138 lines
5.9 KiB
138 lines
5.9 KiB
#include <memory>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <xcdat.hpp>
namespace {
class Keyset {
std::vector<std::string> m_keys;
Keyset() = default;
virtual ~Keyset() = default;
void append(const std::string& key) {
void complete() {
std::sort(m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end());
m_keys.erase(std::unique(m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end()), m_keys.end());
const std::vector<std::string>& get() const {
return m_keys;
} // namespace
namespace py = pybind11;
template <class Trie>
void define_Trie(py::module_& m, const std::string& suffix) {
const std::string name = "Trie" + suffix;
py::class_<Trie>(m, name.c_str(), "A class of trie dictionary") //
.def(py::init([](const Keyset& keyset) { //
return std::make_unique<Trie>(keyset.get());
"Build the trie dictionary from the keyset.", py::arg("keyset"))
.def(py::init([](const std::string& filepath) { //
return std::make_unique<Trie>(xcdat::load<Trie>(filepath));
"Load the trie dictionary from the filepath.", py::arg("filepath"))
"save", [](const Trie& self, const std::string& filepath) { xcdat::save(self, filepath); },
"Save the trie dictionary to the filepath", py::arg("filepath"))
"memory_in_bytes", [](const Trie& self) { return xcdat::memory_in_bytes(self); },
"Get the memory usage of the trie dictionary")
.def("bin_mode", &Trie::bin_mode, "Check if the binary mode.")
.def("num_keys", &Trie::num_keys, "Get the number of stored keywords.")
.def("alphabet_size", &Trie::alphabet_size, "Get the alphabet size.")
.def("max_length", &Trie::max_length, "Get the maximum length of keywords.")
.def("num_nodes", &Trie::num_nodes, "Get the number of trie nodes.")
.def("num_units", &Trie::num_units, "Get the number of DA units.")
.def("num_free_units", &Trie::num_free_units, "Get the number of unused DA units.")
.def("tail_length", &Trie::tail_length, "Get the length of TAIL vector.")
.def("lookup", &Trie::lookup, "Lookup the ID of the keyword.", py::arg("key"))
"decode", [](const Trie& self, std::uint64_t id) { return self.decode(id); },
"Decode the keyword associated with the ID.", py::arg("id"))
[](const Trie& self, const std::string& key) {
return std::make_unique<typename Trie::prefix_iterator>(self.make_prefix_iterator(key));
"Make the common prefix searcher for the given keyword.", py::arg("key"))
[](const Trie& self, const std::string& key) {
return std::make_unique<typename Trie::predictive_iterator>(self.make_predictive_iterator(key));
"Make the predictive searcher for the keyword.", py::arg("key"))
[](const Trie& self) {
return std::make_unique<typename Trie::enumerative_iterator>(self.make_enumerative_iterator());
"Make the enumerator.");
template <class Trie>
void define_PrefixIterator(py::module_& m, const std::string& suffix) {
const std::string name = "PrefixIterator" + suffix;
py::class_<typename Trie::prefix_iterator>(
m, name.c_str(),
"An iterator class for common prefix search.\n"
"It enumerates all the keywords contained as prefixes of a given string.\n"
"It should be instantiated via the function 'make_prefix_iterator'.")
.def("next", &Trie::prefix_iterator::next,
"Increment the iterator. Return false if the iteration is terminated.")
.def("id", &Trie::prefix_iterator::id, "Get the result ID.")
.def("decoded", &Trie::prefix_iterator::decoded, "Get the result keyword.");
template <class Trie>
void define_PredictiveIterator(py::module_& m, const std::string& suffix) {
const std::string name = "PredictiveIterator" + suffix;
py::class_<typename Trie::predictive_iterator>(
m, name.c_str(),
"An iterator class for predictive search or enumeration.\n"
"It enumerates all the keywords starting with a given string (including an empty string).\n"
"It should be instantiated via the function 'make_prefix_iterator' or 'make_enumerative_iterator'.") //
.def("next", &Trie::predictive_iterator::next,
"Increment the iterator. Return false if the iteration is terminated.")
.def("id", &Trie::predictive_iterator::id, "Get the result ID.")
.def("decoded", &Trie::predictive_iterator::decoded, "Get the result keyword.");
PYBIND11_MODULE(xcdat, m) {
m.doc() = "Xcdat: Fast compressed trie dictionary";
py::class_<Keyset>(m, "Keyset", "A class to store keywords for building xcdat.Trie.") //
.def("append", &Keyset::append, "Append the given key.", py::arg("key"))
.def("complete", &Keyset::complete, "Complete the keyset to build a xcdat.Trie.");
define_Trie<xcdat::trie_8_type>(m, "8");
define_PrefixIterator<xcdat::trie_8_type>(m, "8");
define_PredictiveIterator<xcdat::trie_8_type>(m, "8");
define_Trie<xcdat::trie_16_type>(m, "16");
define_PrefixIterator<xcdat::trie_16_type>(m, "16");
define_PredictiveIterator<xcdat::trie_16_type>(m, "16");
define_Trie<xcdat::trie_7_type>(m, "7");
define_PrefixIterator<xcdat::trie_7_type>(m, "7");
define_PredictiveIterator<xcdat::trie_7_type>(m, "7");
define_Trie<xcdat::trie_15_type>(m, "15");
define_PrefixIterator<xcdat::trie_15_type>(m, "15");
define_PredictiveIterator<xcdat::trie_15_type>(m, "15");