Add new AVX2 ip filters for chroma

This commit is contained in:
Ari Lemmetti 2021-03-02 22:17:50 +02:00
parent 3476fc62c7
commit 7e6ba9750f

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@ -872,6 +872,210 @@ int16_t dst_stride)
sum = _mm256_srai_epi32(sum, shift2);
sum = _mm256_packs_epi32(sum, sum);
int16_t *dst_addr0 = &dst[(y + 0) * dst_stride + x];
int16_t *dst_addr1 = &dst[(y + 1) * dst_stride + x];
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)dst_addr0, _mm256_castsi256_si128(sum));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)dst_addr1, _mm256_extracti128_si256(sum, 1));
static void kvz_ipol_4tap_hor_px_hi_avx2(int8_t *filter,
int width,
int height,
kvz_pixel *src,
int16_t src_stride,
int16_t *dst,
int16_t dst_stride) {
__m256i shuf01 = _mm256_setr_epi8(0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4,
8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12,
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4,
8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12);
__m256i shuf23 = _mm256_setr_epi8(2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6,
10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14,
2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6,
10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14);
__m256i all_w01 = _mm256_set1_epi16(*(uint16_t*)(filter + 0));
__m256i all_w23 = _mm256_set1_epi16(*(uint16_t*)(filter + 2));
kvz_pixel *top_left = src + src_stride * y_offset + x_offset;
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
for (y = 0; y < height + KVZ_EXT_PADDING_CHROMA; y += 4) {
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_pixel *chunk_ptr = top_left + src_stride * y + x;
__m128i r0r1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(chunk_ptr + 0 * src_stride));
__m128i r2r3 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(chunk_ptr + 2 * src_stride));
r0r1 = _mm_insert_epi64(r0r1, *(uint64_t*)(chunk_ptr + 1 * src_stride), 1);
r2r3 = _mm_insert_epi64(r2r3, *(uint64_t*)(chunk_ptr + 3 * src_stride), 1);
__m256i r0r1_r2r3 = _mm256_castsi128_si256(r0r1);
r0r1_r2r3 = _mm256_inserti128_si256(r0r1_r2r3, r2r3, 1);
__m256i r0_r1_01 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(r0r1_r2r3, shuf01);
__m256i r0_r1_23 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(r0r1_r2r3, shuf23);
__m256i dot01 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(r0_r1_01, all_w01);
__m256i dot23 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(r0_r1_23, all_w23);
__m256i sum = _mm256_add_epi16(dot01, dot23);
__m128i *dst_r0 = (__m128i*)(dst + (y + 0) * dst_stride + x);
__m128i *dst_r1 = (__m128i*)(dst + (y + 1) * dst_stride + x);
__m128i *dst_r2 = (__m128i*)(dst + (y + 2) * dst_stride + x);
__m128i *dst_r3 = (__m128i*)(dst + (y + 3) * dst_stride + x);
__m128i sum_r0r1 = _mm256_castsi256_si128(sum);
__m128i sum_r2r3 = _mm256_extracti128_si256(sum, 1);
_mm_storel_epi64(dst_r0, sum_r0r1);
_mm_storeh_pd((double*)dst_r1, _mm_castsi128_pd(sum_r0r1));
_mm_storel_epi64(dst_r2, sum_r2r3);
_mm_storeh_pd((double*)dst_r3, _mm_castsi128_pd(sum_r2r3));
static void kvz_ipol_4tap_ver_hi_px_avx2(int8_t *filter,
int width,
int height,
int16_t *src,
int16_t src_stride,
kvz_pixel *dst,
int16_t dst_stride)
// Interpolation filter shifts
int32_t shift2 = 6;
// Weighted prediction offset and shift
int32_t wp_shift1 = 14 - KVZ_BIT_DEPTH;
int32_t wp_offset1 = 1 << (wp_shift1 - 1);
__m128i weights_8b = _mm_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)filter);
__m256i weights_16b = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(weights_8b);
__m256i all_w01 = _mm256_shuffle_epi32(weights_16b, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
__m256i all_w23 = _mm256_shuffle_epi32(weights_16b, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
for (int x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
int16_t *strip_ptr = src + 0 * src_stride + x;
// Initial values
// Broadcasted rows in both lanes
// __m256i r0; // Unused
// __m256i r1; // Unused
__m256i r2 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)(strip_ptr + 0 * src_stride));
__m256i r3 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)(strip_ptr + 1 * src_stride));
__m256i r4 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)(strip_ptr + 2 * src_stride));
// Consecutive rows in low and high lanes
// __m256i r0_r1; // Unused
// __m256i r1_r2; // Unused
__m256i r2_r3 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r2, r3, 0xF0);
__m256i r3_r4 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r3, r4, 0xF0);
// Paired samples of consecutive rows
__m256i r01_r12;
__m256i r23_r34 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(r2_r3, r3_r4);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
strip_ptr = src + y * src_stride + x;
// Slide window
r01_r12 = r23_r34;
r2 = r4;
r3 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)(strip_ptr + 3 * src_stride));
r4 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t*)(strip_ptr + 4 * src_stride));
r2_r3 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r2, r3, 0xF0);
r3_r4 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r3, r4, 0xF0);
r23_r34 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(r2_r3, r3_r4);
__m256i dot01 = _mm256_madd_epi16(r01_r12, all_w01);
__m256i dot23 = _mm256_madd_epi16(r23_r34, all_w23);
__m256i sum = _mm256_add_epi32(dot01, dot23);
sum = _mm256_srai_epi32(sum, shift2);
sum = _mm256_add_epi32(sum, _mm256_set1_epi32(wp_offset1));
sum = _mm256_srai_epi32(sum, wp_shift1);
sum = _mm256_packs_epi32(sum, sum);
sum = _mm256_packus_epi16(sum, sum);
kvz_pixel *dst_addr0 = &dst[(y + 0) * dst_stride + x];
kvz_pixel *dst_addr1 = &dst[(y + 1) * dst_stride + x];
*(uint32_t*)dst_addr0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(sum));
*(uint32_t*)dst_addr1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_extracti128_si256(sum, 1));
static void kvz_ipol_4tap_ver_hi_hi_avx2(int8_t *filter,
int width,
int height,
int16_t *src,
int16_t src_stride,
int16_t *dst,
int16_t dst_stride)
const int shift2 = 6;
__m128i weights_8b = _mm_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)filter);
__m256i weights_16b = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(weights_8b);
__m256i all_w01 = _mm256_shuffle_epi32(weights_16b, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
__m256i all_w23 = _mm256_shuffle_epi32(weights_16b, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));
for (int x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
int16_t *strip_ptr = src + 0 * src_stride + x;
// Initial values
// Broadcasted rows in both lanes
// __m256i r0; // Unused
// __m256i r1; // Unused
__m256i r2 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)(strip_ptr + 0 * src_stride));
__m256i r3 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)(strip_ptr + 1 * src_stride));
__m256i r4 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)(strip_ptr + 2 * src_stride));
// Consecutive rows in low and high lanes
// __m256i r0_r1; // Unused
// __m256i r1_r2; // Unused
__m256i r2_r3 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r2, r3, 0xF0);
__m256i r3_r4 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r3, r4, 0xF0);
// Paired samples of consecutive rows
__m256i r01_r12;
__m256i r23_r34 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(r2_r3, r3_r4);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
strip_ptr = src + y * src_stride + x;
// Slide window
r01_r12 = r23_r34;
r2 = r4;
r3 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)(strip_ptr + 3 * src_stride));
r4 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(*(uint64_t *)(strip_ptr + 4 * src_stride));
r2_r3 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r2, r3, 0xF0);
r3_r4 = _mm256_blend_epi32(r3, r4, 0xF0);
r23_r34 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(r2_r3, r3_r4);
__m256i dot01 = _mm256_madd_epi16(r01_r12, all_w01);
__m256i dot23 = _mm256_madd_epi16(r23_r34, all_w23);
__m256i sum = _mm256_add_epi32(dot01, dot23);
sum = _mm256_srai_epi32(sum, shift2);
sum = _mm256_packs_epi32(sum, sum);
int16_t *dst_addr0 = &dst[(y + 0) * dst_stride + x];
int16_t *dst_addr1 = &dst[(y + 1) * dst_stride + x];
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)dst_addr0, _mm256_castsi256_si128(sum));
@ -1441,8 +1645,6 @@ static void kvz_sample_quarterpel_luma_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const enco
int x, y;
int8_t *hor_fir = kvz_g_luma_filter[mv[0] & 3];
int8_t *ver_fir = kvz_g_luma_filter[mv[1] & 3];
@ -1468,22 +1670,20 @@ static void kvz_sample_14bit_quarterpel_luma_avx2(const encoder_control_t * cons
const int16_t mv[2])
// TODO: horizontal and vertical only filtering
int x, y;
int8_t *hor_fir = kvz_g_luma_filter[mv[0] & 3];
int8_t *ver_fir = kvz_g_luma_filter[mv[1] & 3];
// Buffer for intermediate values with one extra row
// because the loop writes two rows each iteration.
ALIGNED(64) int16_t hor_filtered[(KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_LUMA + 1) * LCU_WIDTH];
ALIGNED(64) int16_t hor_intermediate[(KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_LUMA + 1) * LCU_WIDTH];
int16_t hor_stride = LCU_WIDTH;
kvz_ipol_8tap_hor_px_im_avx2(hor_fir, width, height, src, src_stride, hor_filtered, hor_stride);
kvz_ipol_8tap_ver_im_hi_avx2(ver_fir, width, height, hor_filtered, hor_stride, dst, dst_stride);
kvz_ipol_8tap_hor_px_im_avx2(hor_fir, width, height, src, src_stride, hor_intermediate, hor_stride);
kvz_ipol_8tap_ver_im_hi_avx2(ver_fir, width, height, hor_intermediate, hor_stride, dst, dst_stride);
static void kvz_sample_octpel_chroma_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const encoder,
static void kvz_sample_octpel_chroma_avx2(const encoder_control_t *const encoder,
kvz_pixel *src,
int16_t src_stride,
int width,
@ -1494,118 +1694,49 @@ static void kvz_sample_octpel_chroma_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const encode
int8_t ver_flag,
const int16_t mv[2])
// TODO: Optimize SMP and AMP
if (width != height) {
// TODO: Optimizations for rest of the blocks (for example 2x8).
if (width % 4 != 0) {
kvz_sample_octpel_chroma_generic(encoder, src, src_stride, width, height, dst, dst_stride, hor_flag, ver_flag, mv);
int x, y;
int8_t *hor_fir = kvz_g_chroma_filter[mv[0] & 7];
int8_t *ver_fir = kvz_g_chroma_filter[mv[1] & 7];
// Buffer for intermediate values with 3 extra rows
// because the loop writes four rows each iteration.
ALIGNED(64) int16_t hor_intermediate[(KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_CHROMA + 3) * LCU_WIDTH_C];
int16_t hor_stride = LCU_WIDTH_C;
int16_t hor_intermediate[KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_CHROMA * LCU_WIDTH_C];
__m256i shuf_01, shuf_23;
__m256i taps_01, taps_23;
kvz_init_shuffle_masks_chroma(&shuf_01, &shuf_23);
kvz_init_filter_taps_chroma(hor_fir, &taps_01, &taps_23);
for (y = 0; y + 3 < height + KVZ_EXT_PADDING_CHROMA; y += 4) {
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_hor_4x4_avx2(&src[src_stride*ypos + xpos], src_stride, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride,
&shuf_01, &shuf_23,
&taps_01, &taps_23); //TODO: >> shift1
__m256i shuf_01_23 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(shuf_01, shuf_23, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 0));
__m256i taps_01_23 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(taps_01, taps_23, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 0));
int rows = 3;
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_hor_4xN_avx2(&src[src_stride*ypos + xpos], src_stride, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride,
&shuf_01_23, &taps_01_23,
rows); //TODO: >> shift1
for (y = 0; y + 3 < height; y += 4) {
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_ver_16bit_4x4_avx2(ver_fir, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride, &dst[y * dst_stride + x], dst_stride);
kvz_ipol_4tap_hor_px_hi_avx2(hor_fir, width, height, src, src_stride, hor_intermediate, hor_stride);
kvz_ipol_4tap_ver_hi_px_avx2(ver_fir, width, height, hor_intermediate, hor_stride, dst, dst_stride);
static void kvz_sample_14bit_octpel_chroma_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const encoder,
kvz_pixel *src,
int16_t src_stride,
int width,
int height,
int16_t *dst,
int16_t dst_stride,
int8_t hor_flag,
int8_t ver_flag,
static void kvz_sample_14bit_octpel_chroma_avx2(const encoder_control_t *const encoder,
kvz_pixel *src,
int16_t src_stride,
int width,
int height,
int16_t *dst,
int16_t dst_stride,
int8_t hor_flag,
int8_t ver_flag,
const int16_t mv[2])
// TODO: Optimize SMP and AMP
if (width != height) {
// TODO: Optimizations for rest of the blocks (for example 2x8).
if (width % 4 != 0) {
kvz_sample_14bit_octpel_chroma_generic(encoder, src, src_stride, width, height, dst, dst_stride, hor_flag, ver_flag, mv);
// TODO: horizontal and vertical only filtering
int x, y;
int8_t *hor_fir = kvz_g_chroma_filter[mv[0] & 7];
int8_t *ver_fir = kvz_g_chroma_filter[mv[1] & 7];
// Buffer for intermediate values with 3 extra rows
// because the loop writes four rows each iteration.
ALIGNED(64) int16_t hor_intermediate[(KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_CHROMA + 3) * LCU_WIDTH_C];
int16_t hor_stride = LCU_WIDTH_C;
int16_t hor_intermediate[KVZ_EXT_BLOCK_W_CHROMA * LCU_WIDTH_C];
__m256i shuf_01, shuf_23;
__m256i taps_01, taps_23;
kvz_init_shuffle_masks_chroma(&shuf_01, &shuf_23);
kvz_init_filter_taps_chroma(hor_fir, &taps_01, &taps_23);
for (y = 0; y + 3 < height + KVZ_EXT_PADDING_CHROMA; y += 4) {
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_hor_4x4_avx2(&src[src_stride*ypos + xpos], src_stride, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride,
&shuf_01, &shuf_23,
&taps_01, &taps_23); //TODO: >> shift1
__m256i shuf_01_23 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(shuf_01, shuf_23, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 0));
__m256i taps_01_23 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(taps_01, taps_23, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 0));
int rows = 3;
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_hor_4xN_avx2(&src[src_stride*ypos + xpos], src_stride, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride,
&shuf_01_23, &taps_01_23,
rows); //TODO: >> shift1
for (y = 0; y + 3 < height; y += 4) {
for (x = 0; x + 3 < width; x += 4) {
kvz_four_tap_filter_ver_16bit_4x4_no_round_avx2(ver_fir, &hor_intermediate[y * hor_stride + x], hor_stride, &dst[y * dst_stride + x], dst_stride);
kvz_ipol_4tap_hor_px_hi_avx2(hor_fir, width, height, src, src_stride, hor_intermediate, hor_stride);
kvz_ipol_4tap_ver_hi_hi_avx2(ver_fir, width, height, hor_intermediate, hor_stride, dst, dst_stride);