- Everyone who has contributed code to the project has been asked to license
their contributions under LPGL and they have agreed.
- COPYING file changed to say LGPLv2.1 instead of GPLv2.
- GPL changed to LGPL in the header of every single file that a header and
header added to the few that were missing one.
- Also.. Happy new year!
- I haven't found a good way of including external dependencies to VS projects
yet. Win32-pthreads is assumed to be found at the same level as kvazaar dir
and has the files x86/pthreadVC2.lib and x64/pthreadVC2.lib.
- Win32-pthreads also requires the pthreadVC2.dll to be in PATH when running
the program. Not sure what to do about that yet. We might need an installer
for windows to handle that.
- Disable openmp as it's no longer used.
- Stop linking Ws2_32.lib as that hasn't been used for ages.