mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 11:24:05 +00:00
[LMCS] Convert stats generation function kvz_calc_seq_stats from VTM
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,4 +94,280 @@ void kvz_init_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps, int picWidth, int picHeight, uint32_t maxC
aps->m_binNum = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(&aps->m_srcSeqStats, aps->m_binNum);
kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(&aps->m_rspSeqStats, aps->m_binNum);
-Perform picture analysis for SDR
\param pcPic describe pointer of current coding picture
\param sliceType describe the slice type
\param reshapeCW describe some input info
From VTM 12.1
void kvz_calc_seq_stats(struct encoder_state_t* const state, const videoframe_t* frame, lmcs_seq_info* stats, lmcs_aps* aps)
const encoder_control_t* const encoder = state->encoder_control;
int32_t m_binNum = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS;
kvz_pixel* picY = &frame->source->y[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride)];
const int width = frame->source->width;
const int height = frame->source->height;
const int stride = frame->source->stride;
uint32_t winLens = (m_binNum == PIC_CODE_CW_BINS) ? (MIN(height, width) / 240) : 2;
winLens = winLens > 0 ? winLens : 1;
int64_t tempSq = 0;
int64_t topSum = 0, topSumSq = 0;
int64_t leftSum = 0, leftSumSq = 0;
int64_t* leftColSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)*width);
int64_t* leftColSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
int64_t* topRowSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * height);
int64_t* topRowSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * height);
int64_t* topColSum = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
int64_t* topColSumSq = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * width);
uint32_t* binCnt = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*m_binNum);
memset(leftColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(leftColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topRowSum, 0, height * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topRowSumSq, 0, height * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(topColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(binCnt, 0, m_binNum * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
const kvz_pixel pxlY = picY[x];
int64_t sum = 0, sumSq = 0;
uint32_t numPixInPart = 0;
uint32_t y1 = MAX((int)(y - winLens), 0);
uint32_t y2 = MIN((int)(y + winLens), (height - 1));
uint32_t x1 = MAX((int)(x - winLens), 0);
uint32_t x2 = MIN((int)(x + winLens), (width - 1));
uint32_t bx = 0, by = 0;
const kvz_pixel* pWinY = &picY[0];
numPixInPart = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1);
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
tempSq = (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
leftSum += pWinY[bx];
leftSumSq += tempSq;
leftColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
leftColSumSq[bx] += tempSq;
topColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
topColSumSq[bx] += tempSq;
topRowSum[by] += pWinY[bx];
topRowSumSq[by] += tempSq;
pWinY += stride;
topSum = leftSum;
topSumSq = leftSumSq;
sum = leftSum;
sumSq = leftSumSq;
else if (x == 0 && y > 0)
if (y < height - winLens)
pWinY += winLens * stride;
topRowSum[y + winLens] = 0;
topRowSumSq[y + winLens] = 0;
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
topRowSum[y + winLens] += pWinY[bx];
topRowSumSq[y + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
topSum += topRowSum[y + winLens];
topSumSq += topRowSumSq[y + winLens];
if (y > winLens)
topSum -= topRowSum[y - 1 - winLens];
topSumSq -= topRowSumSq[y - 1 - winLens];
memset(leftColSum, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
memset(leftColSumSq, 0, width * sizeof(int64_t));
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY -= (y <= winLens ? y : winLens) * stride;
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
for (bx = x1; bx <= x2; bx++)
leftColSum[bx] += pWinY[bx];
leftColSumSq[bx] += (int64_t)pWinY[bx] * (int64_t)pWinY[bx];
pWinY += stride;
leftSum = topSum;
leftSumSq = topSumSq;
sum = topSum;
sumSq = topSumSq;
else if (x > 0)
if (x < width - winLens)
pWinY -= (y <= winLens ? y : winLens) * stride;
if (y == 0)
leftColSum[x + winLens] = 0;
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] = 0;
for (by = y1; by <= y2; by++)
leftColSum[x + winLens] += pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
pWinY += stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] = topColSum[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] = topColSumSq[x + winLens];
if (y < height - winLens)
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY += winLens * stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] += pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] += (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
if (y > winLens)
pWinY = &picY[0];
pWinY -= (winLens + 1) * stride;
leftColSum[x + winLens] -= pWinY[x + winLens];
leftColSumSq[x + winLens] -= (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens] * (int64_t)pWinY[x + winLens];
topColSum[x + winLens] = leftColSum[x + winLens];
topColSumSq[x + winLens] = leftColSumSq[x + winLens];
leftSum += leftColSum[x + winLens];
leftSumSq += leftColSumSq[x + winLens];
if (x > winLens)
leftSum -= leftColSum[x - 1 - winLens];
leftSumSq -= leftColSumSq[x - 1 - winLens];
sum = leftSum;
sumSq = leftSumSq;
double average = (double)(sum) / numPixInPart;
double variance = (double)(sumSq) / numPixInPart - average * average;
int binLen = aps->m_reshapeLUTSize / m_binNum;
uint32_t binIdx = (uint32_t)(pxlY / binLen);
if (aps->m_lumaBD > 10)
average = average / (double)(1 << (aps->m_lumaBD - 10));
variance = variance / (double)(1 << (2 * aps->m_lumaBD - 20));
else if (aps->m_lumaBD < 10)
average = average * (double)(1 << (10 - aps->m_lumaBD));
variance = variance * (double)(1 << (20 - 2 * aps->m_lumaBD));
double varLog10 = log10(variance + 1.0);
stats->binVar[binIdx] += varLog10;
picY += stride;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
stats->binHist[b] = (double)binCnt[b] / (double)(aps->m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize);
stats->binVar[b] = (binCnt[b] > 0) ? (stats->binVar[b] / binCnt[b]) : 0.0;
stats->minBinVar = 5.0;
stats->maxBinVar = 0.0;
stats->meanBinVar = 0.0;
stats->nonZeroCnt = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
if (stats->binHist[b] > 0.001)
stats->meanBinVar += stats->binVar[b];
if (stats->binVar[b] > stats->maxBinVar) { stats->maxBinVar = stats->binVar[b]; }
if (stats->binVar[b] < stats->minBinVar) { stats->minBinVar = stats->binVar[b]; }
stats->meanBinVar /= (double)stats->nonZeroCnt;
for (int b = 0; b < m_binNum; b++)
if (stats->meanBinVar > 0.0)
stats->normVar[b] = stats->binVar[b] / stats->meanBinVar;
stats->weightVar += stats->binHist[b] * stats->binVar[b];
stats->weightNorm += stats->binHist[b] * stats->normVar[b];
picY = &frame->source->y[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride)];
double avgY = 0.0;
double varY = 0.0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
avgY += picY[x];
varY += (double)picY[x] * (double)picY[x];
picY += stride;
avgY = avgY / (width * height);
varY = varY / (width * height) - avgY * avgY;
if (encoder->chroma_format != KVZ_CSP_400)
// ToDo: Handle other than YUV 4:2:0
assert(encoder->chroma_format == KVZ_CSP_420);
kvz_pixel* picU = &frame->source->u[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride/2)];
kvz_pixel* picV = &frame->source->v[CU_TO_PIXEL(0, 0, 0, frame->source->stride / 2)];
const int widthC = frame->source->width/2;
const int heightC = frame->source->height/2;
const int strideC = frame->source->stride/2;
double avgU = 0.0, avgV = 0.0;
double varU = 0.0, varV = 0.0;
for (int y = 0; y < heightC; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < widthC; x++)
avgU += picU[x];
avgV += picV[x];
varU += (int64_t)picU[x] * (int64_t)picU[x];
varV += (int64_t)picV[x] * (int64_t)picV[x];
picU += strideC;
picV += strideC;
avgU = avgU / (widthC * heightC);
avgV = avgV / (widthC * heightC);
varU = varU / (widthC * heightC) - avgU * avgU;
varV = varV / (widthC * heightC) - avgV * avgV;
if (varY > 0)
stats->ratioStdU = sqrt(varU) / sqrt(varY);
stats->ratioStdV = sqrt(varV) / sqrt(varY);
@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ typedef struct SliceReshapeInfo {
int chrResScalingOffset;
} SliceReshapeInfo;
typedef struct ReshapeCW
uint32_t* binCW;
int updateCtrl;
int adpOption;
uint32_t initialCW;
int rspPicSize;
int rspFps;
int rspBaseQP;
int rspTid;
int rspSliceQP;
int rspFpsToIp;
} ReshapeCW;
typedef struct lmcs_aps {
SliceReshapeInfo m_sliceReshapeInfo;
bool m_CTUFlag;
@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ typedef struct lmcs_aps {
int m_rateAdpMode;
bool m_useAdpCW;
uint16_t m_initCWAnalyze;
//ReshapeCW m_reshapeCW;
ReshapeCW m_reshapeCW;
kvz_pixel m_cwLumaWeight[PIC_CODE_CW_BINS];
double m_chromaWeight;
int m_chromaAdj;
@ -102,4 +116,6 @@ void kvz_free_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps);
void kvz_init_lmcs_seq_stats(lmcs_seq_info* stats, int32_t m_binNum);
void kvz_init_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps, int picWidth, int picHeight, uint32_t maxCUWidth, uint32_t maxCUHeight, int bitDepth);
void kvz_init_lmcs_aps(lmcs_aps* aps, int picWidth, int picHeight, uint32_t maxCUWidth, uint32_t maxCUHeight, int bitDepth);
void kvz_calc_seq_stats(struct encoder_state_t* const state, const videoframe_t* frame, lmcs_seq_info* stats, lmcs_aps* aps);
Reference in a new issue