aps->m_tcase < 5 ? (cTid < aps->m_tcase + 1 ? false : true) : (cTid <= 10 - aps->m_tcase ? true : false));
aps->m_sliceReshapeInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = enableRsp;
2021-04-30 07:04:41 +00:00