language: c #os: # - linux # - osx compiler: - gcc env: global: - USE_YASM=1 - TEST_FRAMES=10 - TEST_DIM=264x130 - KVZ_DISABLE_AVX2=1 sudo: required matrix: fast_finish: true include: - compiler: clang env: KVZ_DISABLE_AVX2="" - env: USE_NEW_GCC=1 KVZ_DISABLE_AVX2="" # These valgrind tests are slow, so they are performed with the minimum # number of small frames and fast settings. # Tests for owf, wpp and tiles. There is lots of separate branches of # code related to owf=0 and owf!=0, which is why all permutations are # tried. - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r1 --owf=1 --threads=0 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r1 --owf=0 --threads=0 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r2 --owf=1 --threads=2 --wpp --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r2 --owf=0 --threads=2 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r2 --owf=1 --threads=2 --tiles-height-split=u2 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p4 -r2 --owf=0 --threads=2 --tiles-height-split=u2 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" # Tests for rdoq, sao, deblock and signhide and subme. - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p0 -r1 --threads=2 --wpp --owf=1 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=1 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p0 -r1 --threads=2 --wpp --owf=1 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-signhide --subme=0" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p0 -r1 --threads=2 --wpp --owf=1 --rd=0 --no-deblock --no-sao --subme=0" # Tests for all-intra. - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p1 --threads=2 --owf=1 --rd=1 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide" - env: VALGRIND_TEST="-p1 --threads=2 --owf=1 --rd=2 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --no-transform-skip" # Tests for rate control - env: VALGRIND_TEST="--bitrate=500000 -p0 -r1 --owf=1 --threads=2 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" # Tests for GOP, with and without OWF. - env: TEST_FRAMES=20 VALGRIND_TEST="--gop=8 -p0 --threads=2 --wpp --owf=1 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" - env: TEST_FRAMES=20 VALGRIND_TEST="--gop=8 -p0 --threads=2 --wpp --owf=0 --rd=0 --no-rdoq --no-deblock --no-sao --no-signhide --subme=0 --pu-depth-inter=1-3 --pu-depth-intra=2-3" before_install: # Work around a weird bug in Travis-ci, where compiler is set wrong. - if [ "$CC" = "[gcc]" ]; then export CC=gcc; gcc --version; fi install: - source script: - source