
855 lines
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2012-02-20 21:47:14 +00:00
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "article_maker.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "htmlescape.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include <limits.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <QUrl>
#include "folding.hh"
#include "langcoder.hh"
#include "dprintf.hh"
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using gd::wstring;
using std::set;
using std::list;
ArticleMaker::ArticleMaker( vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dictionaries_,
vector< Instances::Group > const & groups_,
QString const & displayStyle_ ):
dictionaries( dictionaries_ ),
groups( groups_ ),
displayStyle( displayStyle_ ),
needExpandOptionalParts( true )
void ArticleMaker::setDisplayStyle( QString const & st )
displayStyle = st;
std::string ArticleMaker::makeHtmlHeader( QString const & word,
QString const & icon ) const
string result =
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"
"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">";
// Add a css stylesheet
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
QFile builtInCssFile( ":/article-style.css" ); QFile::ReadOnly );
QByteArray css = builtInCssFile.readAll();
if ( displayStyle.size() )
// Load an additional stylesheet
QFile builtInCssFile( QString( ":/article-style-st-%1.css" ).arg( displayStyle ) ); QFile::ReadOnly );
css += builtInCssFile.readAll();
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
QFile cssFile( Config::getUserCssFileName() );
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
if ( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
css += cssFile.readAll();
result += "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">\n";
result +=;
// Turn on/off expanding of article optional parts
if( needExpandOptionalParts )
result += "\n.dsl_opt\n{\n display: inline;\n}\n\n.hidden_expand_opt\n{\n display: none;\n}\n";
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
result += "</style>\n";
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
// Add print-only css
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
QFile builtInCssFile( ":/article-style-print.css" ); QFile::ReadOnly );
QByteArray css = builtInCssFile.readAll();
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
QFile cssFile( Config::getUserCssPrintFileName() );
if ( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
css += cssFile.readAll();
result += "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"print\">\n";
result +=;
result += "</style>\n";
result += "<title>" + Html::escape( Utf8::encode( gd::toWString( word ) ) ) + "</title>";
// This doesn't seem to be much of influence right now, but we'll keep
// it anyway.
if ( icon.size() )
result += "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"qrcx://localhost/flags/" + Html::escape( icon.toUtf8().data() ) + "\" />\n";
result += "<script language=\"JavaScript\">"
"function gdMakeArticleActive( newId ) {"
"if ( gdCurrentArticle != 'gdfrom-' + newId ) {"
"document.getElementById( gdCurrentArticle ).className = 'gdarticle';"
"document.getElementById( 'gdfrom-' + newId ).className = 'gdarticle gdactivearticle';"
"gdCurrentArticle = 'gdfrom-' + newId; articleview.onJsActiveArticleChanged(gdCurrentArticle);"
"eval( 'gdActivateAudioLink_' + newId + '();' ); } }"
"var overIframeId = null;"
"function processIframeMouseOut() { overIframeId = null; top.focus(); }"
"function processIframeMouseOver( newId ) { overIframeId = newId; }"
"function processIframeClick() { if( overIframeId != null ) { overIframeId = overIframeId.replace( 'gdexpandframe-', '' ); gdMakeArticleActive( overIframeId ) } }"
"function init() { window.addEventListener('blur', processIframeClick, false); }"
"window.addEventListener('load', init, false);"
"function gdExpandOptPart( expanderId, optionalId ) { var d1=document.getElementById(expanderId); var i = 0; if( d1.alt == '[+]' ) {"
"d1.alt = '[-]'; d1.src = 'qrcx://localhost/icons/collapse_opt.png'; for( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { var d2=document.getElementById( optionalId + i ); if( !d2 ) break;'inline'; } }"
"else { d1.alt = '[+]'; d1.src = 'qrcx://localhost/icons/expand_opt.png'; for( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { var d2=document.getElementById( optionalId + i ); if( !d2 ) break;'none'; } } }"
result += "</head><body>";
return result;
std::string ArticleMaker::makeNotFoundBody( QString const & word,
QString const & group )
string result( "<div class=\"gdnotfound\"><p>" );
if ( word.size() )
result += tr( "No translation for <b>%1</b> was found in group <b>%2</b>." ).
arg( QString::fromUtf8( Html::escape( word.toUtf8().data() ).c_str() ) ).
arg( QString::fromUtf8( Html::escape( group.toUtf8().data() ).c_str() ) ).
result += tr( "No translation was found in group <b>%1</b>." ).
arg( QString::fromUtf8( Html::escape( group.toUtf8().data() ).c_str() ) ).
result += "</p></div>";
return result;
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ArticleMaker::makeDefinitionFor(
QString const & inWord, unsigned groupId,
QMap< QString, QString > const & contexts,
QSet< QString > const & mutedDicts ) const
if ( groupId == Instances::Group::HelpGroupId )
// This is a special group containing internal welcome/help pages
string result = makeHtmlHeader( inWord, QString() );
if ( inWord == tr( "Welcome!" ) )
result += tr(
"<h3 align=\"center\">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3>"
2009-05-24 17:38:38 +00:00
"<p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search "
"for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups."
2009-02-08 21:32:33 +00:00
"<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window "
"by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href=\"Working with popup\">look up words from other active applications</a>. "
2009-05-24 17:38:38 +00:00
"<p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. "
"All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything."
"<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, "
"suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href=\"\">forum</a>."
"<p>Check program's <a href=\"\">website</a> for the updates. "
2012-02-20 21:47:14 +00:00
"<p>(c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later."
if ( inWord == tr( "Working with popup" ) )
result += ( tr( "<h3 align=\"center\">Working with the popup</h3>"
"To look up words from other active applications, you would need to first activate the <i>\"Scan popup functionality\"</i> in <b>Preferences</b>, "
"and then enable it at any time either by triggering the 'Popup' icon above, or "
"by clicking the tray icon down below with your right mouse button and choosing so in the menu you've popped. " ) +
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
tr( "Then just stop the cursor over the word you want to look up in another application, "
"and a window would pop up which would describe it to you." )
tr( "Then just select any word you want to look up in another application by your mouse "
"(double-click it or swipe it with mouse with the button pressed), "
"and a window would pop up which would describe the word to you." )
// Not found
return makeNotFoundTextFor( inWord, "help" );
result += "</body></html>";
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant > r = new Dictionary::DataRequestInstant( true );
r->getData().resize( result.size() );
memcpy( &( r->getData().front() ),, result.size() );
return r;
// Find the given group
Instances::Group const * activeGroup = 0;
for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x )
if ( groups[ x ].id == groupId )
activeGroup = &groups[ x ];
// If we've found a group, use its dictionaries; otherwise, use the global
// heap.
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts =
activeGroup ? activeGroup->dictionaries : dictionaries;
string header = makeHtmlHeader( inWord.trimmed(),
activeGroup && activeGroup->icon.size() ?
activeGroup->icon : QString() );
if ( mutedDicts.size() )
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > unmutedDicts;
unmutedDicts.reserve( activeDicts.size() );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x )
if ( !mutedDicts.contains(
QString::fromStdString( activeDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) )
unmutedDicts.push_back( activeDicts[ x ] );
return new ArticleRequest( inWord.trimmed(), activeGroup ? activeGroup->name : "",
contexts, unmutedDicts, header );
return new ArticleRequest( inWord.trimmed(), activeGroup ? activeGroup->name : "",
contexts, activeDicts, header );
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ArticleMaker::makeNotFoundTextFor(
QString const & word, QString const & group ) const
string result = makeHtmlHeader( word, QString() ) + makeNotFoundBody( word, group ) +
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant > r = new Dictionary::DataRequestInstant( true );
r->getData().resize( result.size() );
memcpy( &( r->getData().front() ),, result.size() );
return r;
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ArticleMaker::makeEmptyPage() const
string result = makeHtmlHeader( tr( "(untitled)" ), QString() ) +
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant > r =
new Dictionary::DataRequestInstant( true );
r->getData().resize( result.size() );
memcpy( &( r->getData().front() ),, result.size() );
return r;
void ArticleMaker::setExpandOptionalParts( bool expand )
needExpandOptionalParts = expand;
//////// ArticleRequest
QString const & word_, QString const & group_,
QMap< QString, QString > const & contexts_,
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts_,
string const & header ):
word( word_ ), group( group_ ), contexts( contexts_ ),
activeDicts( activeDicts_ ),
altsDone( false ), bodyDone( false ), foundAnyDefinitions( false ),
closePrevSpan( false )
// No need to lock dataMutex on construction
hasAnyData = true;
data.resize( header.size() );
memcpy( &data.front(),, header.size() );
2009-01-29 19:16:25 +00:00
// Accumulate main forms
for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x )
sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > s = activeDicts[ x ]->findHeadwordsForSynonym( gd::toWString( word ) );
connect( s.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
2011-12-12 16:52:07 +00:00
this, SLOT( altSearchFinished() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
altSearches.push_back( s );
altSearchFinished(); // Handle any ones which have already finished
void ArticleRequest::altSearchFinished()
if ( altsDone )
// Check every request for finishing
for( list< sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > >::iterator i =
altSearches.begin(); i != altSearches.end(); )
if ( (*i)->isFinished() )
// This one's finished
for( size_t count = (*i)->matchesCount(), x = 0; x < count; ++x )
alts.insert( (**i)[ x ].word );
altSearches.erase( i++ );
if ( altSearches.empty() )
DPRINTF( "alts finished\n" );
// They all've finished! Now we can look up bodies
altsDone = true; // So any pending signals in queued mode won't mess us up
vector< wstring > altsVector( alts.begin(), alts.end() );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < altsVector.size(); ++x )
DPRINTF( "Alt: %ls\n", altsVector[ x ].c_str() );
wstring wordStd = gd::toWString( word );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x )
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > r =
activeDicts[ x ]->getArticle( wordStd, altsVector,
gd::toWString( contexts.value( QString::fromStdString( activeDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) ) );
connect( r.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
2011-12-12 16:52:07 +00:00
this, SLOT( bodyFinished() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
bodyRequests.push_back( r );
bodyFinished(); // Handle any ones which have already finished
void ArticleRequest::bodyFinished()
if ( bodyDone )
DPRINTF( "some body finished\n" );
bool wasUpdated = false;
while ( bodyRequests.size() )
// Since requests should go in order, check the first one first
if ( bodyRequests.front()->isFinished() )
// Good
DPRINTF( "one finished.\n" );
Dictionary::DataRequest & req = *bodyRequests.front();
QString errorString = req.getErrorString();
if ( req.dataSize() >= 0 || errorString.size() )
sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & activeDict =
activeDicts[ activeDicts.size() - bodyRequests.size() ];
string dictId = activeDict->getId();
string head;
string gdFrom = "gdfrom-" + Html::escape( dictId );
if ( closePrevSpan )
head += "</span></span><span class=\"gdarticleseparator\"></span>";
// This is the first article
head += "<script language=\"JavaScript\">"
"var gdCurrentArticle=\"" + gdFrom + "\"; "
string jsVal = Html::escapeForJavaScript( dictId );
head += "<script language=\"JavaScript\">var gdArticleContents; "
"if ( !gdArticleContents ) gdArticleContents = \"" + jsVal +" \"; "
"else gdArticleContents += \"" + jsVal + " \";</script>";
head += string( "<span class=\"gdarticle" ) +
( closePrevSpan ? "" : " gdactivearticle" ) +
"\" id=\"" + gdFrom +
"\" onClick=\"gdMakeArticleActive( '" + jsVal + "' );\" " +
" onContextMenu=\"gdMakeArticleActive( '" + jsVal + "' );\""
+ ">";
closePrevSpan = true;
head += string( "<div class=\"gddictname\"><span class=\"gddicticon\"><img src=\"gico://")
+ Html::escape( dictId )
+ "/\"></span><span class=\"gdfromprefix\">" +
Html::escape( tr( "From " ).toUtf8().data() ) + "</span>" +
Html::escape( activeDict->getName().c_str() )
+ "</div>";
head += "<span class=\"gdarticlebody gdlangfrom-";
head += LangCoder::intToCode2( activeDict->getLangFrom() ).toAscii().data();
head += "\" lang=\"";
head += LangCoder::intToCode2( activeDict->getLangTo() ).toAscii().data();
head += "\">";
if ( errorString.size() )
head += "<div class=\"gderrordesc\">" +
Html::escape( tr( "Query error: %1" ).arg( errorString ).toUtf8().data() )
+ "</div>";
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t offset = data.size();
data.resize( data.size() + head.size() + ( req.dataSize() > 0 ? req.dataSize() : 0 ) );
memcpy( &data.front() + offset,, head.size() );
if ( req.dataSize() > 0 )
bodyRequests.front()->getDataSlice( 0, req.dataSize(),
&data.front() + offset + head.size() );
wasUpdated = true;
foundAnyDefinitions = true;
DPRINTF( "erasing..\n" );
DPRINTF( "erase done..\n" );
DPRINTF( "one not finished.\n" );
if ( bodyRequests.empty() )
// No requests left, end the article
bodyDone = true;
string footer;
if ( closePrevSpan )
footer += "</span></span>";
closePrevSpan = false;
if ( !foundAnyDefinitions )
// No definitions were ever found, say so to the user.
// Larger words are usually whole sentences - don't clutter the ouput
// with their full bodies.
footer += ArticleMaker::makeNotFoundBody( word.size() < 40 ? word : "", group );
// When there were no definitions, we run stemmed search.
stemmedWordFinder = new WordFinder( this );
connect( stemmedWordFinder.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
this, SLOT( stemmedSearchFinished() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
stemmedWordFinder->stemmedMatch( word, activeDicts );
footer += "</body></html>";
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t offset = data.size();
data.resize( data.size() + footer.size() );
memcpy( &data.front() + offset,, footer.size() );
if ( stemmedWordFinder.get() )
if ( wasUpdated )
void ArticleRequest::stemmedSearchFinished()
// Got stemmed matching results
WordFinder::SearchResults sr = stemmedWordFinder->getResults();
string footer;
bool continueMatching = false;
if ( sr.size() )
footer += "<div class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion\"><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_head\">" +
Html::escape( tr( "Close words: " ).toUtf8().data() ) +
"</span><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_body\">";
for( unsigned x = 0; x < sr.size(); ++x )
footer += linkWord( sr[ x ].first );
if ( x != sr.size() - 1 )
footer += ", ";
footer += "</span></div>";
splittedWords = splitIntoWords( word );
if ( splittedWords.first.size() > 1 ) // Contains more than one word
disconnect( stemmedWordFinder.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
this, SLOT( stemmedSearchFinished() ) );
connect( stemmedWordFinder.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
this, SLOT( individualWordFinished() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
currentSplittedWordStart = -1;
currentSplittedWordEnd = currentSplittedWordStart;
firstCompoundWasFound = false;
compoundSearchNextStep( false );
continueMatching = true;
if ( !continueMatching )
footer += "</body></html>";
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t offset = data.size();
data.resize( data.size() + footer.size() );
memcpy( &data.front() + offset,, footer.size() );
if ( continueMatching )
void ArticleRequest::compoundSearchNextStep( bool lastSearchSucceeded )
if ( !lastSearchSucceeded )
// Last search was unsuccessful. First, emit what we had.
string footer;
if ( lastGoodCompoundResult.size() ) // We have something to append
// DPRINTF( "Appending\n" );
if ( !firstCompoundWasFound )
// Append the beginning
footer += "<div class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion\"><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_head\">" +
Html::escape( tr( "Compound expressions: " ).toUtf8().data() ) +
"</span><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_body\">";
firstCompoundWasFound = true;
// Append the separator
footer += " / ";
footer += linkWord( lastGoodCompoundResult );
// Then, start a new search for the next word, if possible
if ( currentSplittedWordStart >= splittedWords.first.size() - 2 )
// The last word was the last possible to start from
if ( firstCompoundWasFound )
footer += "</span>";
// Now add links to all the individual words. They conclude the result.
footer += "<div class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion\"><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_head\">" +
Html::escape( tr( "Individual words: " ).toUtf8().data() ) +
"</span><span class=\"gdstemmedsuggestion_body\">";
footer += escapeSpacing( splittedWords.second[ 0 ] );
for( int x = 0; x < splittedWords.first.size(); ++x )
footer += linkWord( splittedWords.first[ x ] );
footer += escapeSpacing( splittedWords.second[ x + 1 ] );
footer += "</span>";
footer += "</body></html>";
appendToData( footer );
if ( footer.size() )
appendToData( footer );
// Advance to the next word and start from looking up two words
currentSplittedWordEnd = currentSplittedWordStart + 1;
// Last lookup succeeded -- see if we can try the larger sequence
if ( currentSplittedWordEnd < splittedWords.first.size() - 1 )
// We can, indeed.
// We can't. Emit what we have and start over.
++currentSplittedWordEnd; // So we could use the same code for result
// emitting
// Initiate new lookup
compoundSearchNextStep( false );
// Build the compound sequence
currentSplittedWordCompound = makeSplittedWordCompound();
// Look it up
// DPRINTF( "Looking up %s\n", qPrintable( currentSplittedWordCompound ) );
stemmedWordFinder->prefixMatch( currentSplittedWordCompound, activeDicts, 40, // Would one be enough? Leave 40 to be safe.
Dictionary::SuitableForCompoundSearching );
QString ArticleRequest::makeSplittedWordCompound()
QString result;
for( int x = currentSplittedWordStart; x <= currentSplittedWordEnd; ++x )
result.append( splittedWords.first[ x ] );
if ( x < currentSplittedWordEnd )
wstring ws( gd::toWString( splittedWords.second[ x + 1 ] ) );
Folding::normalizeWhitespace( ws );
result.append( gd::toQString( ws ) );
return result;
void ArticleRequest::individualWordFinished()
WordFinder::SearchResults const & results = stemmedWordFinder->getResults();
if ( results.size() )
// Check if the aliases are acceptable
wstring source = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( gd::toWString( currentSplittedWordCompound ) );
bool hadSomething = false;
for( unsigned x = 0; x < results.size(); ++x )
if ( results[ x ].second )
continue; // We're not interested in suggestions
wstring result( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( gd::toWString( results[ x ].first ) ) );
if ( source.size() <= result.size() && 0, source.size(), source ) == 0 )
// The resulting string begins with the source one
hadSomething = true;
if ( source.size() == result.size() )
// Got the match. No need to continue.
lastGoodCompoundResult = currentSplittedWordCompound;
if ( hadSomething )
compoundSearchNextStep( true );
compoundSearchNextStep( false );
void ArticleRequest::appendToData( std::string const & str )
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t offset = data.size();
data.resize( data.size() + str.size() );
memcpy( &data.front() + offset,, str.size() );
QPair< ArticleRequest::Words, ArticleRequest::Spacings > ArticleRequest::splitIntoWords( QString const & input )
QPair< Words, Spacings > result;
QChar const * ptr =;
for( ; ; )
QString spacing;
for( ; ptr->unicode() && ( Folding::isPunct( ptr->unicode() ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ptr->unicode() ) ); ++ptr )
spacing.append( *ptr );
result.second.append( spacing );
QString word;
for( ; ptr->unicode() && !( Folding::isPunct( ptr->unicode() ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ptr->unicode() ) ); ++ptr )
word.append( *ptr );
if ( word.isEmpty() )
result.first.append( word );
return result;
string ArticleRequest::linkWord( QString const & str )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "gdlookup" );
url.setHost( "localhost" );
url.setPath( str );
string escapedResult = Html::escape( str.toUtf8().data() );
return string( "<a href=\"" ) + url.toEncoded().data() + "\">" + escapedResult +"</a>";
std::string ArticleRequest::escapeSpacing( QString const & str )
QByteArray spacing = Html::escape( str.toUtf8().data() ).c_str();
spacing.replace( "\n", "<br>" );
2011-12-12 16:52:07 +00:00
void ArticleRequest::cancel()
if( isFinished() )
if( !altSearches.empty() )
for( list< sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > >::iterator i =
altSearches.begin(); i != altSearches.end(); ++i )
if( !bodyRequests.empty() )
for( list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator i =
bodyRequests.begin(); i != bodyRequests.end(); ++i )
if( stemmedWordFinder.get() ) stemmedWordFinder->cancel();