#pragma once #include "xcdat/bc_vector_7.hpp" #include "xcdat/bc_vector_8.hpp" #include "xcdat/load_visitor.hpp" #include "xcdat/mmap_visitor.hpp" #include "xcdat/save_visitor.hpp" #include "xcdat/size_visitor.hpp" #include "xcdat/trie.hpp" namespace xcdat { using trie_8_type = trie; using trie_7_type = trie; //! Set the continuous memory block to a new trie instance (for a memory-mapped file). template [[maybe_unused]] Trie mmap(const char* address) { mmap_visitor visitor(address); std::uint32_t flag; visitor.visit(flag); XCDAT_THROW_IF(flag != Trie::l1_bits, "The input dictionary type is different."); Trie idx; visitor.visit(idx); return idx; } //! Load the trie dictionary from the file. template [[maybe_unused]] Trie load(std::string_view filepath) { load_visitor visitor(filepath); std::uint32_t flag; visitor.visit(flag); XCDAT_THROW_IF(flag != Trie::l1_bits, "The input dictionary type is different."); Trie idx; visitor.visit(idx); return idx; } //! Save the trie dictionary to the file and returns the file size in bytes. template [[maybe_unused]] std::uint64_t save(const Trie& idx, std::string_view filepath) { save_visitor visitor(filepath); visitor.visit(static_cast(Trie::l1_bits)); // flag visitor.visit(const_cast(idx)); return visitor.bytes(); } //! Get the dictionary size in bytes. template [[maybe_unused]] std::uint64_t memory_in_bytes(const Trie& idx) { size_visitor visitor; visitor.visit(static_cast(Trie::l1_bits)); // flag visitor.visit(const_cast(idx)); return visitor.bytes(); } //! Get the flag indicating the trie dictionary type, embedded by the function 'save'. //! The flag corresponds to trie::l1_bits and will be used to detect the trie type from the file. [[maybe_unused]] std::uint32_t get_flag(std::string_view filepath) { std::ifstream ifs(filepath); XCDAT_THROW_IF(!ifs.good(), "Cannot open the input file"); std::uint32_t flag; ifs.read(reinterpret_cast(&flag), sizeof(flag)); return flag; } //! Load the keywords from the file. [[maybe_unused]] std::vector load_strings(std::string_view filepath, char delim = '\n') { std::ifstream ifs(filepath); XCDAT_THROW_IF(!ifs.good(), "Cannot open the input file"); std::vector strs; for (std::string str; std::getline(ifs, str, delim);) { strs.push_back(str); } return strs; } } // namespace xcdat