mitsudori dce359389d new file: @hi-ho/bbs.cgi
new file:   @hi-ho/getlog.cgi
	new file:   [1999-01-24 - 1999-04-09] REBIRTH (aka Haruna)/bbscgi.txt
	new file:   [1999-01-24 - 1999-04-09] REBIRTH (aka Haruna)/getlogcgi.txt
	new file:   [1999-01-24 - 1999-04-09] REBIRTH (aka Haruna)/locationcgi.txt
	new file:   [1999-05-04 - present] REMIX/bbs.txt
	new file:   [1999-05-04 - present] REMIX/getlog_m.txt
	new file:   [1999-05-04 - present] REMIX/jcode.txt
	new file:   [1999-05-04 - present] REMIX/location.txt
	new file:   [1999-05-04 - present] REMIX/loveyou.dat
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/bbs.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/count0.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/delete.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/getlog.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/jcode.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/location.txt
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/loveyou.dat
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/readme.html
	new file:   [1999-06-20 - 1999-07-12] REQUIEM (aka RECYCLE)/update.html
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/bbs.cgi
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/getlog_m.cgi
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/list.cgi
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/loveyou.dat
	new file:   [1999-11-03 - 2000-05-02] REFLEX (aka AGStar no Yabou)/readme.txt
	new file:   source.txt
2024-12-02 16:52:30 -03:00

327 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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#! /usr/local/bin/perl
$body = '<body bgcolor="#004040" text="#ffffff" link="#eeffee" vlink="#dddddd" alink="#ff0000">';
$bbstitle ="あやしいわーるど";
#$logdir = '';
$cgiurl = 'getlog.cgi';
$action ='getlog';
$bbsurl = './bbs.cgi';
$logurl = './log/990720.html';
# 日本語コード変換ライブラリjocde.plのパス
require './';
# キーワードの最大文字数(半角)
$keylength = 64;
# 時差 サーバの時計がずれてる時や日本時間以外にしたい時に使う
$tim = 0;
# 時刻処理
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time + $tim );
$month = ($mon + 1);
$month= "0$month";
$filedate3 = "./log/$year$month$mday.html";
$m2day =$mday-1;
$filedate2 = "./log/$year$month$m2day.html";
$m1day =$mday-2;
$filedate1 = "./log/$year$month$m1day.html";
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
@argv = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach (@argv) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$COMMAND{$name} = $value;
&error(2) if (length($COMMAND{'keyword'}) > $keylength);
&viewlog if ($COMMAND{'action'} eq "$action");
# リストの出力
sub list {
#&error(0) if(!opendir(DIR, $logdir));
opendir(DIR, $logdir);
@files = sort by_number @files;
$end = @files;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>$bbstitle 過去ログ</title></head>\n";
print "<form method=get action=\"$cgiurl\">";
print "$body\n";
print "<center><font size=+1><b>$bbstitle 過去ログ一覧</b></font><br>\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"$action\">";
print "<table>";
print "<tr><td></td><td>ファイル名</td><td align=right>サイズ</td><td align=center></td></tr>";
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat $filedate1;
print "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"logfile\" value=\"$filedate1\"></td>";
print "<td><a href=\"$filedate1\">$year$month$m1day.html</a></td>";
print "<td align=right>$size byte</td><td align=center></td></tr>";
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat $logurl;
print "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"logfile\" value=\"$filedate2\"></td>";
print "<td><a href=\"$filedate2\">$year$month$m2day.html</a></td>";
print "<td align=right>$size byte</td><td align=center></td></tr>";
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat $filedate3;
print "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"logfile\" value=\"$filedate3\" checked></td>";
print "<td><a href=\"$filedate3\">$year$month$mday.html</a></td>";
print "<td align=right>$size byte</td><td align=center></td></tr>";
print "<tr><td></td></tr><tr><td colspan=4>
print "<tr><td colspan=4><select name=\"hour1\">";
print "<option value=\"00\">0";
print "<option value=\"01\">1";
print "<option value=\"02\">2";
print "<option value=\"03\">3";
print "<option value=\"04\">4";
print "<option value=\"05\">5";
print "<option value=\"06\">6";
print "<option value=\"07\">7";
print "<option value=\"08\">8";
print "<option value=\"09\">9";
print "<option value=\"10\">10";
print "<option value=\"11\">11";
print "<option value=\"12\">12";
print "<option value=\"13\">13";
print "<option value=\"14\">14";
print "<option value=\"15\">15";
print "<option value=\"16\">16";
print "<option value=\"17\">17";
print "<option value=\"18\">18";
print "<option value=\"19\">19";
print "<option value=\"20\">20";
print "<option value=\"21\">21";
print "<option value=\"22\">22";
print "<option value=\"23\">23";
print "</select>時";
print"<select name=\"min1\">";
print "<option value=\"00\">00";
print "<option value=\"05\">05";
print "<option value=\"10\">10";
print "<option value=\"15\">15";
print "<option value=\"20\">20";
print "<option value=\"25\">25";
print "<option value=\"30\">30";
print "<option value=\"35\">35";
print "<option value=\"40\">40";
print "<option value=\"45\">45";
print "<option value=\"50\">50";
print "<option value=\"55\">55";
print "</select>分から";
print "<select name=\"hour2\">";
print "<option value=\"24\">24";
print "<option value=\"00\">0";
print "<option value=\"01\">1";
print "<option value=\"02\">2";
print "<option value=\"03\">3";
print "<option value=\"04\">4";
print "<option value=\"05\">5";
print "<option value=\"06\">6";
print "<option value=\"07\">7";
print "<option value=\"08\">8";
print "<option value=\"09\">9";
print "<option value=\"10\">10";
print "<option value=\"11\">11";
print "<option value=\"12\">12";
print "<option value=\"13\">13";
print "<option value=\"14\">14";
print "<option value=\"15\">15";
print "<option value=\"16\">16";
print "<option value=\"17\">17";
print "<option value=\"18\">18";
print "<option value=\"19\">19";
print "<option value=\"20\">20";
print "<option value=\"21\">21";
print "<option value=\"22\">22";
print "<option value=\"23\">23";
print "</select>時";
print"<select name=\"min2\">";
print "<option value=\"00\">00";
print "<option value=\"05\">05";
print "<option value=\"10\">10";
print "<option value=\"15\">15";
print "<option value=\"20\">20";
print "<option value=\"25\">25";
print "<option value=\"30\">30";
print "<option value=\"35\">35";
print "<option value=\"40\">40";
print "<option value=\"45\">45";
print "<option value=\"50\">50";
print "<option value=\"55\">55";
print "</select>分まで";
print "</td></tr><br>";
print " <tr><td colspan=4>検索:";
print "<select name=\"searchmode\">";
print "<option value=\"keyword\">全文";
print "<option value=\"name\">投稿者名";
print "<option value=\"subject\">題名\n</select>";
print "<input type=text name=\"keyword\" size=\"24\" maxlength=$keylength></td></tr><tr><td colspan=4 align=center>";
print "<input type=submit value=\"Get / Search\"></form></td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<hr>";
#print "現在ベータテスト中です。バグを見つけたら掲示板に書いてね";
print "<p align=center><a href=\"$bbsurl\">掲示板へ</a></p>";
print "<h4 align=right><a href=\"\">Getlog Ver0.3b4</a></h4>";
print "</body></html>";
sub viewlog {
#if (!open(DB,"./log/$COMMAND{'logfile'}")) { &error(1); }
@lines = <DB>;
$COMMAND{'last'} = $COMMAND{'first'} + 1 if ($COMMAND{'first'} >= $COMMAND{'last'});
$first = "$COMMAND{'hour1'}時$COMMAND{'min1'}分";
$last = "$COMMAND{'hour2'}時$COMMAND{'min2'}分";
if ($COMMAND{'searchmode'} eq 'name') { $keyword = "投稿者:.*>${COMMAND{'keyword'}}<"; }
elsif ($COMMAND{'searchmode'} eq 'subject') { $keyword = "color=\"#ffffee\"><b>${COMMAND{'keyword'}}</b></font>"; }
else { $keyword = $COMMAND{'keyword'}; }
if ($keyword ne '') {
$keyword =~ s/\\/\\\\/;
$keyword =~ s/\[/\\[/;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>$bbstitle 過去ログ $COMMAND{'logfile'}</title></head>";
print "$body";
print "<font size=+1><b>$COMMAND{'logfile'} $first$last</b></font>";
$end = @lines;
foreach (0 .. $end) {
# MiniBBS7.5あやしいわーるど仕様
if ($lines[$_] =~ /<font size=-1> 投稿日:/) {
$hour = substr( $lines[$_], 36, 8 );
last if ($hour ge "$first");
foreach ($skip .. $end) {
# MiniBBS7.5あやしいわーるど仕様
if ($lines[$_] =~ /<font size=-1> 投稿日:/) {
$hour = substr( $lines[$_], 36, 8 );
last if ($hour ge "$last");
if ($keyword ne '') {
if ($lines[$_] =~ /$keyword/) {
$flag = 1;
push( @article, $lines[$_] );
if ($lines[$_] =~ /<\/blockquote>/) {
print @article if ($flag > 0);
splice( @article, 0 );
$flag = 0;
else { print $lines[$_]; }
if ($COMMAND{'keyword'} ne '') {
print "<hr>";
if ( $hit > 0 ) { print "<h3>「$COMMAND{'keyword'}」は $hit件見つかりました。</h3>"; }
else { print "<h3>「$COMMAND{'keyword'}」は見つかりませんでした。</h3>"; }
print "</body></html>";
sub error {
$error = $_[0];
if ($error == 0) { $errmsg = 'ディレクトリが開けませんでした'; }
if ($error == 1) { $errmsg = 'ファイルが開けませんでした'; }
if ($error == 2) { $errmsg = 'キーワードが長すぎます'; }
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "<html><head><title>エラー</title></head>";
print "$body";
print "<h1>$errmsg</h1>";
print "</body></html>";