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2012-02-20 21:47:14 +00:00
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <vector>
#include <QString>
#include <QSize>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QSet>
#include "ex.hh"
/// GoldenDict's configuration
namespace Config {
using std::vector;
/// Dictionaries which are temporarily disabled via the dictionary bar.
typedef QSet< QString > MutedDictionaries;
/// A path where to search for the dictionaries
struct Path
QString path;
bool recursive;
Path(): recursive( false ) {}
Path( QString const & path_, bool recursive_ ):
path( path_ ), recursive( recursive_ ) {}
bool operator == ( Path const & other ) const
{ return path == other.path && recursive == other.recursive; }
/// A list of paths where to search for the dictionaries
typedef vector< Path > Paths;
/// A directory holding bunches of audiofiles, which is indexed into a separate
/// dictionary.
struct SoundDir
QString path, name;
SoundDir( QString const & path_, QString const & name_ ):
path( path_ ), name( name_ )
bool operator == ( SoundDir const & other ) const
{ return path == other.path && name ==; }
/// A list of SoundDirs
typedef vector< SoundDir > SoundDirs;
struct DictionaryRef
QString id; // Dictionrary id, which is usually an md5 hash
QString name; // Dictionary name, used to recover when its id changes
DictionaryRef( QString const & id_, QString const & name_ ):
id( id_ ), name( name_ ) {}
bool operator == ( DictionaryRef const & other ) const
{ return id == && name ==; }
/// A dictionary group
struct Group
unsigned id;
QString name, icon;
QByteArray iconData;
QKeySequence shortcut;
vector< DictionaryRef > dictionaries;
Config::MutedDictionaries mutedDictionaries; // Disabled via dictionary bar
Config::MutedDictionaries popupMutedDictionaries; // Disabled via dictionary bar in popup
Group(): id( 0 ) {}
bool operator == ( Group const & other ) const
{ return id == && name == && icon == other.icon &&
dictionaries == other.dictionaries && shortcut == other.shortcut &&
mutedDictionaries == other.mutedDictionaries &&
popupMutedDictionaries == other.popupMutedDictionaries &&
2012-10-31 13:58:35 +00:00
iconData == other.iconData; }
bool operator != ( Group const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
/// All the groups
struct Groups: public vector< Group >
unsigned nextId; // Id to use to create the group next time
Groups(): nextId( 1 )
/// Proxy server configuration
struct ProxyServer
bool enabled;
enum Type
Socks5 = 0,
} type;
QString host;
unsigned port;
QString user, password;
// A hotkey -- currently qt modifiers plus one or two keys
struct HotKey
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers;
int key1, key2;
/// We use the first two keys of QKeySequence, with modifiers being stored
/// in the first one.
HotKey( QKeySequence const & );
QKeySequence toKeySequence() const;
/// Various user preferences
struct Preferences
QString interfaceLanguage; // Empty value corresponds to system default
QString displayStyle; // Empty value corresponds to the default one
bool newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne;
bool newTabsOpenInBackground;
bool hideSingleTab;
2011-11-02 23:37:50 +00:00
bool mruTabOrder;
bool hideMenubar;
bool enableTrayIcon;
bool startToTray;
bool closeToTray;
bool autoStart;
bool doubleClickTranslates;
bool selectWordBySingleClick;
bool escKeyHidesMainWindow;
bool enableMainWindowHotkey;
HotKey mainWindowHotkey;
bool enableClipboardHotkey;
HotKey clipboardHotkey;
bool enableScanPopup;
bool startWithScanPopupOn;
bool enableScanPopupModifiers;
unsigned long scanPopupModifiers; // Combination of KeyboardState::Modifier
bool scanPopupAltMode; // When you press modifier shortly after the selection
unsigned scanPopupAltModeSecs;
bool scanPopupUseUIAutomation;
bool scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx;
bool scanPopupUseGDMessage;
bool scanToMainWindow;
// Whether the word should be pronounced on page load, in main window/popup
bool pronounceOnLoadMain, pronounceOnLoadPopup;
QString audioPlaybackProgram;
bool useExternalPlayer;
bool useWindowsPlaySound;
ProxyServer proxyServer;
bool checkForNewReleases;
bool disallowContentFromOtherSites;
bool enableWebPlugins;
2009-04-30 19:57:25 +00:00
qreal zoomFactor;
int wordsZoomLevel;
2009-04-30 19:57:25 +00:00
2012-02-16 14:56:25 +00:00
unsigned maxStringsInHistory;
unsigned storeHistory;
bool alwaysExpandOptionalParts;
2012-02-16 14:56:25 +00:00
/// A MediaWiki network dictionary definition
struct MediaWiki
QString id, name, url, icon;
bool enabled;
MediaWiki(): enabled( false )
MediaWiki( QString const & id_, QString const & name_, QString const & url_,
bool enabled_, QString icon_ ):
id( id_ ), name( name_ ), url( url_ ), enabled( enabled_ ), icon( icon_ ) {}
bool operator == ( MediaWiki const & other ) const
{ return id == && name == && url == other.url &&
enabled == other.enabled && icon == other.icon ; }
/// Any website which can be queried though a simple template substitution
struct WebSite
QString id, name, url;
bool enabled;
WebSite(): enabled( false )
WebSite( QString const & id_, QString const & name_, QString const & url_,
bool enabled_ ):
id( id_ ), name( name_ ), url( url_ ), enabled( enabled_ ) {}
bool operator == ( WebSite const & other ) const
{ return id == && name == && url == other.url &&
enabled == other.enabled; }
/// All the WebSites
typedef vector< WebSite > WebSites;
2009-04-09 14:15:01 +00:00
/// Hunspell configuration
struct Hunspell
QString dictionariesPath;
typedef vector< QString > Dictionaries;
Dictionaries enabledDictionaries;
bool operator == ( Hunspell const & other ) const
{ return dictionariesPath == other.dictionariesPath &&
enabledDictionaries == other.enabledDictionaries; }
bool operator != ( Hunspell const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
2009-04-09 14:15:01 +00:00
/// All the MediaWikis
typedef vector< MediaWiki > MediaWikis;
/// Romaji transliteration configuration
struct Romaji
bool enable;
bool enableHepburn;
bool enableNihonShiki;
bool enableKunreiShiki;
bool enableHiragana;
bool enableKatakana;
bool operator == ( Romaji const & other ) const
{ return enable == other.enable &&
enableHepburn == other.enableHepburn &&
enableNihonShiki == other.enableNihonShiki &&
enableKunreiShiki == other.enableKunreiShiki &&
enableHiragana == other.enableHiragana &&
enableKatakana == other.enableKatakana; }
bool operator != ( Romaji const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
2009-05-11 23:37:18 +00:00
struct Transliteration
bool enableRussianTransliteration;
2009-05-11 23:37:18 +00:00
bool enableGermanTransliteration;
bool enableGreekTransliteration;
Romaji romaji;
bool operator == ( Transliteration const & other ) const
{ return enableRussianTransliteration == other.enableRussianTransliteration &&
2009-05-11 23:37:18 +00:00
romaji == other.romaji &&
enableGermanTransliteration == other.enableGermanTransliteration &&
enableGreekTransliteration == other.enableGreekTransliteration;
2009-05-11 23:37:18 +00:00
bool operator != ( Transliteration const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
2009-05-11 23:37:18 +00:00
enableRussianTransliteration( false ),
enableGermanTransliteration( false ),
enableGreekTransliteration( false )
struct Forvo
bool enable;
QString apiKey;
QString languageCodes;
Forvo(): enable( false )
bool operator == ( Forvo const & other ) const
{ return enable == other.enable &&
apiKey == other.apiKey &&
languageCodes == other.languageCodes;
bool operator != ( Forvo const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
struct Program
bool enabled;
enum Type
} type;
QString id, name, commandLine;
Program(): enabled( false )
Program( bool enabled_, Type type_, QString const & id_,
QString const & name_, QString const & commandLine_ ):
enabled( enabled_ ), type( type_ ), id( id_ ), name( name_ ),
commandLine( commandLine_ ) {}
bool operator == ( Program const & other ) const
{ return enabled == other.enabled &&
type == other.type &&
name == &&
commandLine == other.commandLine;
bool operator != ( Program const & other ) const
{ return ! operator == ( other ); }
typedef vector< Program > Programs;
struct Class
Paths paths;
SoundDirs soundDirs;
Group dictionaryOrder;
Group inactiveDictionaries;
Groups groups;
Preferences preferences;
MediaWikis mediawikis;
WebSites webSites;
2009-04-09 14:15:01 +00:00
Hunspell hunspell;
Transliteration transliteration;
Forvo forvo;
Programs programs;
unsigned lastMainGroupId; // Last used group in main window
unsigned lastPopupGroupId; // Last used group in popup window
QByteArray popupWindowState; // Binary state saved by QMainWindow
QByteArray popupWindowGeometry; // Geometry saved by QMainWindow
QByteArray dictInfoGeometry; // Geometry of "Dictionary info" window
QString historyExportPath; // Path for export/import history
bool pinPopupWindow; // Last pin status
QByteArray mainWindowState; // Binary state saved by QMainWindow
QByteArray mainWindowGeometry; // Geometry saved by QMainWindow
MutedDictionaries mutedDictionaries; // Disabled via dictionary bar
MutedDictionaries popupMutedDictionaries; // Disabled via dictionary bar in popup
QDateTime timeForNewReleaseCheck; // Only effective if
// preferences.checkForNewReleases is set
QString skippedRelease; // Empty by default
bool showingDictBarNames;
bool usingSmallIconsInToolbars;
unsigned short maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu;
Class(): lastMainGroupId( 0 ), lastPopupGroupId( 0 ),
pinPopupWindow( false ), showingDictBarNames( false ),
usingSmallIconsInToolbars( false ), maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu( 20 )
Group * getGroup( unsigned id );
Group const * getGroup( unsigned id ) const;
/// Configuration-specific events. Some parts of the program need to react
/// to specific changes in configuration. The object of this class is used
/// to emit signals when such events happen -- and the listeners connect to
/// them to be notified of them.
/// This class is separate from the main Class since QObjects can't be copied.
class Events: public QObject
/// Signals that the value of the mutedDictionaries has changed.
/// This emits mutedDictionariesChanged() signal, so the subscribers will
/// be notified.
void signalMutedDictionariesChanged();
/// THe value of the mutedDictionaries has changed.
void mutedDictionariesChanged();
DEF_EX( exError, "Error with the program's configuration", std::exception )
DEF_EX( exCantUseHomeDir, "Can't use home directory to store GoldenDict preferences", exError )
DEF_EX( exCantUseIndexDir, "Can't use index directory to store GoldenDict index files", exError )
DEF_EX( exCantReadConfigFile, "Can't read the configuration file", exError )
DEF_EX( exCantWriteConfigFile, "Can't write the configuration file", exError )
DEF_EX( exMalformedConfigFile, "The configuration file is malformed", exError )
/// Loads the configuration, or creates the default one if none is present
Class load() throw( exError );
/// Saves the configuration
void save( Class const & ) throw( exError );
/// Returns the main configuration directory.
QString getConfigDir() throw( exError );
/// Returns the index directory, where the indices are to be stored.
QString getIndexDir() throw( exError );
/// Returns the filename of a .pid file which should store current pid of
/// the process.
QString getPidFileName() throw( exError );
/// Returns the filename of a history file which stores search history.
QString getHistoryFileName() throw( exError );
/// Returns the user .css file name.
QString getUserCssFileName() throw( exError );
2009-05-01 12:20:33 +00:00
/// Returns the user .css file name used for printing only.
QString getUserCssPrintFileName() throw( exError );
/// Returns the user .css file name for the Qt interface customization.
QString getUserQtCssFileName() throw( exError );
/// Returns the program's data dir. Under Linux that would be something like
/// /usr/share/apps/goldendict, under Windows C:/Program Files/GoldenDict.
QString getProgramDataDir() throw();
/// Returns the directory storing program localizized files (.qm).
QString getLocDir() throw();
/// Returns true if the program is configured as a portable version. In that
/// mode, all the settings and indices are kept in the program's directory.
bool isPortableVersion() throw();
/// Returns directory with dictionaries for portable version. It is content/
/// in the application's directory.
QString getPortableVersionDictionaryDir() throw();
/// Returns directory with morpgologies for portable version. It is
/// content/morphology in the application's directory.
QString getPortableVersionMorphoDir() throw();