mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 12:24:08 +00:00
start reworking brush stroking
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ common common
-- work around a laziness bug involving runRW# in GHC 9.0.1
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ instance HandleAction () where
-- New file --
data NewFile = NewFile TabLocation
data NewFile = NewFile !TabLocation
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction NewFile where
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ instance HandleAction NewFile where
-- Open file --
data OpenFile = OpenFile TabLocation
data OpenFile = OpenFile !TabLocation
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction OpenFile where
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ warningDialog window filePath errMess = do
-- Open folder --
data OpenFolder = OpenFolder TabLocation
data OpenFolder = OpenFolder !TabLocation
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction OpenFolder where
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ instance HandleAction About where
-- Mouse movement --
data MouseMove = MouseMove ( Point2D Double )
data MouseMove = MouseMove !( Point2D Double )
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction MouseMove where
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ instance HandleAction MouseMove where
data ActionOrigin
= ViewportOrigin
| RulerOrigin Ruler
| RulerOrigin !Ruler
deriving stock Show
data MouseClickType
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ data MouseClickType
| DoubleClick
deriving stock Show
data MouseClick = MouseClick ActionOrigin MouseClickType Word32 ( Point2D Double )
data MouseClick = MouseClick !ActionOrigin !MouseClickType !Word32 !( Point2D Double )
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction MouseClick where
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ instance HandleAction MouseClick where
-- Mouse release --
data MouseRelease = MouseRelease Word32 ( Point2D Double )
data MouseRelease = MouseRelease !Word32 !( Point2D Double )
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction MouseRelease where
@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ instance HandleAction MouseRelease where
-- Scrolling --
data Scroll = Scroll ( Maybe ( Point2D Double ) ) ( Vector2D Double )
data Scroll = Scroll !( Maybe ( Point2D Double ) ) !( Vector2D Double )
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction Scroll where
@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ instance HandleAction Scroll where
-- Keyboard press --
data KeyboardPress = KeyboardPress Word32
data KeyboardPress = KeyboardPress !Word32
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction KeyboardPress where
@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ instance HandleAction KeyboardPress where
-- Keyboard release --
data KeyboardRelease = KeyboardRelease Word32
data KeyboardRelease = KeyboardRelease !Word32
deriving stock Show
instance HandleAction KeyboardRelease where
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ class HandleAction action where
instance HandleAction ()
data NewFile = NewFile TabLocation
data NewFile = NewFile !TabLocation
instance HandleAction NewFile
data OpenFile = OpenFile TabLocation
data OpenFile = OpenFile !TabLocation
instance HandleAction OpenFile
data OpenFolder = OpenFolder TabLocation
data OpenFolder = OpenFolder !TabLocation
instance HandleAction OpenFolder
data Save = Save
@ -107,26 +107,26 @@ instance HandleAction Confirm
data About = About
instance HandleAction About
data MouseMove = MouseMove ( Point2D Double )
data MouseMove = MouseMove !( Point2D Double )
instance HandleAction MouseMove
data ActionOrigin
= ViewportOrigin
| RulerOrigin Ruler
| RulerOrigin !Ruler
data MouseClickType
= SingleClick
| DoubleClick
data MouseClick = MouseClick ActionOrigin MouseClickType Word32 ( Point2D Double )
data MouseClick = MouseClick !ActionOrigin !MouseClickType !Word32 !( Point2D Double )
instance HandleAction MouseClick
data MouseRelease = MouseRelease Word32 ( Point2D Double )
data MouseRelease = MouseRelease !Word32 !( Point2D Double )
instance HandleAction MouseRelease
data Scroll = Scroll ( Maybe ( Point2D Double ) ) ( Vector2D Double )
data Scroll = Scroll !( Maybe ( Point2D Double ) ) !( Vector2D Double )
instance HandleAction Scroll
data KeyboardPress = KeyboardPress Word32
data KeyboardPress = KeyboardPress !Word32
instance HandleAction KeyboardPress
data KeyboardRelease = KeyboardRelease Word32
data KeyboardRelease = KeyboardRelease !Word32
instance HandleAction KeyboardRelease
@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ runApplication application = do
{ splineStart = mkPoint ( Point2D 10 -20 ) 2
, splineCurves = OpenCurves $ Seq.fromList
[ LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint ( mkPoint ( Point2D 10 10 ) 5 ), curveData = invalidateCache undefined }
[ LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint ( mkPoint ( Point2D 10 10 ) 10 ), curveData = invalidateCache undefined }
, LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint ( mkPoint ( Point2D -10 10 ) 5 ), curveData = invalidateCache undefined }
, LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint ( mkPoint ( Point2D -10 -20 ) 2 ), curveData = invalidateCache undefined }
, LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint ( mkPoint ( Point2D -10 -20 ) 15 ), curveData = invalidateCache undefined }
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import Math.Module
import Math.Vector2D
( Point2D )
import {-# SOURCE #-} MetaBrush.Document.Serialise
( Serialisable, Workaround(..) )
( Serialisable, Workaround(..), workaround )
import MetaBrush.MetaParameter.AST
( SType(..), STypeI(..), SomeSType(..), STypes(..), STypesI(..), someSTypes
, Adapted, BrushFunction
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import MetaBrush.MetaParameter.Interpolation
whatever :: Int
whatever = case Workaround of
whatever = case workaround Workaround of
Workaround -> 0
data Brush brushFields where
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module MetaBrush.Document.Serialise
( Workaround(..), Serialisable(..)
( Workaround(..), workaround
, Serialisable(..)
, documentToJSON, documentFromJSON
, saveDocument, loadDocument
@ -201,6 +202,8 @@ import qualified Paths_MetaBrush as Cabal
-- | Dummy data-type that helps workaround a GHC bug with hs-boot files.
data Workaround = Workaround
workaround :: Workaround -> Workaround
workaround Workaround = Workaround
-- | Serialise a document to JSON (in the form of a lazy bytestring).
documentToJSON :: Document -> Lazy.ByteString
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module MetaBrush.Document.Serialise
( Workaround(..), Serialisable(..) )
( Workaround(..), workaround, Serialisable(..) )
-- base
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import Math.Vector2D
data Workaround = Workaround
workaround :: Workaround -> Workaround
class Serialisable a where
encoder :: Monad f => JSON.Encoder f a
decoder :: Monad m => JSON.Decoder m a
@ -516,7 +516,10 @@ type BrushFunction brushFields = AdaptableFunction brushFields ( SplinePts Close
newtype AdaptableFunction brushFields a
= AdaptableFunction
( forall givenFields usedFields
. Adapted brushFields givenFields usedFields
. ( Adapted brushFields givenFields usedFields
-- Debugging.
, Show ( Super.Rec givenFields )
=> ( Super.Rec givenFields -> Super.Rec usedFields
, Super.Rec usedFields -> a
@ -303,12 +303,12 @@ strokeRenderData fitParams
= Just $ case strokeBrush of
Just ( AdaptedBrush ( brush :: Brush brushFields ) )
| ( _ :: Proxy# usedFields ) <- ( proxy# :: Proxy# ( brushFields `SuperRecord.Intersect` pointFields ) )
-- Get the adaptable brush shape (function),
-- specialising it to the type we are using.
, let
toUsedParams :: Super.Rec pointFields -> Super.Rec usedFields
brushShapeFn :: Super.Rec usedFields -> SplinePts Closed
AdaptableFunction ( toUsedParams, brushShapeFn ) = brushFunction brush
-- Get the adaptable brush shape (function),
-- specialising it to the type we are using.
-> do
-- Compute the outline using the brush function.
( outline, fitPts ) <-
@ -101,10 +101,9 @@ import Math.Bezier.Spline
, ssplineType, adjustSplineType
, NextPoint(..), fromNextPoint
, KnownSplineType
( bifoldSpline, ibifoldSpline, bimapSpline )
( bifoldSpline, ibifoldSpline )
, Spline(..), SplinePts, Curves(..), Curve(..)
, openCurveStart, openCurveEnd
, splitSplineAt, dropCurves
, openCurveEnd, splitSplineAt, dropCurves
import qualified Math.Bezier.Quadratic as Quadratic
import Math.Epsilon
@ -180,6 +179,8 @@ computeStrokeOutline ::
, HasType ( Point2D Double ) ptData
, HasType ( CachedStroke s ) crvData
, NFData ptData, NFData crvData
-- Debugging.
, Show ptData
=> FitParameters
-> ( ptData -> brushParams )
@ -189,53 +190,54 @@ computeStrokeOutline ::
( Either ( SplinePts Closed ) ( SplinePts Closed, SplinePts Closed )
, Seq FitPoint
computeStrokeOutline fitParams ptParams brushFn spline@( Spline { splineStart = spt0, splineCurves } ) = case ssplineType @clo of
computeStrokeOutline fitParams ptParams brushFn spline@( Spline { splineStart = spt0 } ) = case ssplineType @clo of
-- Open brush path with at least one segment.
-- Need to add caps at both ends of the path.
| OpenCurves curves <- splineCurves
, firstCurve :<| _ <- curves
, prevCurves :|> lastCurve <- curves
| ( firstOutlineFwd, firstOutlineBwd ) :<| _ <- outlineFns
, _ :|> ( lastOutlineFwd, lastOutlineBwd ) <- outlineFns
, _ :|> lastCurve <- openCurves $ splineCurves spline
, let
endPt :: ptData
endPt = openCurveEnd lastCurve
startTgt, endTgt :: Vector2D Double
startTgt = coords spt0 --> coords ( openCurveStart firstCurve )
endTgt = case prevCurves of
Empty -> endTangent spt0 spt0 lastCurve
_ :|> lastPrev -> endTangent spt0 ( openCurveEnd lastPrev ) lastCurve
startTgtFwd, startTgtBwd, endTgtFwd, endTgtBwd :: Vector2D Double
startTgtFwd = snd $ firstOutlineFwd 0
startTgtBwd = snd $ firstOutlineBwd 1
endTgtFwd = snd $ lastOutlineFwd 1
endTgtBwd = snd $ lastOutlineBwd 0
startBrush, endBrush :: SplinePts Closed
startBrush = brushShape spt0
endBrush = brushShape endPt
startCap, endCap :: SplinePts Open
= fmap ( MkVector2D ( coords spt0 ) • )
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ startTgt ) startBrush ) ( withTangent startTgt startBrush ) startBrush
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ startTgtBwd ) startBrush ) ( withTangent startTgtFwd startBrush ) startBrush
= fmap ( MkVector2D ( coords endPt ) • )
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent endTgt endBrush ) ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ endTgt ) endBrush ) endBrush
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent endTgtFwd endBrush ) ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ endTgtBwd ) endBrush ) endBrush
-> do
TwoSided ( fwdPts, fwdFits ) ( bwdPts, bwdFits ) <- updateSpline startTgt
TwoSided ( fwdPts, fwdFits ) ( bwdPts, bwdFits ) <- updateSpline ( startTgtFwd, startTgtBwd )
( Left ( adjustSplineType @Closed $ startCap <> fwdPts <> endCap <> bwdPts )
, fwdFits <> bwdFits
-- Closed brush path with at least one segment.
-- Add forward and backward caps at the start.
| ClosedCurves prevCurves lastCurve <- splineCurves
| ( firstOutlineFwd, firstOutlineBwd ) :<| _ <- outlineFns
, _ :|> ( lastOutlineFwd, lastOutlineBwd ) <- outlineFns
, let
startTgt, endTgt :: Vector2D Double
startTgt = case prevCurves of
Empty -> startTangent spt0 spt0 lastCurve
firstCrv :<| _ -> startTangent spt0 spt0 firstCrv
endTgt = case prevCurves of
Empty -> endTangent spt0 spt0 lastCurve
_ :|> lastPrev -> endTangent spt0 ( openCurveEnd lastPrev ) lastCurve
startTgtFwd, startTgtBwd, endTgtFwd, endTgtBwd :: Vector2D Double
startTgtFwd = snd $ firstOutlineFwd 0
startTgtBwd = snd $ firstOutlineBwd 1
endTgtFwd = snd $ lastOutlineFwd 1
endTgtBwd = snd $ lastOutlineBwd 0
fwdStartCap, bwdStartCap :: SplinePts Open
TwoSided fwdStartCap bwdStartCap
= fmap fst . snd . runWriter
$ tellBrushJoin endTgt spt0 startTgt
$ tellBrushJoin ( endTgtFwd, endTgtBwd ) spt0 ( startTgtFwd, startTgtBwd )
-> do
TwoSided ( fwdPts, fwdFits ) ( bwdPts, bwdFits ) <- updateSpline endTgt
TwoSided ( fwdPts, fwdFits ) ( bwdPts, bwdFits ) <- updateSpline ( endTgtFwd, endTgtBwd )
( Right ( adjustSplineType @Closed ( fwdStartCap <> fwdPts ), adjustSplineType @Closed ( bwdPts <> bwdStartCap ) )
, fwdFits <> bwdFits
@ -243,160 +245,54 @@ computeStrokeOutline fitParams ptParams brushFn spline@( Spline { splineStart =
-- Single point.
_ ->
( Left $ bimapSpline ( const id ) ( MkVector2D ( coords spt0 ) • ) ( brushShape spt0 )
( Left $ fmap ( MkVector2D ( coords spt0 ) • ) ( brushShape spt0 )
, Empty
:: Seq
( Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
, Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
outlineFns = go spt0 ( openCurves $ splineCurves ( adjustSplineType @Open spline ) )
:: ptData
-> Seq ( Curve Open crvData ptData )
-> Seq
( Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
, Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
go _ Empty = Empty
go p0 ( crv :<| crvs ) =
outlineFunctions @diffParams ptParams brushFn p0 crv :<| go ( openCurveEnd crv ) crvs
brushShape :: ptData -> SplinePts Closed
brushShape pt = brushFn ( ptParams pt )
updateSpline :: Vector2D Double -> ST s OutlineData
updateSpline lastTgt
updateSpline :: ( Vector2D Double, Vector2D Double ) -> ST s OutlineData
updateSpline ( lastTgtFwd, lastTgtBwd )
= execWriterT
. ( `evalStateT` lastTgt )
. ( `evalStateT` ( lastTgtFwd, lastTgtBwd ) )
$ bifoldSpline
( \ ptData curve -> do
prev_tgt <- get
( prev_tgtFwd, prev_tgtBwd ) <- get
tgt :: Vector2D Double
tgt = startTangent spt0 ptData curve
lift $ tellBrushJoin prev_tgt ptData tgt
lift $ strokeOutline ptData curve
put ( endTangent spt0 ptData curve )
fwd, bwd :: Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
( fwd, bwd ) = outlineFunctions @diffParams ptParams brushFn ptData curve
tgtFwd, tgtBwd, next_tgtFwd, next_tgtBwd :: Vector2D Double
tgtFwd = snd ( fwd 0 )
tgtBwd = snd ( bwd 1 )
next_tgtFwd = snd ( fwd 1 )
next_tgtBwd = snd ( bwd 0 )
lift $ tellBrushJoin ( prev_tgtFwd, prev_tgtBwd ) ptData ( tgtFwd, tgtBwd )
lift $ updateCurveData ( curveData curve ) fwd bwd
put ( next_tgtFwd, next_tgtBwd )
( const ( pure () ) )
( adjustSplineType @Open spline )
:: ptData -> Curve Open crvData ptData
-> WriterT OutlineData ( ST s ) ()
strokeOutline sp0 ( LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint sp1, curveData } ) =
p0, p1 :: Point2D Double
p0 = coords sp0
p1 = coords sp1
tgt :: Vector2D Double
tgt = p0 --> p1
brush :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush t = brushFn ( lerp @diffParams t ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) )
fwd, bwd :: Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
fwd t
= ( off t
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then tgt else offTgt
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent tgt ( brush x ) ) • lerp @( Vector2D Double ) x p0 p1
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| t < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off t --> off (t + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (t - 1e-9) --> off t )
bwd t
= ( off s
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then (-1) *^ tgt else offTgt
s :: Double
s = 1 - t
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ tgt ) ( brush x ) ) • lerp @( Vector2D Double ) x p0 p1
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| s < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off s --> off (s + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (s - 1e-9) --> off s )
updateCurveData curveData fwd bwd
strokeOutline sp0 ( Bezier2To { controlPoint = sp1, curveEnd = NextPoint sp2, curveData } ) =
p0, p1, p2 :: Point2D Double
p0 = coords sp0
p1 = coords sp1
p2 = coords sp2
bez :: Quadratic.Bezier ( Point2D Double )
bez = Quadratic.Bezier {..}
brush :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush t = brushFn
$ Quadratic.bezier @diffParams
( Quadratic.Bezier ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) ( ptParams sp2 ) ) t
fwd, bwd :: Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
fwd t
= ( off t
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then Quadratic.bezier' bez t else offTgt
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent ( Quadratic.bezier' bez x ) ( brush x ) ) • Quadratic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez x
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| t < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off t --> off (t + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (t - 1e-9) --> off t )
bwd t
= ( off s
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then (-1) *^ Quadratic.bezier' bez s else offTgt
s :: Double
s = 1 - t
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ Quadratic.bezier' bez x ) ( brush x ) ) • Quadratic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez x
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| s < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off s --> off (s + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (s - 1e-9) --> off s )
in updateCurveData curveData fwd bwd
strokeOutline sp0 ( Bezier3To { controlPoint1 = sp1, controlPoint2 = sp2, curveEnd = NextPoint sp3, curveData } ) =
p0, p1, p2, p3 :: Point2D Double
p0 = coords sp0
p1 = coords sp1
p2 = coords sp2
p3 = coords sp3
bez :: Cubic.Bezier ( Point2D Double )
bez = Cubic.Bezier {..}
brush :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush t = brushFn
$ Cubic.bezier @diffParams
( Cubic.Bezier ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) ( ptParams sp2 ) ( ptParams sp3 ) ) t
fwd, bwd :: Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
fwd t
= ( off t
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then Cubic.bezier' bez t else offTgt
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent ( Cubic.bezier' bez x ) ( brush x ) ) • Cubic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez x
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| t < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off t --> off (t + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (t - 1e-9) --> off t )
bwd t
= ( off s
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then (-1) *^ Cubic.bezier' bez s else offTgt
s :: Double
s = 1 - t
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off x = offset ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ Cubic.bezier' bez x ) ( brush x ) ) • Cubic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez x
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| s < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off s --> off (s + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (s - 1e-9) --> off s )
in updateCurveData curveData fwd bwd
:: crvData
-> ( Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double ) )
@ -426,15 +322,11 @@ computeStrokeOutline fitParams ptParams brushFn spline@( Spline { splineStart =
-- This happens at corners of the brush path (including endpoints of an open brush path, where the tangent flips direction).
:: Monad m
=> Vector2D Double
=> ( Vector2D Double, Vector2D Double )
-> ptData
-> Vector2D Double
-> ( Vector2D Double, Vector2D Double )
-> WriterT OutlineData m ()
tellBrushJoin prevTgt sp0 tgt
| tgt `parallel` prevTgt
= pure ()
| otherwise
= tell brushJoin
tellBrushJoin ( prevTgtFwd, prevTgtBwd ) sp0 ( tgtFwd, tgtBwd ) = tell brushJoin
ptOffset :: Vector2D Double
ptOffset = Point2D 0 0 --> coords sp0
@ -442,14 +334,111 @@ computeStrokeOutline fitParams ptParams brushFn spline@( Spline { splineStart =
brush0 = brushShape sp0
fwdJoin, bwdJoin :: SplinePts Open
| tgtFwd `parallel` prevTgtFwd
= Spline { splineStart = coords sp0, splineCurves = OpenCurves Empty }
| otherwise
= fmap ( ptOffset • )
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent prevTgt brush0 ) ( withTangent tgt brush0 ) brush0
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent prevTgtFwd brush0 ) ( withTangent tgtFwd brush0 ) brush0
| tgtBwd `parallel` prevTgtBwd
= Spline { splineStart = coords sp0, splineCurves = OpenCurves Empty }
| otherwise
= fmap ( ptOffset • )
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ tgt ) brush0 ) ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ prevTgt ) brush0 ) brush0
$ joinWithBrush ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ tgtBwd ) brush0 ) ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ prevTgtBwd ) brush0 ) brush0
brushJoin :: OutlineData
brushJoin = TwoSided ( fwdJoin, Empty ) ( bwdJoin, Empty )
-- | Computes the forward and backward stroke outline functions for a single curve.
:: forall diffParams brushParams crvData ptData
. ( Group diffParams, Module Double diffParams
, Torsor diffParams brushParams
, HasType ( Point2D Double ) ptData
-- Debugging.
, Show ptData
=> ( ptData -> brushParams )
-> ( brushParams -> SplinePts Closed )
-> ptData
-> Curve Open crvData ptData
-> ( Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
, Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
outlineFunctions ptParams brushFn sp0 crv =
p0 :: Point2D Double
p0 = coords sp0
brush :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
f :: Double -> Point2D Double
f' :: Double -> Vector2D Double
( brush, f, f' ) = case crv of
LineTo { curveEnd = NextPoint sp1 }
| let
p1 :: Point2D Double
p1 = coords sp1
tgt :: Vector2D Double
tgt = p0 --> p1
brush1 :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush1 t = brushFn ( lerp @diffParams t ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) )
-> ( brush1, \ t -> lerp @( Vector2D Double ) t p0 p1, const tgt )
Bezier2To { controlPoint = sp1, curveEnd = NextPoint sp2 }
| let
p1, p2 :: Point2D Double
p1 = coords sp1
p2 = coords sp2
bez :: Quadratic.Bezier ( Point2D Double )
bez = Quadratic.Bezier {..}
brush2 :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush2 t =
brushFn $
Quadratic.bezier @diffParams
( Quadratic.Bezier ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) ( ptParams sp2 ) ) t
-> ( brush2, Quadratic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez, Quadratic.bezier' bez )
Bezier3To { controlPoint1 = sp1, controlPoint2 = sp2, curveEnd = NextPoint sp3 }
| let
p1, p2, p3 :: Point2D Double
p1 = coords sp1
p2 = coords sp2
p3 = coords sp3
bez :: Cubic.Bezier ( Point2D Double )
bez = Cubic.Bezier {..}
brush3 :: Double -> SplinePts Closed
brush3 t =
brushFn $
Cubic.bezier @diffParams
( Cubic.Bezier ( ptParams sp0 ) ( ptParams sp1 ) ( ptParams sp2 ) ( ptParams sp3 ) ) t
-> ( brush3, Cubic.bezier @( Vector2D Double ) bez, Cubic.bezier' bez )
fwd, bwd :: Double -> ( Point2D Double, Vector2D Double )
fwd t
= ( off t
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then f' t else offTgt
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off u = offset ( withTangent ( f' u ) ( brush u ) ) • f u
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| t < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off t --> off (t + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (t - 1e-9) --> off t )
bwd t
= ( off s
, if squaredNorm offTgt < epsilon then (-1) *^ f' s else offTgt
s :: Double
s = 1 - t
off :: Double -> Point2D Double
off u = offset ( withTangent ( (-1) *^ f' u ) ( brush u ) ) • f u
offTgt :: Vector2D Double
| s < 0.5
= 1e9 *^ ( off s --> off (s + 1e-9) )
| otherwise
= 1e9 *^ ( off (s - 1e-9) --> off s )
in ( fwd, bwd )
-- Various utility functions
-- used in the "stroke" function.
Reference in a new issue