mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 18:14:06 +00:00
Redo the SAO_TYPE_BAND subsection of AVX2 SAO color reconstruction
Vectorize it all, hope this helps with perf
This commit is contained in:
@ -402,6 +402,17 @@ static void calc_sao_edge_dir_avx2(const kvz_pixel *orig_data,
static void print_256(__m256i v)
uint16_t buf[16];
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)buf, v);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%.4x%c", buf[i], (i == 15) ? '\n' : (i == 7) ? '-' : ' ');
* Calculate an array of intensity correlations for each intensity value.
* Return array as 16 YMM vectors, each containing 2x16 unsigned bytes
@ -477,6 +488,119 @@ static void calc_sao_offset_array_avx2(const encoder_control_t *encoder,
static INLINE __m256i lookup_color_band_ymm(__m256i curr_row, const __m256i *offsets)
const __m256i select_nibble = _mm256_set1_epi8 (0x0f);
const __m256i lo_nibbles = _mm256_and_si256 (select_nibble, curr_row);
const __m256i hi_nibbles = _mm256_andnot_si256(select_nibble, curr_row);
// Loop through the offset vectors, the 0xi'th one always holding
// offsets 0xi0...0xif. Use shuffle to do a lookup on the current
// offset vector, then check which pixels actually should be looked
// up from this vector (ie. whether their values are 0xi0...0xif) and
// mask out any but correct ones.
__m256i result_row = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
__m256i curr_hinib0 = _mm256_set1_epi8 ((i + 0) << 4);
__m256i curr_hinib1 = _mm256_set1_epi8 ((i + 1) << 4);
__m256i curr_hinib2 = _mm256_set1_epi8 ((i + 2) << 4);
__m256i curr_hinib3 = _mm256_set1_epi8 ((i + 3) << 4);
__m256i hinib_select0 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (curr_hinib0, hi_nibbles);
__m256i hinib_select1 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (curr_hinib1, hi_nibbles);
__m256i hinib_select2 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (curr_hinib2, hi_nibbles);
__m256i hinib_select3 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (curr_hinib3, hi_nibbles);
__m256i lonib_lookup0 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(offsets[i + 0], lo_nibbles);
__m256i lonib_lookup1 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(offsets[i + 1], lo_nibbles);
__m256i lonib_lookup2 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(offsets[i + 2], lo_nibbles);
__m256i lonib_lookup3 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(offsets[i + 3], lo_nibbles);
__m256i lookup_mskd0 = _mm256_and_si256 (hinib_select0, lonib_lookup0);
__m256i lookup_mskd1 = _mm256_and_si256 (hinib_select1, lonib_lookup1);
__m256i lookup_mskd2 = _mm256_and_si256 (hinib_select2, lonib_lookup2);
__m256i lookup_mskd3 = _mm256_and_si256 (hinib_select3, lonib_lookup3);
__m256i lookup_mskd01 = _mm256_or_si256 (lookup_mskd0, lookup_mskd1);
__m256i lookup_mskd23 = _mm256_or_si256 (lookup_mskd2, lookup_mskd3);
__m256i lookup_res = _mm256_or_si256 (lookup_mskd01, lookup_mskd23);
result_row = _mm256_or_si256 (result_row, lookup_res);
return result_row;
static INLINE void reconstruct_color_band(const encoder_control_t *encoder,
const kvz_pixel *rec_data,
kvz_pixel *new_rec_data,
const sao_info_t *sao,
int32_t stride,
int32_t new_stride,
int32_t block_width,
int32_t block_height,
color_t color_i)
const uint32_t width_db32 = block_width & ~31;
const uint32_t width_db4 = block_width & ~3;
const uint32_t width_rest = block_width & 3;
// Form the load&store mask
const __m256i wdb4_256 = _mm256_set1_epi32 (width_db4 & 31);
const __m256i indexes = _mm256_setr_epi32 (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31);
const __m256i db4_mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(wdb4_256, indexes);
// Each of the 256 offsets is a byte, but only 16 are held in one YMM since
// lanes must be duplicated to use shuffle.
__m256i offsets[16];
calc_sao_offset_array_avx2(encoder, sao, offsets, color_i);
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < block_height; y++) {
uint32_t x = 0;
for (; x < width_db32; x += 32) {
const uint32_t curr_srcpos = y * stride + x;
const uint32_t curr_dstpos = y * new_stride + x;
__m256i curr_row = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)(rec_data + curr_srcpos));
__m256i result = lookup_color_band_ymm(curr_row, offsets);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)(new_rec_data + curr_dstpos), result);
if (block_width > width_db32) {
const uint32_t curr_srcpos = y * stride + x;
const uint32_t curr_dstpos = y * new_stride + x;
const uint32_t rest_srcpos = y * stride + width_db4;
const uint32_t rest_dstpos = y * new_stride + width_db4;
// Read the very last pixels byte by byte and pack them into one dword.
// Piggyback said dword as the highest dword of the row vector variable,
// that particular place can never be loaded into by the maskmove
// (otherwise that vector would go through the divisible-by-32 code
// path).
uint32_t last_dword = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_rest; i++) {
uint8_t currb = rec_data[rest_srcpos + i];
uint32_t currd = ((uint32_t)currb) << (i * 8);
last_dword |= currd;
const int32_t *src_ptr = (const int32_t *)( rec_data + curr_srcpos);
int32_t *dst_ptr = ( int32_t *)(new_rec_data + curr_dstpos);
__m256i curr_row = _mm256_maskload_epi32(src_ptr, db4_mask);
curr_row = _mm256_insert_epi32 (curr_row, last_dword, 7);
__m256i result = lookup_color_band_ymm(curr_row, offsets);
_mm256_maskstore_epi32(dst_ptr, db4_mask, result);
uint32_t last_dword_dst = _mm256_extract_epi32(result, 7);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_rest; i++) {
uint8_t currb = last_dword_dst & 0xff;
new_rec_data[rest_dstpos + i] = currb;
last_dword_dst >>= 8;
static void sao_reconstruct_color_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const encoder,
const kvz_pixel *rec_data,
kvz_pixel *new_rec_data,
@ -492,57 +616,7 @@ static void sao_reconstruct_color_avx2(const encoder_control_t * const encoder,
int offset_v = color_i == COLOR_V ? 5 : 0;
if (sao->type == SAO_TYPE_BAND) {
int offsets[1 << KVZ_BIT_DEPTH];
kvz_calc_sao_offset_array(encoder, sao, offsets, color_i);
unsigned char*temp;
for (int y = 0; y < block_height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < block_width; x+=32) {
//new_rec_data[y * new_stride + x] = offsets[rec_data[y * stride + x]];
bool atleast_32_elements = (block_width - x) > 31;
bool atleast_16_elements = (block_width - x) > 15;
int choose = atleast_32_elements + atleast_16_elements;
switch (choose) {
case 2:;
__m256i rec_data_256_epi8 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)&rec_data[y * stride + x]);
temp = (unsigned char*)&rec_data_256_epi8;
__m256i offsets_256_epi8 = _mm256_set_epi8(offsets[temp[31]], offsets[temp[30]], offsets[temp[29]], offsets[temp[28]], offsets[temp[27]], offsets[temp[26]], offsets[temp[25]],
offsets[temp[24]], offsets[temp[23]], offsets[temp[22]], offsets[temp[21]], offsets[temp[20]], offsets[temp[19]], offsets[temp[18]], offsets[temp[17]], offsets[temp[16]],
offsets[temp[15]], offsets[temp[14]], offsets[temp[13]], offsets[temp[12]], offsets[temp[11]], offsets[temp[10]], offsets[temp[9]],
offsets[temp[8]], offsets[temp[7]], offsets[temp[6]], offsets[temp[5]], offsets[temp[4]], offsets[temp[3]], offsets[temp[2]], offsets[temp[1]], offsets[temp[0]]);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)& new_rec_data[y * new_stride + x], offsets_256_epi8);
case 1:;
__m128i rec_data_128_epi8 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&rec_data[y * stride + x]);
temp = (unsigned char*)&rec_data_128_epi8;
__m128i offsets_128_epi8 = _mm_set_epi8(offsets[temp[15]], offsets[temp[14]], offsets[temp[13]], offsets[temp[12]], offsets[temp[11]], offsets[temp[10]], offsets[temp[9]],
offsets[temp[8]], offsets[temp[7]], offsets[temp[6]], offsets[temp[5]], offsets[temp[4]], offsets[temp[3]], offsets[temp[2]], offsets[temp[1]], offsets[temp[0]]);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)& new_rec_data[y * new_stride + x], offsets_128_epi8);
for (int i = x; i < block_width; i++) {
new_rec_data[y * new_stride + i] = offsets[rec_data[y * stride + i]];
for (int i = x; i < block_width; i++) {
new_rec_data[y * new_stride + i] = offsets[rec_data[y * stride + i]];
reconstruct_color_band(encoder, rec_data, new_rec_data, sao, stride, new_stride, block_width, block_height, color_i);
else {
Reference in a new issue