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synced 2024-12-18 07:24:07 +00:00
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## Dependencies
* C++17 compiler
* Latest QT6
* Various libraries for Linux & macOS, see below
* On Windows all the libraries are included in the repository
For debian/ubuntu, those packages are needed
libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libbz2-dev libeb16-dev libhunspell-dev \
liblzma-dev liblzo2-dev libopencc-dev libvorbis-dev \
libx11-dev libxtst-dev libzim-dev libzstd-dev qt6-5compat-dev \
qt6-base-dev qt6-multimedia-dev qt6-speech-dev qt6-svg-dev \
qt6-tools-dev qt6-tools-dev-tools qt6-webchannel-dev \
qt6-webengine-dev x11proto-record-dev zlib1g-dev
In other words, those libraries
* Qt6 (with webengine)
* ffmpeg
* libzim
* xapian
* hunspell
* opencc
* libeb
* libvorbis
* x11 (linux only)
And a few compression libraries:
* xz (lzma)
* bzip2
* lzo2
* zlib
## CMake Build
Basically, you need those commands:
cd goldendict-ng && mkdir build_dir
# config step
cmake -S . -B build_dir \
--install-prefix=/usr/local/ \
# actual build
cmake --build build_dir --parallel 7
cmake --install ./build_dir/
### Feature flags
Append `-D{flag_names}=ON/OFF` to cmake's config step
Available flags can be found on the top of `CMakeLists.txt`
### Windows
Install Qt6(msvc) through the standard installer and pass Qt's path to CMake
The built artifacts will end up in `build_dir/goldendict`
#### Using pre-built winlibs
Use `windeploy` target to copy necessary runtime files.
cmake --build . --target windeploy
Or you can also manually run `windeployqt.exe {your_build_dir}/goldendict.exe` which will copy the qt related things to `build_dir`.
#### Using Vcpkg
The dependencies can be built via Vcpkg instead of using the pre-built ones.
Vcpkg CMake build utilize the "manifest mode", all you need to do is basically
set `CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` as described [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/vcpkg/consume/manifest-mode?tabs=cmake%2Cbuild-MSBuild#2---integrate-vcpkg-with-your-build-system).
Add this to cmake command:
Most `.dll` built by vcpkg will be automatically copied, but the Qt ones won't.
You can
* run `cmake --install .` (recommended)
* manually run windeployqt
* add `${Qt's install path}\Qt\6.5.2\msvc2019_64\bin` to your PATH environment variable
Note that `-G Ninja` in CMake is assumed to be used. MSBuild has minor bugs for being "Multi-Config".
### macOS
If you build in an IDE, then the created `GoldenDict.app` will be runnable from the IDE which set up necessary magics for you.
To make the `.app` runnable elsewhere, you can run `cmake --install build_dir/` which will invoke macdeployqt, ad-hoc code signing and various other things. The produced app will end up in `build_dir/redist/goldendict-ng.app`
To create `.dmg` installer, you have to have [create-dmg](https://github.com/create-dmg/create-dmg) installed on your machine, then also `cmake --install build_dir/`.