# A simple Dockerfile for building Kvazaar from the git repository # Example build command when in this directory: docker build -t kvazaar . # # Example usage # Run with an input YUV file and output HEVC binary file # docker run -i -a STDIN -a STDOUT kvazaar -i - --input-res=320x240 -o - < testfile_320x240.yuv > out.265 # # Use libav or ffmpeg to input (almost) any format and convert it to YUV420 for kvazaar, audio is disabled # # RESOLUTION=`avconv -i input.avi 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep -oP ', \K[0-9]+x[0-9]+'` # avconv -i input.avi -an -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p - | docker run -i -a STDIN -a STDOUT kvazaar -i - --wpp --threads=8 --input-res=$RESOLUTION --preset=ultrafast -o - > output.265 # or # RESOLUTION=`ffmpeg -i input.avi 2>&1 | grep Stream | grep -oP ', \K[0-9]+x[0-9]+'` # ffmpeg -i input.avi -an -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p - | docker run -i -a STDIN -a STDOUT kvazaar -i - --wpp --threads=8 --input-res=$RESOLUTION --preset=ultrafast -o - > output.265 # # Use Ubuntu 18.04 as a base for now, it's around 88MB FROM ubuntu:18.04 MAINTAINER Marko Viitanen # List of needed packages to be able to build kvazaar with autotools ENV REQUIRED_PACKAGES automake autoconf libtool m4 build-essential git yasm pkgconf COPY . kvazaar # Run all the commands in one RUN so we don't have any extra history # data in the image. RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y $REQUIRED_PACKAGES \ && apt-get clean \ && cd kvazaar \ && ./autogen.sh \ && ./configure --disable-shared \ && make\ && make install \ && AUTOINSTALLED_PACKAGES=`apt-mark showauto` \ && apt-get remove --purge --force-yes -y $REQUIRED_PACKAGES $AUTOINSTALLED_PACKAGES \ && apt-get clean autoclean \ && apt-get autoremove -y \ && rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/ ENTRYPOINT ["kvazaar"] CMD ["--help"]