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/* This file is (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov <>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <QObject>
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
#include <QIcon>
#include "sptr.hh"
#include "ex.hh"
#include "mutex.hh"
#include "wstring.hh"
/// Abstract dictionary-related stuff
namespace Dictionary {
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using gd::wstring;
using std::map;
enum Property
DEF_EX( Ex, "Dictionary error", std::exception )
DEF_EX( exIndexOutOfRange, "The supplied index is out of range", Ex )
DEF_EX( exSliceOutOfRange, "The requested data slice is out of range", Ex )
DEF_EX( exRequestUnfinished, "The request hasn't yet finished", Ex )
/// When you request a search to be performed in a dictionary, you get
/// this structure in return. It accumulates search results over time.
/// The finished() signal is emitted when the search has finished and there's
/// no more matches to be expected. Note that before connecting to it, check
/// the result of isFinished() -- if it's 'true', the search was instantaneous.
/// Destroy the object when you are not interested in results anymore.
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// Creating, destroying and calling member functions of the requests is done
/// in the GUI thread, however. Therefore, it is important to make sure those
/// operations are fast (this is most important for word searches, where
/// new requests are created and old ones deleted immediately upon a user
/// changing query).
class Request: public QObject
/// Returns whether the request has been processed in full and finished.
/// This means that the data accumulated is final and won't change anymore.
bool isFinished();
/// Either returns an empty string in case there was no error processing
/// the request, or otherwise a human-readable string describing the problem.
/// Note that an empty result, such as a lack of word or of an article isn't
/// an error -- but any kind of failure to connect to, or read the dictionary
/// is.
QString getErrorString();
/// Cancels the ongoing request. This may make Request destruct faster some
/// time in the future, Use this in preparation to destruct many Requests,
/// so that they'd be cancelling in parallel. When the request was fully
/// cancelled, it must emit the finished() signal, either as a result of an
/// actual finish which has happened just before the cancellation, or solely as
/// a result of a request being cancelled (in the latter case, the actual
/// request result may be empty or incomplete). That is, finish() must be
/// called by a derivative at least once if cancel() was called, either after
/// or before it was called.
virtual void cancel()=0;
virtual ~Request()
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// This signal is emitted when more data becomes available. Local
/// dictionaries typically don't call this, since it is preferred that all
/// data would be available from them at once, but network dictionaries
/// might call that.
void updated();
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// This signal is emitted when the request has been processed in full and
/// finished. That is, it's emitted when isFinished() turns true.
void finished();
/// Called by derivatives to signal update().
void update();
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// Called by derivatives to set isFinished() flag and signal finished().
void finish();
/// Sets the error string to be returned by getErrorString().
void setErrorString( QString const & );
QAtomicInt isFinishedFlag;
Mutex errorStringMutex;
QString errorString;
/// This structure represents the word found. In addition to holding the
/// word itself, it also holds its weight. It is 0 by default. Negative
/// values should be used to store distance from Levenstein-like matching
/// algorithms. Positive values are used by morphology matches.
struct WordMatch
wstring word;
int weight;
WordMatch(): weight( 0 ) {}
WordMatch( wstring const & word_ ): word( word_ ), weight( 0 ){}
WordMatch( wstring const & word_, int weight_ ): word( word_ ),
weight( weight_ ) {}
/// This request type corresponds to all types of word searching operations.
class WordSearchRequest: public Request
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// Returns the number of matches found. The value can grow over time
/// unless isFinished() is true.
size_t matchesCount();
/// Returns the match with the given zero-based index, which should be less
/// than matchesCount().
WordMatch operator [] ( size_t index ) throw( exIndexOutOfRange );
/// Returns all the matches found. Since no further locking can or would be
/// done, this can only be called after the request has finished.
vector< WordMatch > & getAllMatches() throw( exRequestUnfinished );
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
// Subclasses should be filling up the 'matches' array, locking the mutex when
// whey work with it.
Mutex dataMutex;
vector< WordMatch > matches;
/// This request type corresponds to any kinds of data responses where a
/// single large blob of binary data is returned. It currently used of article
/// bodies and resources.
class DataRequest: public Request
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
/// Returns the number of bytes read, with a -1 meaning that so far it's
/// uncertain whether resource even exists or not, and any non-negative value
/// meaning that that amount of bytes is not available.
/// If -1 is still being returned after the request has finished, that means
/// the resource wasn't found.
long dataSize();
/// Writes "size" bytes starting from "offset" of the data read to the given
/// buffer. "size + offset" must be <= than dataSize().
void getDataSlice( size_t offset, size_t size, void * buffer )
throw( exSliceOutOfRange );
/// Returns all the data read. Since no further locking can or would be
/// done, this can only be called after the request has finished.
vector< char > & getFullData() throw( exRequestUnfinished );
DataRequest(): hasAnyData( false ) {}
2009-04-21 19:03:16 +00:00
// Subclasses should be filling up the 'data' array, locking the mutex when
// whey work with it.
Mutex dataMutex;
bool hasAnyData; // With this being false, dataSize() always returns -1
vector< char > data;
/// A helper class for syncronous word search implementations.
class WordSearchRequestInstant: public WordSearchRequest
{ finish(); }
virtual void cancel()
vector< WordMatch > & getMatches()
{ return matches; }
2009-04-09 14:15:01 +00:00
/// A helper class for syncronous data read implementations.
class DataRequestInstant: public DataRequest
DataRequestInstant( bool succeeded )
{ hasAnyData = succeeded; finish(); }
DataRequestInstant( QString const & errorString )
{ setErrorString( errorString ); finish(); }
virtual void cancel()
vector< char > & getData()
{ return data; }
/// A dictionary. Can be used to query words.
class Class
string id;
vector< string > dictionaryFiles;
/// Creates a dictionary. The id should be made using
/// Format::makeDictionaryId(), the dictionaryFiles is the file names the
/// dictionary consists of.
Class( string const & id, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles );
/// Returns the dictionary's id.
string getId() throw()
{ return id; }
/// Returns the list of file names the dictionary consists of.
vector< string > const & getDictionaryFilenames() throw()
{ return dictionaryFiles; }
/// Returns the dictionary's full name, utf8.
virtual string getName() throw()=0;
/// Returns all the available properties, like the author's name, copyright,
/// description etc. All strings are in utf8.
virtual map< Property, string > getProperties() throw()=0;
/// Returns the number of articles in the dictionary.
virtual unsigned long getArticleCount() throw()=0;
/// Returns the number of words in the dictionary. This can be equal to
/// the number of articles, or can be larger if some synonyms are present.
virtual unsigned long getWordCount() throw()=0;
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/// Returns the dictionary's icon.
virtual QIcon getIcon() throw()
{ return QIcon(); }
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/// Returns the dictionary's source language.
virtual quint32 getLangFrom() const
{ return 0; }
/// Returns the dictionary's target language.
virtual quint32 getLangTo() const
{ return 0; }
/// Looks up a given word in the dictionary, aiming for exact matches and
/// prefix matches. If it's not possible to locate any prefix matches, no
/// prefix results should be added. Not more than maxResults results should
/// be stored. The whole operation is supposed to be fast, though some
/// dictionaries, the network ones particularly, may of course be slow.
virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const &,
unsigned long maxResults ) throw( std::exception )=0;
/// Looks up a given word in the dictionary, aiming to find different forms
/// of the given word by allowing suffix variations. This means allowing words
/// which can be as short as the input word size minus maxSuffixVariation, or as
/// long as the input word size plus maxSuffixVariation, which share at least
/// the input word size minus maxSuffixVariation initial symbols.
/// Since the goal is to find forms of the words, no matches where a word
/// in the middle of a phrase got matched should be returned.
/// The default implementation does nothing, returning an empty result.
virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > stemmedMatch( wstring const &,
unsigned minLength,
unsigned maxSuffixVariation,
unsigned long maxResults ) throw( std::exception );
/// Finds known headwords for the given word, that is, the words for which
/// the given word is a synonym. If a dictionary can't perform this operation,
/// it should leave the default implementation which always returns an empty
/// result.
virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > findHeadwordsForSynonym( wstring const & )
throw( std::exception );
/// Returns a definition for the given word. The definition should
/// be an html fragment (without html/head/body tags) in an utf8 encoding.
/// The 'alts' vector could contain a list of words the definitions of which
/// should be included in the output as well, being treated as additional
/// synonyms for the main word.
virtual sptr< DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts )
throw( std::exception )=0;
/// Loads contents of a resource named 'name' into the 'data' vector. This is
/// usually a picture file referenced in the article or something like that.
/// The default implementation always returns the non-existing resource
/// response.
virtual sptr< DataRequest > getResource( string const & /*name*/ )
throw( std::exception );
virtual ~Class()
/// Callbacks to be used when the dictionaries are being initialized.
class Initializing
/// Called by the Format instance to notify the caller that the given
/// dictionary is being indexed. Since indexing can take some time, this
/// is useful to show in some kind of a splash screen.
/// The dictionaryName is in utf8.
virtual void indexingDictionary( string const & dictionaryName ) throw()=0;
virtual ~Initializing()
/// Generates an id based on the set of file names which the dictionary
/// consists of. The resulting id is an alphanumeric hex value made by
/// hashing the file names. This id should be used to identify dictionary
/// and for the index file name, if one is needed.
/// This function is supposed to be used by dictionary implementations.
string makeDictionaryId( vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles ) throw();
/// Checks if it is needed to regenerate index file based on its timestamp
/// and the timestamps of the dictionary files. If some files are newer than
/// the index file, or the index file doesn't exist, returns true. If some
/// dictionary files don't exist, returns true, too.
/// This function is supposed to be used by dictionary implementations.
bool needToRebuildIndex( vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles,
string const & indexFile ) throw();