--[[ Copyright: Ren Tatsumoto and contributors License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Encoder provides interface for creating audio/video clips. ]] local mp = require('mp') local h = require('helpers') local utils = require('mp.utils') local this = {} local function toms(timestamp) --- Trim timestamp down to milliseconds. return string.format("%.3f", timestamp) end local function construct_output_filename_noext() local filename = mp.get_property("filename") -- filename without path filename = h.remove_extension(filename) if this.config.clean_filename then filename = h.remove_text_in_brackets(filename) filename = h.remove_special_characters(filename) end filename = string.format( '%s_%s-%s', filename, h.human_readable_time(this.timings['start']), h.human_readable_time(this.timings['end']) ) return filename end function this.get_ext_subs_paths() local track_list = mp.get_property_native('track-list') local external_subs_list = {} for _, track in pairs(track_list) do if track.type == 'sub' and track.external == true then external_subs_list[track.id] = track['external-filename'] end end return external_subs_list end function this.append_embed_subs_args(args) local ext_subs_paths = this.get_ext_subs_paths() for _, ext_subs_path in pairs(ext_subs_paths) do table.insert(args, #args, table.concat { '--sub-files-append=', ext_subs_path, }) end return args end this.mk_out_path_video = function(clip_filename_noext) return utils.join_path(this.config.video_folder_path, clip_filename_noext .. this.config.video_extension) end this.mkargs_video = function(out_clip_path) local args = { this.player, mp.get_property('path'), '--loop-file=no', '--keep-open=no', '--no-ocopy-metadata', '--no-sub', '--audio-channels=2', '--oacopts-add=vbr=on', '--oacopts-add=application=voip', '--oacopts-add=compression_level=10', '--vf-add=format=yuv420p', '--sub-font-provider=auto', '--embeddedfonts=yes', table.concat { '--sub-font=', this.config.sub_font }, table.concat { '--ovc=', this.config.video_codec }, table.concat { '--oac=', this.config.audio_codec }, table.concat { '--start=', toms(this.timings['start']) }, table.concat { '--end=', toms(this.timings['end']) }, table.concat { '--aid=', mp.get_property("aid") }, -- track number table.concat { '--mute=', mp.get_property("mute") }, table.concat { '--volume=', mp.get_property('volume') }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=b=', this.config.video_bitrate }, table.concat { '--oacopts-add=b=', this.config.audio_bitrate }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=crf=', this.config.video_quality }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=preset=', this.config.preset }, table.concat { '--vf-add=scale=', this.config.video_width, ':', this.config.video_height }, table.concat { '--ytdl-format=', mp.get_property("ytdl-format") }, table.concat { '--o=', out_clip_path }, table.concat { '--sid=', mp.get_property("sid") }, table.concat { '--secondary-sid=', mp.get_property("secondary-sid") }, table.concat { '--sub-delay=', mp.get_property("sub-delay") }, table.concat { '--sub-visibility=', mp.get_property("sub-visibility") }, table.concat { '--secondary-sub-visibility=', mp.get_property("secondary-sub-visibility") } } if this.config.video_fps ~= 'auto' then table.insert(args, #args, table.concat { '--vf-add=fps=', this.config.video_fps }) end args = this.append_embed_subs_args(args) return args end this.mk_out_path_audio = function(clip_filename_noext) return utils.join_path(this.config.audio_folder_path, clip_filename_noext .. this.config.audio_extension) end this.mkargs_audio = function(out_clip_path) return { this.player, mp.get_property('path'), '--loop-file=no', '--keep-open=no', '--no-ocopy-metadata', '--no-sub', '--audio-channels=2', '--video=no', '--oacopts-add=vbr=on', '--oacopts-add=application=voip', '--oacopts-add=compression_level=10', table.concat { '--oac=', this.config.audio_codec }, table.concat { '--start=', toms(this.timings['start']) }, table.concat { '--end=', toms(this.timings['end']) }, table.concat { '--volume=', mp.get_property('volume') }, table.concat { '--aid=', mp.get_property("aid") }, -- track number table.concat { '--oacopts-add=b=', this.config.audio_bitrate }, table.concat { '--ytdl-format=', mp.get_property("ytdl-format") }, table.concat { '--o=', out_clip_path } } end this.create_clip = function(clip_type, on_complete) if clip_type == nil then return end if not this.timings:validate() then h.notify("Wrong timings. Aborting.", "warn", 2) return end h.notify("Please wait...", "info", 9999) local output_file_path, args = (function() local clip_filename_noext = construct_output_filename_noext() if clip_type == 'video' then local output_path = this.mk_out_path_video(clip_filename_noext) return output_path, this.mkargs_video(output_path) else local output_path = this.mk_out_path_audio(clip_filename_noext) return output_path, this.mkargs_audio(output_path) end end)() print("The following args will be executed:", table.concat(h.quote_if_necessary(args), " ") ) local output_dir_path = utils.split_path(output_file_path) local location_info = utils.file_info(output_dir_path) if not location_info.is_dir then h.notify(string.format("Error: location %s doesn't exist.", output_dir_path), "error", 5) return end local process_result = function(_, ret, _) if ret.status ~= 0 or string.match(ret.stdout, "could not open") then h.notify(string.format("Error: couldn't create clip %s.", output_file_path), "error", 5) else h.notify(string.format("Clip saved to %s.", output_file_path), "info", 2) if on_complete then on_complete(output_file_path) end end end h.subprocess_async(args, process_result) this.timings:reset() end this.set_encoder_alive = function() local args_mpvnet = { 'mpvnet', '--version' } local process_result_mpvnet = function(_, ret, _) -- for some reason stdout is empty if ret.status ~= 0 then this.alive = false else this.alive = true this.player = 'mpvnet' end end local args = { 'mpv', '--version' } local process_result = function(_, ret, _) if ret.status ~= 0 or string.match(ret.stdout, "mpv") == nil then h.subprocess_async(args_mpvnet, process_result_mpvnet) else this.alive = true this.player = 'mpv' end end h.subprocess_async(args, process_result) end this.init = function(config, timings_mgr) this.config = config this.timings = timings_mgr this.set_encoder_alive() end return this