/** * HEVC Encoder * - Marko Viitanen ( fador at iki.fi ), Tampere University of Technology, Department of Pervasive Computing. */ /*! \file transform.c \brief Transform functions \author Marko Viitanen \date 2012-09 Transform functions */ #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "config.h" #include "encoder.h" #include "nal.h" #include "transform.h" const int16_t g_aiT4[4][4] = { { 64, 64, 64, 64}, { 83, 36,-36,-83}, { 64,-64,-64, 64}, { 36,-83, 83,-36} }; const int16_t g_aiT8[8][8] = { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}, { 89, 75, 50, 18,-18,-50,-75,-89}, { 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83}, { 75,-18,-89,-50, 50, 89, 18,-75}, { 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64}, { 50,-89, 18, 75,-75,-18, 89,-50}, { 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36}, { 18,-50, 75,-89, 89,-75, 50,-18} }; const int16_t g_aiT16[16][16] = { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}, { 90, 87, 80, 70, 57, 43, 25, 9, -9,-25,-43,-57,-70,-80,-87,-90}, { 89, 75, 50, 18,-18,-50,-75,-89,-89,-75,-50,-18, 18, 50, 75, 89}, { 87, 57, 9,-43,-80,-90,-70,-25, 25, 70, 90, 80, 43, -9,-57,-87}, { 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83, 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83}, { 80, 9,-70,-87,-25, 57, 90, 43,-43,-90,-57, 25, 87, 70, -9,-80}, { 75,-18,-89,-50, 50, 89, 18,-75,-75, 18, 89, 50,-50,-89,-18, 75}, { 70,-43,-87, 9, 90, 25,-80,-57, 57, 80,-25,-90, -9, 87, 43,-70}, { 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64}, { 57,-80,-25, 90, -9,-87, 43, 70,-70,-43, 87, 9,-90, 25, 80,-57}, { 50,-89, 18, 75,-75,-18, 89,-50,-50, 89,-18,-75, 75, 18,-89, 50}, { 43,-90, 57, 25,-87, 70, 9,-80, 80, -9,-70, 87,-25,-57, 90,-43}, { 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36, 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36}, { 25,-70, 90,-80, 43, 9,-57, 87,-87, 57, -9,-43, 80,-90, 70,-25}, { 18,-50, 75,-89, 89,-75, 50,-18,-18, 50,-75, 89,-89, 75,-50, 18}, { 9,-25, 43,-57, 70,-80, 87,-90, 90,-87, 80,-70, 57,-43, 25, -9} }; const int16_t g_aiT32[32][32] = { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}, { 90, 90, 88, 85, 82, 78, 73, 67, 61, 54, 46, 38, 31, 22, 13, 4, -4,-13,-22,-31,-38,-46,-54,-61,-67,-73,-78,-82,-85,-88,-90,-90}, { 90, 87, 80, 70, 57, 43, 25, 9, -9,-25,-43,-57,-70,-80,-87,-90,-90,-87,-80,-70,-57,-43,-25, -9, 9, 25, 43, 57, 70, 80, 87, 90}, { 90, 82, 67, 46, 22, -4,-31,-54,-73,-85,-90,-88,-78,-61,-38,-13, 13, 38, 61, 78, 88, 90, 85, 73, 54, 31, 4,-22,-46,-67,-82,-90}, { 89, 75, 50, 18,-18,-50,-75,-89,-89,-75,-50,-18, 18, 50, 75, 89, 89, 75, 50, 18,-18,-50,-75,-89,-89,-75,-50,-18, 18, 50, 75, 89}, { 88, 67, 31,-13,-54,-82,-90,-78,-46, -4, 38, 73, 90, 85, 61, 22,-22,-61,-85,-90,-73,-38, 4, 46, 78, 90, 82, 54, 13,-31,-67,-88}, { 87, 57, 9,-43,-80,-90,-70,-25, 25, 70, 90, 80, 43, -9,-57,-87,-87,-57, -9, 43, 80, 90, 70, 25,-25,-70,-90,-80,-43, 9, 57, 87}, { 85, 46,-13,-67,-90,-73,-22, 38, 82, 88, 54, -4,-61,-90,-78,-31, 31, 78, 90, 61, 4,-54,-88,-82,-38, 22, 73, 90, 67, 13,-46,-85}, { 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83, 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83, 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83, 83, 36,-36,-83,-83,-36, 36, 83}, { 82, 22,-54,-90,-61, 13, 78, 85, 31,-46,-90,-67, 4, 73, 88, 38,-38,-88,-73, -4, 67, 90, 46,-31,-85,-78,-13, 61, 90, 54,-22,-82}, { 80, 9,-70,-87,-25, 57, 90, 43,-43,-90,-57, 25, 87, 70, -9,-80,-80, -9, 70, 87, 25,-57,-90,-43, 43, 90, 57,-25,-87,-70, 9, 80}, { 78, -4,-82,-73, 13, 85, 67,-22,-88,-61, 31, 90, 54,-38,-90,-46, 46, 90, 38,-54,-90,-31, 61, 88, 22,-67,-85,-13, 73, 82, 4,-78}, { 75,-18,-89,-50, 50, 89, 18,-75,-75, 18, 89, 50,-50,-89,-18, 75, 75,-18,-89,-50, 50, 89, 18,-75,-75, 18, 89, 50,-50,-89,-18, 75}, { 73,-31,-90,-22, 78, 67,-38,-90,-13, 82, 61,-46,-88, -4, 85, 54,-54,-85, 4, 88, 46,-61,-82, 13, 90, 38,-67,-78, 22, 90, 31,-73}, { 70,-43,-87, 9, 90, 25,-80,-57, 57, 80,-25,-90, -9, 87, 43,-70,-70, 43, 87, -9,-90,-25, 80, 57,-57,-80, 25, 90, 9,-87,-43, 70}, { 67,-54,-78, 38, 85,-22,-90, 4, 90, 13,-88,-31, 82, 46,-73,-61, 61, 73,-46,-82, 31, 88,-13,-90, -4, 90, 22,-85,-38, 78, 54,-67}, { 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64, 64,-64,-64, 64}, { 61,-73,-46, 82, 31,-88,-13, 90, -4,-90, 22, 85,-38,-78, 54, 67,-67,-54, 78, 38,-85,-22, 90, 4,-90, 13, 88,-31,-82, 46, 73,-61}, { 57,-80,-25, 90, -9,-87, 43, 70,-70,-43, 87, 9,-90, 25, 80,-57,-57, 80, 25,-90, 9, 87,-43,-70, 70, 43,-87, -9, 90,-25,-80, 57}, { 54,-85, -4, 88,-46,-61, 82, 13,-90, 38, 67,-78,-22, 90,-31,-73, 73, 31,-90, 22, 78,-67,-38, 90,-13,-82, 61, 46,-88, 4, 85,-54}, { 50,-89, 18, 75,-75,-18, 89,-50,-50, 89,-18,-75, 75, 18,-89, 50, 50,-89, 18, 75,-75,-18, 89,-50,-50, 89,-18,-75, 75, 18,-89, 50}, { 46,-90, 38, 54,-90, 31, 61,-88, 22, 67,-85, 13, 73,-82, 4, 78,-78, -4, 82,-73,-13, 85,-67,-22, 88,-61,-31, 90,-54,-38, 90,-46}, { 43,-90, 57, 25,-87, 70, 9,-80, 80, -9,-70, 87,-25,-57, 90,-43,-43, 90,-57,-25, 87,-70, -9, 80,-80, 9, 70,-87, 25, 57,-90, 43}, { 38,-88, 73, -4,-67, 90,-46,-31, 85,-78, 13, 61,-90, 54, 22,-82, 82,-22,-54, 90,-61,-13, 78,-85, 31, 46,-90, 67, 4,-73, 88,-38}, { 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36, 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36, 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36, 36,-83, 83,-36,-36, 83,-83, 36}, { 31,-78, 90,-61, 4, 54,-88, 82,-38,-22, 73,-90, 67,-13,-46, 85,-85, 46, 13,-67, 90,-73, 22, 38,-82, 88,-54, -4, 61,-90, 78,-31}, { 25,-70, 90,-80, 43, 9,-57, 87,-87, 57, -9,-43, 80,-90, 70,-25,-25, 70,-90, 80,-43, -9, 57,-87, 87,-57, 9, 43,-80, 90,-70, 25}, { 22,-61, 85,-90, 73,-38, -4, 46,-78, 90,-82, 54,-13,-31, 67,-88, 88,-67, 31, 13,-54, 82,-90, 78,-46, 4, 38,-73, 90,-85, 61,-22}, { 18,-50, 75,-89, 89,-75, 50,-18,-18, 50,-75, 89,-89, 75,-50, 18, 18,-50, 75,-89, 89,-75, 50,-18,-18, 50,-75, 89,-89, 75,-50, 18}, { 13,-38, 61,-78, 88,-90, 85,-73, 54,-31, 4, 22,-46, 67,-82, 90,-90, 82,-67, 46,-22, -4, 31,-54, 73,-85, 90,-88, 78,-61, 38,-13}, { 9,-25, 43,-57, 70,-80, 87,-90, 90,-87, 80,-70, 57,-43, 25, -9, -9, 25,-43, 57,-70, 80,-87, 90,-90, 87,-80, 70,-57, 43,-25, 9}, { 4,-13, 22,-31, 38,-46, 54,-61, 67,-73, 78,-82, 85,-88, 90,-90, 90,-90, 88,-85, 82,-78, 73,-67, 61,-54, 46,-38, 31,-22, 13, -4} }; const int32_t g_quantTSDefault4x4[16] = { 16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16 }; const int32_t g_quantIntraDefault8x8[64] = { 16,16,16,16,17,18,21,24, 16,16,16,16,17,19,22,25, 16,16,17,18,20,22,25,29, 16,16,18,21,24,27,31,36, 17,17,20,24,30,35,41,47, 18,19,22,27,35,44,54,65, 21,22,25,31,41,54,70,88, 24,25,29,36,47,65,88,115 }; const int32_t g_quantInterDefault8x8[64] = { 16,16,16,16,17,18,20,24, 16,16,16,17,18,20,24,25, 16,16,17,18,20,24,25,28, 16,17,18,20,24,25,28,33, 17,18,20,24,25,28,33,41, 18,20,24,25,28,33,41,54, 20,24,25,28,33,41,54,71, 24,25,28,33,41,54,71,91 }; const uint8_t g_aucChromaScale[58]= { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,29,30,31,32, 33,33,34,34,35,35,36,36,37,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44, 45,46,47,48,49,50,51 }; int32_t* g_quant_coeff[4][6][6]; int32_t* g_de_quant_coeff[4][6][6]; const uint8_t g_scalingListNum[4]={6,6,6,2}; const uint16_t g_scalingListSize[4] = {16,64,256,1024}; const uint8_t g_scalingListSizeX[4] = { 4, 8, 16, 32}; const int16_t g_quantScales[6] = { 26214,23302,20560,18396,16384,14564 }; const int16_t g_invQuantScales[6] = { 40,45,51,57,64,72 }; //static int32_t m_scalingListDC[4][6]; void scalinglist_init() { uint32_t sizeId,listId,qp; for(sizeId = 0; sizeId < 4; sizeId++) { for(listId = 0; listId < g_scalingListNum[sizeId]; listId++) { for(qp = 0; qp < 6; qp++) { if(!(sizeId == 3 && listId == 3)) { g_quant_coeff [sizeId][listId][qp] = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*g_scalingListSize[sizeId]); memset(g_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp],0,sizeof(int32_t)*g_scalingListSize[sizeId]); g_de_quant_coeff [sizeId][listId][qp] = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*g_scalingListSize[sizeId]); memset(g_de_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp],0,sizeof(int32_t)*g_scalingListSize[sizeId]); //m_dequantCoef [sizeId][listId][qp][SCALING_LIST_SQT] = new Int [g_scalingListSize[sizeId]]; //m_errScale [sizeId][listId][qp][SCALING_LIST_SQT] = new double [g_scalingListSize[sizeId]]; } } } } //Alias for(qp = 0; qp < 6; qp++) { g_quant_coeff[3][3][qp] = g_quant_coeff[3][1][qp]; g_de_quant_coeff[3][3][qp] = g_de_quant_coeff[3][1][qp]; } } void scalinglist_destroy() { uint32_t sizeId,listId,qp; for(sizeId = 0; sizeId < 4; sizeId++) { for(listId = 0; listId < g_scalingListNum[sizeId]; listId++) { for(qp = 0; qp < 6; qp++) { free(g_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp]); free(g_de_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp]); } } } } void scalinglist_process() { uint32_t size,list,qp; for(size=0;size 2) list_ptr = (int32_t*)g_quantInterDefault8x8; break; case 3: /* 32x32 */ if(list > 0) list_ptr = (int32_t*)g_quantInterDefault8x8; break; } for(qp=0;qp>4; } } else { for(j=0;j63)?1:coeff[coeffpos]); } } if(ratio > 1) { quantcoeff[0] = quantScales / dc; } } } void scalinglist_processDec( int32_t *coeff, int32_t *dequantcoeff, int32_t invQuantScales, uint32_t height,uint32_t width, uint32_t ratio, int32_t sizuNum, uint32_t dc, uint8_t flat) { uint32_t j,i; for(j=0;j 1) { dequantcoeff[0] = invQuantScales * dc; } } void scalinglist_set(int32_t *coeff, uint32_t listId, uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t qp) { uint32_t width = g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]; uint32_t height = g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]; uint32_t ratio = g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]/MIN(8,g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]); int32_t *quantcoeff = g_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp]; int32_t *dequantcoeff = g_de_quant_coeff[sizeId][listId][qp]; scalinglist_processEnc(coeff,quantcoeff,g_quantScales[qp]<<4,height,width,ratio,MIN(8,g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]),/*SCALING_LIST_DC*/16, 0); scalinglist_processDec(coeff,dequantcoeff,g_invQuantScales[qp],height,width,ratio,MIN(8,g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]),/*SCALING_LIST_DC*/16, 0); //ToDo: support NSQT //if(sizeId == /*SCALING_LIST_32x32*/3 || sizeId == /*SCALING_LIST_16x16*/2) //for NSQT //{ // quantcoeff = g_quant_coeff[listId][qp][sizeId-1][/*SCALING_LIST_VER*/1]; // scalinglist_processEnc(coeff,quantcoeff,g_quantScales[qp]<<4,height,width>>2,ratio,MIN(8,g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]),/*scalingList->getScalingListDC(sizeId,listId)*/0); // quantcoeff = g_quant_coeff[listId][qp][sizeId-1][/*SCALING_LIST_HOR*/2]; // scalinglist_processEnc(coeff,quantcoeff,g_quantScales[qp]<<4,height>>2,width,ratio,MIN(8,g_scalingListSizeX[sizeId]),/*scalingList->getScalingListDC(sizeId,listId)*/0); //} } void partialButterfly4(short *src,short *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j; int32_t E[2],O[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift; dst[2*line] = (g_aiT4[2][0]*E[0] + g_aiT4[2][1]*E[1] + add)>>shift; dst[line] = (g_aiT4[1][0]*O[0] + g_aiT4[1][1]*O[1] + add)>>shift; dst[3*line] = (g_aiT4[3][0]*O[0] + g_aiT4[3][1]*O[1] + add)>>shift; src += 4; dst ++; } } void partialButterflyInverse4(short *src,short *dst,int shift, int line) { int j; int E[2],O[2]; int add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift ); dst[1] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, (E[1] + O[1] + add)>>shift ); dst[2] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, (E[1] - O[1] + add)>>shift ); dst[3] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, (E[0] - O[0] + add)>>shift ); src ++; dst += 4; } } // Fast DST Algorithm. Full matrix multiplication for DST and Fast DST algorithm // give identical results void fastForwardDst(short *block,short *coeff,int32_t shift) // input block, output coeff { int32_t i, c[4]; int32_t rnd_factor = 1<<(shift-1); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { // int32_termediate Variables c[0] = block[4*i+0] + block[4*i+3]; c[1] = block[4*i+1] + block[4*i+3]; c[2] = block[4*i+0] - block[4*i+1]; c[3] = 74* block[4*i+2]; coeff[ i] = ( 29 * c[0] + 55 * c[1] + c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift; coeff[ 4+i] = ( 74 * (block[4*i+0]+ block[4*i+1] - block[4*i+3]) + rnd_factor ) >> shift; coeff[ 8+i] = ( 29 * c[2] + 55 * c[0] - c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift; coeff[12+i] = ( 55 * c[2] - 29 * c[1] + c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift; } } void fastInverseDst(short *tmp,short *block,int shift) // input tmp, output block { int i, c[4]; int rnd_factor = 1<<(shift-1); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { // Intermediate Variables c[0] = tmp[ i] + tmp[ 8+i]; c[1] = tmp[8+i] + tmp[12+i]; c[2] = tmp[ i] - tmp[12+i]; c[3] = 74* tmp[4+i]; block[4*i+0] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, ( 29 * c[0] + 55 * c[1] + c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift ); block[4*i+1] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, ( 55 * c[2] - 29 * c[1] + c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift ); block[4*i+2] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, ( 74 * (tmp[i] - tmp[8+i] + tmp[12+i]) + rnd_factor ) >> shift ); block[4*i+3] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, ( 55 * c[0] + 29 * c[2] - c[3] + rnd_factor ) >> shift ); } } void partialButterfly8(short *src,short *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[4],O[4]; int32_t EE[2],EO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift; dst[4*line] = (g_aiT8[4][0]*EE[0] + g_aiT8[4][1]*EE[1] + add)>>shift; dst[2*line] = (g_aiT8[2][0]*EO[0] + g_aiT8[2][1]*EO[1] + add)>>shift; dst[6*line] = (g_aiT8[6][0]*EO[0] + g_aiT8[6][1]*EO[1] + add)>>shift; dst[line] = (g_aiT8[1][0]*O[0] + g_aiT8[1][1]*O[1] + g_aiT8[1][2]*O[2] + g_aiT8[1][3]*O[3] + add)>>shift; dst[3*line] = (g_aiT8[3][0]*O[0] + g_aiT8[3][1]*O[1] + g_aiT8[3][2]*O[2] + g_aiT8[3][3]*O[3] + add)>>shift; dst[5*line] = (g_aiT8[5][0]*O[0] + g_aiT8[5][1]*O[1] + g_aiT8[5][2]*O[2] + g_aiT8[5][3]*O[3] + add)>>shift; dst[7*line] = (g_aiT8[7][0]*O[0] + g_aiT8[7][1]*O[1] + g_aiT8[7][2]*O[2] + g_aiT8[7][3]*O[3] + add)>>shift; src += 8; dst ++; } } void partialButterflyInverse8(int16_t *src,int16_t *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[4],O[4]; int32_t EE[2],EO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift )); dst[ k+4 ] = MAX( -32768, MIN(32767, (E[3-k] - O[3-k] + add)>>shift )); } src ++; dst += 8; } } void partialButterfly16(short *src,short *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[8],O[8]; int32_t EE[4],EO[4]; int32_t EEE[2],EEO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift; dst[ 8*line ] = (g_aiT16[ 8][0]*EEE[0] + g_aiT16[ 8][1]*EEE[1] + add)>>shift; dst[ 4*line ] = (g_aiT16[ 4][0]*EEO[0] + g_aiT16[ 4][1]*EEO[1] + add)>>shift; dst[ 12*line] = (g_aiT16[12][0]*EEO[0] + g_aiT16[12][1]*EEO[1] + add)>>shift; for (k=2;k<16;k+=4) { dst[ k*line ] = (g_aiT16[k][0]*EO[0] + g_aiT16[k][1]*EO[1] + g_aiT16[k][2]*EO[2] + g_aiT16[k][3]*EO[3] + add)>>shift; } for (k=1;k<16;k+=2) { dst[ k*line ] = (g_aiT16[k][0]*O[0] + g_aiT16[k][1]*O[1] + g_aiT16[k][2]*O[2] + g_aiT16[k][3]*O[3] + g_aiT16[k][4]*O[4] + g_aiT16[k][5]*O[5] + g_aiT16[k][6]*O[6] + g_aiT16[k][7]*O[7] + add)>>shift; } src += 16; dst ++; } } void partialButterflyInverse16(int16_t *src,int16_t *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[8],O[8]; int32_t EE[4],EO[4]; int32_t EEE[2],EEO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift)); dst[k+8] = MAX( -32768, MIN(32767, (E[7-k] - O[7-k] + add)>>shift)); } src ++; dst += 16; } } void partialButterfly32(short *src,short *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[16],O[16]; int32_t EE[8],EO[8]; int32_t EEE[4],EEO[4]; int32_t EEEE[2],EEEO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift; dst[ 16*line ] = (g_aiT32[16][0]*EEEE[0] + g_aiT32[16][1]*EEEE[1] + add)>>shift; dst[ 8*line ] = (g_aiT32[ 8][0]*EEEO[0] + g_aiT32[ 8][1]*EEEO[1] + add)>>shift; dst[ 24*line ] = (g_aiT32[24][0]*EEEO[0] + g_aiT32[24][1]*EEEO[1] + add)>>shift; for (k=4;k<32;k+=8) { dst[ k*line ] = (g_aiT32[k][0]*EEO[0] + g_aiT32[k][1]*EEO[1] + g_aiT32[k][2]*EEO[2] + g_aiT32[k][3]*EEO[3] + add)>>shift; } for (k=2;k<32;k+=4) { dst[ k*line ] = (g_aiT32[k][0]*EO[0] + g_aiT32[k][1]*EO[1] + g_aiT32[k][2]*EO[2] + g_aiT32[k][3]*EO[3] + g_aiT32[k][4]*EO[4] + g_aiT32[k][5]*EO[5] + g_aiT32[k][6]*EO[6] + g_aiT32[k][7]*EO[7] + add)>>shift; } for (k=1;k<32;k+=2) { dst[ k*line ] = (g_aiT32[k][ 0]*O[ 0] + g_aiT32[k][ 1]*O[ 1] + g_aiT32[k][ 2]*O[ 2] + g_aiT32[k][ 3]*O[ 3] + g_aiT32[k][ 4]*O[ 4] + g_aiT32[k][ 5]*O[ 5] + g_aiT32[k][ 6]*O[ 6] + g_aiT32[k][ 7]*O[ 7] + g_aiT32[k][ 8]*O[ 8] + g_aiT32[k][ 9]*O[ 9] + g_aiT32[k][10]*O[10] + g_aiT32[k][11]*O[11] + g_aiT32[k][12]*O[12] + g_aiT32[k][13]*O[13] + g_aiT32[k][14]*O[14] + g_aiT32[k][15]*O[15] + add)>>shift; } src += 32; dst ++; } } void partialButterflyInverse32(int16_t *src,int16_t *dst,int32_t shift, int32_t line) { int32_t j,k; int32_t E[16],O[16]; int32_t EE[8],EO[8]; int32_t EEE[4],EEO[4]; int32_t EEEE[2],EEEO[2]; int32_t add = 1<<(shift-1); for (j=0; j>shift )); dst[k+16] = MAX( -32768, MIN(32767, (E[15-k] - O[15-k] + add)>>shift )); } src ++; dst += 32; } } /** forward transform (2D) * \param block input residual * \param coeff transform coefficients * \param blockSize width of transform */ void transform2d(int16_t *block,int16_t *coeff, int8_t blockSize, int32_t uiMode) { int32_t shift_1st = g_aucConvertToBit[blockSize] + 1 + g_uiBitIncrement; // log2(iWidth) - 1 + g_uiBitIncrement int32_t shift_2nd = g_aucConvertToBit[blockSize] + 8; // log2(iHeight) + 6 int16_t tmp[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH]; if(blockSize== 4) { if (uiMode != 65535) { fastForwardDst(block,tmp,shift_1st); // Forward DST BY FAST ALGORITHM, block input, tmp output fastForwardDst(tmp,coeff,shift_2nd); // Forward DST BY FAST ALGORITHM, tmp input, coeff output } else { partialButterfly4(block, tmp, shift_1st, blockSize); partialButterfly4(tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, blockSize); } } else { switch(blockSize) { case 8: { partialButterfly8( block, tmp, shift_1st, blockSize ); partialButterfly8( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, blockSize ); break; } case 16: { partialButterfly16( block, tmp, shift_1st, blockSize ); partialButterfly16( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, blockSize ); break; } case 32: { partialButterfly32( block, tmp, shift_1st, blockSize ); partialButterfly32( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, blockSize ); break; } } } } /*! \brief NxN inverse transform (2D) \param coeff input data (transform coefficients) \param block output data (residual) \param blockSize input data (width of transform) \param uiMode */ void itransform2d(int16_t *block,int16_t *coeff, int8_t blockSize, int32_t uiMode) //(Int bitDepth, Short *coeff,Short *block, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, UInt uiMode) { int32_t shift_1st = 7; int32_t shift_2nd = 12 - (g_bitDepth-8); int16_t tmp[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH]; if( blockSize == 4) { if (uiMode != 65535) { fastInverseDst(coeff,tmp,shift_1st); // Inverse DST by FAST Algorithm, coeff input, tmp output fastInverseDst(tmp,block,shift_2nd); // Inverse DST by FAST Algorithm, tmp input, coeff output } else { partialButterflyInverse4(coeff,tmp,shift_1st,blockSize); partialButterflyInverse4(tmp,block,shift_2nd,blockSize); } } else if( blockSize == 8) { partialButterflyInverse8(coeff,tmp,shift_1st,blockSize); partialButterflyInverse8(tmp,block,shift_2nd,blockSize); } else if( blockSize == 16) { partialButterflyInverse16(coeff,tmp,shift_1st,blockSize); partialButterflyInverse16(tmp,block,shift_2nd,blockSize); } else if( blockSize == 32) { partialButterflyInverse32(coeff,tmp,shift_1st,blockSize); partialButterflyInverse32(tmp,block,shift_2nd,blockSize); } } #define QUANT_SHIFT 14 void quant(encoder_control* encoder, int16_t* pSrc, int16_t* pDes, int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight, uint32_t *uiAcSum, int8_t eTType, int8_t scanIdx ) { int16_t* piCoef = pSrc; int16_t* piQCoef = pDes; int8_t useRDOQForTransformSkip = 0; uint32_t log2BlockSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2; uint32_t* scan = g_auiSigLastScan[ scanIdx ][ log2BlockSize - 1 ]; //uint32_t scanIdx = SCAN_DIAG; int32_t deltaU[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2]; int32_t iQpBase = encoder->QP; int32_t qpScaled; int32_t qpBDOffset = 0;//(eTType == 0)? pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY() : pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetC(); if(eTType == 0) { qpScaled = iQpBase + qpBDOffset; } else { qpScaled = CLIP(-qpBDOffset, 57, iQpBase); if(qpScaled < 0) { qpScaled = qpScaled + qpBDOffset; } else { qpScaled = g_aucChromaScale[ qpScaled ] + qpBDOffset; } } //New block for variable definitions { int32_t n; uint32_t dir = 0;//SCALING_LIST_SQT; uint32_t uiLog2TrSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2; int32_t scalingListType = (/*pcCU->isint32_tra(uiAbsPartIdx)*/0 ? 0 : 3) + (int8_t)("\0\3\1\2"[eTType]); int32_t *piQuantCoeff = g_quant_coeff[uiLog2TrSize-2][scalingListType][/*m_cQP.m_iRem*/qpScaled%6]; uint32_t uiBitDepth = g_bitDepth; int32_t iTransformShift = /*MAX_TR_DYNAMIC_RANGE*/15 - uiBitDepth - uiLog2TrSize; // Represents scaling through forward transform int32_t iQBits = QUANT_SHIFT + /*cQpBase.m_iPer +*/qpScaled/6 + iTransformShift; int32_t iAdd = ((encoder->in.cur_pic.slicetype == SLICE_I) ? 171 : 85) << (iQBits-9); int32_t qBits8 = iQBits-8; for(n = 0; n < iWidth*iHeight; n++) { int32_t iLevel; int32_t iSign; //int64_t tmpLevel; iLevel = piCoef[n]; iSign = (iLevel < 0 ? -1: 1); iLevel = ((int64_t)abs(iLevel) * piQuantCoeff[n] + iAdd ) >> iQBits; deltaU[n] = (int32_t)( ((int64_t)abs(piCoef[n]) * piQuantCoeff[n] - (iLevel<> qBits8 ); #if ENABLE_SIGN_HIDING == 1 *uiAcSum += iLevel; #endif iLevel *= iSign; piQCoef[n] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, iLevel); } // for n #if ENABLE_SIGN_HIDING == 1 if(*uiAcSum >= 2) { #define SCAN_SET_SIZE 16 #define LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE 4 int32_t n,lastCG = -1, abssum = 0, subset, subpos; uint32_t* scan_subpos; for(subset = (iWidth*iHeight-1)>>LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE; subset >= 0; subset--) { int32_t firstNZPosInCG=SCAN_SET_SIZE , lastNZPosInCG=-1; subpos = subset<=0; n--) { if(piQCoef[scan[n + subpos]]) { lastNZPosInCG = n; break; } } /* First coeff pos */ for(n = 0; n =0 && lastCG==-1) { lastCG = 1; } if(lastNZPosInCG-firstNZPosInCG >= /*SBH_THRESHOLD*/4) { uint32_t signbit = (piQCoef[scan[subpos+firstNZPosInCG]]>0?0:1) ; if(signbit != (abssum&0x1)) /* compare signbit with sum_parity */ { int32_t minCostInc = 0x7fffffff, minPos =-1, finalChange=0, curCost=0x7fffffff, curChange=0; for(n = (lastCG==1?lastNZPosInCG:SCAN_SET_SIZE-1) ; n >= 0; n--) { uint32_t blkPos = scan[n+subpos]; if(piQCoef[blkPos] != 0) { if(deltaU[blkPos] > 0) { curCost = -deltaU[blkPos]; curChange=1; } else if(n == firstNZPosInCG && abs(piQCoef[blkPos]) == 1) { curCost=0x7fffffff; } else { curCost = deltaU[blkPos]; curChange =-1; } } else if(n < firstNZPosInCG && ((piCoef[blkPos] >= 0)?0:1) != signbit) { curCost = 0x7fffffff; } else { curCost = -deltaU[blkPos]; curChange = 1; } if(curCost < minCostInc) { minCostInc = curCost; finalChange = curChange; minPos = blkPos; } } //CG loop if(piQCoef[minPos] == 32767 || piQCoef[minPos] == -32768) { finalChange = -1; } if(piCoef[minPos] >= 0) { piQCoef[minPos] += finalChange; } else { piQCoef[minPos] -= finalChange; } } // Hide } if(lastCG == 1) { lastCG=0; } } #undef SCAN_SET_SIZE #undef LOG2_SCAN_SET_SIZE } #endif } } void dequant(encoder_control* encoder, int16_t* piQCoef, int16_t* piCoef, int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight,int8_t eTType) { int32_t iShift,iAdd,iCoeffQ; uint32_t uiLog2TrSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2; int16_t clipQCoef; int32_t n; int32_t iTransformShift = 15 - g_bitDepth - (g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2); int32_t qpScaled; int32_t iQpBase = encoder->QP; int32_t scalingListType = (/*pcCU->isintra(uiAbsPartIdx)*/1 ? 0 : 3) + (int8_t)("\0\3\1\2"[eTType]); int32_t *piDequantCoef; if(eTType == 0) { qpScaled = iQpBase; } else { qpScaled = CLIP( 0, 57, iQpBase); if(qpScaled < 0) { qpScaled = qpScaled; } else { qpScaled = g_aucChromaScale[ qpScaled ]; } } piDequantCoef = g_de_quant_coeff[uiLog2TrSize-2][scalingListType][qpScaled%6]; iShift = 20 - 14 - iTransformShift; iShift += 4; if(iShift >qpScaled/6) { iAdd = 1 << (iShift - qpScaled/6 - 1); for(n = 0; n < iWidth*iHeight; n++ ) { clipQCoef = CLIP( -32768, 32767, piQCoef[n] ); iCoeffQ = ((clipQCoef * piDequantCoef[n]) + iAdd ) >> (iShift - qpScaled/6); piCoef[n] = CLIP(-32768,32767,iCoeffQ); } } else { for(n = 0; n < iWidth*iHeight; n++ ) { clipQCoef = CLIP( -32768, 32767, piQCoef[n] ); iCoeffQ = CLIP( -32768, 32767, clipQCoef * piDequantCoef[n] ); // Clip to avoid possible overflow in following shift left operation piCoef[n] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, iCoeffQ << ( qpScaled/6 - iShift ) ); } } /* iAdd = 1 << (iShift-1); scale = g_invQuantScales[encoder->QP%6] << (encoder->QP/6); for(n = 0; n < iWidth*iHeight; n++ ) { clipQCoef = CLIP( -32768, 32767, piQCoef[n]); iCoeffQ = ( clipQCoef * scale + iAdd ) >> iShift; piCoef[n] = CLIP( -32768, 32767, iCoeffQ); } */ }