--[[ Videoclip - mp4/webm clips creator for mpv. Copyright (C) 2021 Ren Tatsumoto This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]] local mp = require('mp') local mpopt = require('mp.options') local utils = require('mp.utils') local OSD = require('osd_styler') -- Options can be changed here or in a separate config file. -- Config path: ~/.config/mpv/script-opts/videoclip.conf local config = { -- absolute paths -- relative paths (e.g. ~ for home dir) do NOT work. video_folder_path = string.format('%s/Videos/', os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv('USERPROFILE')), audio_folder_path = string.format('%s/Music/', os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv('USERPROFILE')), -- The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, -- 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible. -- Insane values like 9999 still work but produce the worst quality. video_quality = 23, -- Use the slowest preset that you have patience for. -- https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264 preset = 'faster', video_format = 'mp4', -- mp4, vp9, vp8 video_bitrate = '1M', video_width = -2, video_height = 480, audio_format = 'opus', -- aac, opus audio_bitrate = '32k', -- 32k, 64k, 128k, 256k. aac requires higher bitrates. font_size = 24, } mpopt.read_options(config, 'videoclip') local main_menu local pref_menu local encoder local Timings local allowed_presets = { ultrafast = true, superfast = true, veryfast = true, faster = true, fast = true, medium = true, slow = true, slower = true, veryslow = true, } ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utility functions local function remove_extension(filename) return filename:gsub('%.%w+$', '') end local function remove_text_in_brackets(str) return str:gsub('%b[]', '') end local function remove_special_characters(str) return str:gsub('[%c%p%s]', '') end local function human_readable_time(seconds) if type(seconds) ~= 'number' or seconds < 0 then return 'empty' end local parts = {} parts.h = math.floor(seconds / 3600) parts.m = math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60 parts.s = math.floor(seconds % 60) parts.ms = math.floor((seconds * 1000) % 1000) local ret = string.format("%02dm%02ds%03dms", parts.m, parts.s, parts.ms) if parts.h > 0 then ret = string.format('%dh%s', parts.h, ret) end return ret end local function construct_filename() local filename = mp.get_property("filename") -- filename without path filename = remove_extension(filename) filename = remove_text_in_brackets(filename) filename = remove_special_characters(filename) filename = string.format( '%s_(%s-%s)', filename, human_readable_time(main_menu.timings['start']), human_readable_time(main_menu.timings['end']) ) return filename end local function subprocess_async(args, on_complete) local command_table = { name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true, args = args } return mp.command_native_async(command_table, on_complete) end local function force_resolution(width, height, clip_fn, ...) local cached_prefs = { video_width = config.video_width, video_height = config.video_height, } config.video_width = width config.video_height = height clip_fn(...) config.video_width = cached_prefs.video_width config.video_height = cached_prefs.video_height end local function set_encoding_settings() if config.video_format == 'mp4' then config.video_codec = 'libx264' config.video_extension = '.mp4' elseif config.video_format == 'vp9' then config.video_codec = 'libvpx-vp9' config.video_extension = '.webm' else config.video_codec = 'libvpx' config.video_extension = '.webm' end if config.audio_format == 'aac' then config.audio_codec = 'aac' else config.audio_codec = 'libopus' end end local function validate_config() if not config.audio_bitrate:match('^%d+[kK]$') then config.audio_bitrate = (tonumber(config.audio_bitrate) or 32) .. 'k' end if not config.video_bitrate:match('^%d+[kKmM]$') then config.video_bitrate = '1M' end if not allowed_presets[config.preset] then config.preset = 'faster' end set_encoding_settings() end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Provides interface for creating audio/video clips encoder = {} function encoder.get_active_track(track_type) local track_list = mp.get_property_native('track-list') for _, track in pairs(track_list) do if track.type == track_type and track.selected == true then return track end end return nil end function encoder.get_ext_subs_fp() local track = encoder.get_active_track('sub') if track and track.external == true then return track['external-filename'] end end function encoder.append_embed_subs_args(args) local ext_subs_fp = encoder.get_ext_subs_fp() if ext_subs_fp then table.insert(args, #args, table.concat { '--sub-files-append=', ext_subs_fp }) end table.insert(args, #args, table.concat { '--sid=', mp.get_property("sid") }) table.insert(args, #args, table.concat { '--sub-delay=', mp.get_property("sub-delay") }) return args end encoder.mkargs_video = function(clip_filename) local clip_path = utils.join_path(config.video_folder_path, clip_filename .. config.video_extension) local args = { 'mpv', mp.get_property('path'), '--loop-file=no', '--no-ocopy-metadata', '--no-sub', '--audio-channels=2', '--oacopts-add=vbr=on', '--oacopts-add=application=voip', '--oacopts-add=compression_level=10', table.concat { '--ovc=', config.video_codec }, table.concat { '--oac=', config.audio_codec }, table.concat { '--start=', main_menu.timings['start'] }, table.concat { '--end=', main_menu.timings['end'] }, table.concat { '--aid=', mp.get_property("aid") }, -- track number table.concat { '--mute=', mp.get_property("mute") }, table.concat { '--volume=', mp.get_property('volume') }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=b=', config.video_bitrate }, table.concat { '--oacopts-add=b=', config.audio_bitrate }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=crf=', config.video_quality }, table.concat { '--ovcopts-add=preset=', config.preset }, table.concat { '--vf-add=scale=', config.video_width, ':', config.video_height }, table.concat { '--ytdl-format=', mp.get_property("ytdl-format") }, table.concat { '-o=', clip_path } } if mp.get_property_bool("sub-visibility") == true then args = encoder.append_embed_subs_args(args) end return args end encoder.mkargs_audio = function(clip_filename) local clip_path = utils.join_path(config.audio_folder_path, clip_filename .. '.ogg') return { 'mpv', mp.get_property('path'), '--loop-file=no', '--no-ocopy-metadata', '--no-sub', '--audio-channels=2', '--video=no', '--oacopts-add=vbr=on', '--oacopts-add=application=voip', '--oacopts-add=compression_level=10', table.concat { '--oac=', config.audio_codec }, table.concat { '--start=', main_menu.timings['start'] }, table.concat { '--end=', main_menu.timings['end'] }, table.concat { '--volume=', mp.get_property('volume') }, table.concat { '--aid=', mp.get_property("aid") }, -- track number table.concat { '--oacopts-add=b=', config.audio_bitrate }, table.concat { '--ytdl-format=', mp.get_property("ytdl-format") }, table.concat { '-o=', clip_path } } end encoder.create_clip = function(clip_type) main_menu:close(); if clip_type == nil then return end if not main_menu.timings:validate() then mp.osd_message("Wrong timings. Aborting.", 2) return end local clip_filename = construct_filename() mp.osd_message("Please wait...", 9999) local args local location if clip_type == 'video' then args = encoder.mkargs_video(clip_filename) location = config.video_folder_path else args = encoder.mkargs_audio(clip_filename) location = config.audio_folder_path end local process_result = function(_, ret, _) if ret.status ~= 0 or string.match(ret.stdout, "could not open") then mp.osd_message(string.format("Error: couldn't create the clip.\nDoes %s exist?", location), 5) else mp.osd_message(string.format("Clip saved to %s.", location), 2) end end subprocess_async(args, process_result) main_menu.timings:reset() end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Menu interface local Menu = {} Menu.__index = Menu function Menu:new(parent) local o = { parent = parent, overlay = parent and parent.overlay or mp.create_osd_overlay('ass-events'), keybindings = { }, } return setmetatable(o, self) end function Menu:overlay_draw(text) self.overlay.data = text self.overlay:update() end function Menu:open() if self.parent then self.parent:close() end for _, val in pairs(self.keybindings) do mp.add_forced_key_binding(val.key, val.key, val.fn) end self:update() end function Menu:close() for _, val in pairs(self.keybindings) do mp.remove_key_binding(val.key) end if self.parent then self.parent:open() else self.overlay:remove() end end function Menu:update() local osd = OSD:new():size(config.font_size):align(4) osd:append('Dummy menu.'):newline() self:overlay_draw(osd:get_text()) end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main menu main_menu = Menu:new() main_menu.keybindings = { { key = 's', fn = function() main_menu:set_time('start') end }, { key = 'e', fn = function() main_menu:set_time('end') end }, { key = 'S', fn = function() main_menu:set_time_sub('start') end }, { key = 'E', fn = function() main_menu:set_time_sub('end') end }, { key = 'r', fn = function() main_menu:reset_timings() end }, { key = 'c', fn = function() encoder.create_clip('video') end }, { key = 'C', fn = function() force_resolution(1920, -2, encoder.create_clip, 'video') end }, { key = 'a', fn = function() encoder.create_clip('audio') end }, { key = 'p', fn = function() pref_menu:open() end }, { key = 'o', fn = function() mp.commandv('run', 'xdg-open', 'https://streamable.com/') end }, { key = 'ESC', fn = function() main_menu:close() end }, } function main_menu:set_time(property) self.timings[property] = mp.get_property_number('time-pos') self:update() end function main_menu:set_time_sub(property) local sub_delay = mp.get_property_native("sub-delay") local time_pos = mp.get_property_number(string.format("sub-%s", property)) if time_pos == nil then mp.osd_message("Warning: No subtitles visible.", 2) return end self.timings[property] = time_pos + sub_delay self:update() end function main_menu:reset_timings() self.timings = Timings:new() self:update() end main_menu.open = function() main_menu.timings = main_menu.timings or Timings:new() Menu.open(main_menu) end function main_menu:update() local osd = OSD:new():size(config.font_size):align(4) osd:submenu('Clip creator'):newline() osd:tab():item('Start time: '):append(human_readable_time(self.timings['start'])):newline() osd:tab():item('End time: '):append(human_readable_time(self.timings['end'])):newline() osd:submenu('Timings '):italics('(+shift use sub timings)'):newline() osd:tab():item('s: '):append('Set start'):newline() osd:tab():item('e: '):append('Set end'):newline() osd:tab():item('r: '):append('Reset'):newline() osd:submenu('Create clip '):italics('(+shift to force fullHD preset)'):newline() osd:tab():item('c: '):append('video clip'):newline() osd:tab():item('a: '):append('audio clip'):newline() osd:submenu('Options '):newline() osd:tab():item('p: '):append('Open preferences'):newline() osd:tab():item('o: '):append('Open streamable.com'):newline() osd:tab():item('ESC: '):append('Close'):newline() self:overlay_draw(osd:get_text()) end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Preferences pref_menu = Menu:new(main_menu) pref_menu.keybindings = { { key = 'f', fn = function() pref_menu:cycle_video_formats() end }, { key = 'a', fn = function() pref_menu:cycle_audio_formats() end }, { key = 'm', fn = function() pref_menu:toggle_mute_audio() end }, { key = 'r', fn = function() pref_menu:cycle_resolutions() end }, { key = 'e', fn = function() pref_menu:toggle_embed_subtitles() end }, { key = 'c', fn = function() end }, { key = 'ESC', fn = function() pref_menu:close() end }, } pref_menu.resolutions = { { w = config.video_width, h = config.video_height, }, { w = -2, h = 240, }, { w = -2, h = 360, }, { w = -2, h = 480, }, { w = -2, h = 720, }, { w = -2, h = 1080, }, { w = -2, h = 1440, }, { w = -2, h = 2160, }, selected = 1, } pref_menu.vid_formats = { 'mp4', 'vp9', 'vp8', } pref_menu.aud_formats = { 'aac', 'opus', } function pref_menu:get_selected_resolution() local w = config.video_width local h = config.video_height w = w == -2 and 'auto' or w h = h == -2 and 'auto' or h return string.format('%s x %s', w, h) end function pref_menu:cycle_resolutions() self.resolutions.selected = self.resolutions.selected + 1 > #self.resolutions and 1 or self.resolutions.selected + 1 local res = self.resolutions[self.resolutions.selected] config.video_width = res.w config.video_height = res.h self:update() end function pref_menu:cycle_formats(config_type) local formats if config_type == 'video_format' then formats = pref_menu.vid_formats else formats = pref_menu.aud_formats end local selected = 1 for i, format in ipairs(formats) do if config[config_type] == format then selected = i break end end config[config_type] = formats[selected + 1] or formats[1] set_encoding_settings() self:update() end function pref_menu:cycle_video_formats() pref_menu:cycle_formats('video_format') end function pref_menu:cycle_audio_formats() pref_menu:cycle_formats('audio_format') end function pref_menu:toggle_mute_audio() mp.commandv("cycle", "mute") self:update() end function pref_menu:toggle_embed_subtitles() mp.commandv("cycle", "sub-visibility") self:update() end function pref_menu:update() local osd = OSD:new():size(config.font_size):align(4) osd:submenu('Preferences'):newline() osd:tab():item('r: Video resolution: '):append(self:get_selected_resolution()):newline() osd:tab():item('f: Video format: '):append(config.video_format):newline() osd:tab():item('a: Audio format: '):append(config.audio_format):newline() osd:tab():item('b: Audio bitrate: '):append(config.audio_bitrate):newline() osd:tab():item('m: Mute audio: '):append(mp.get_property("mute")):newline() osd:tab():item('e: Embed subtitles: '):append(mp.get_property("sub-visibility")):newline() self:overlay_draw(osd:get_text()) end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Timings class Timings = { ['start'] = -1, ['end'] = -1, } function Timings:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Timings:reset() self['start'] = -1 self['end'] = -1 end function Timings:validate() return self['start'] >= 0 and self['start'] < self['end'] end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Finally, set an 'entry point' in mpv validate_config() mp.add_key_binding('c', 'videoclip-menu-open', main_menu.open)